/* strop module */
+static char strop_module__doc__[] =
+"Common string manipulations, optimized for speed\n\
+Always use \"import string\" rather than referencing\n\
+this module directly";
#include "Python.h"
i = len;
return list;
+static char splitfields__doc__[] =
+"split(str [,sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings\n\
+splitfields(str [,sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings\n\
+Return a list of the words in the string s, using sep as the\n\
+delimiter string. If maxsplit is nonzero, splits into at most\n\
+maxsplit words If sep is not specified, any whitespace string\n\
+is a separator. Maxsplit defaults to 0.\n\
+(split and splitfields are synonymous)";
static PyObject *
strop_splitfields(self, args)
PyObject *self; /* Not used */
+static char joinfields__doc__[] =
+"join(list [,sep]) -> string\n\
+joinfields(list [,sep]) -> string\n\
+Return a string composed of the words in list, with\n\
+intervening occurences of sep. The default separator is a\n\
+single space.\n\
+(joinfields and join are synonymous)";
static PyObject *
strop_joinfields(self, args)
PyObject *self; /* Not used */
return res;
+static char find__doc__[] =
+"find(s, sub [,start [,end]]) -> in\n\
+Return the lowest index in s where substring sub is found,\n\
+such that sub is contained within s[start,end]. Optional\n\
+arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.\n\
+Return -1 on failure.";
static PyObject *
strop_find(self, args)
PyObject *self; /* Not used */
+static char rfind__doc__[] =
+"rfind(s, sub [,start [,end]]) -> int\n\
+Return the highest index in s where substring sub is found,\n\
+such that sub is contained within s[start,end]. Optional\n\
+arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.\n\
+Return -1 on failure.";
static PyObject *
strop_rfind(self, args)
PyObject *self; /* Not used */
return PyInt_FromLong(-1L);
static PyObject *
do_strip(args, striptype)
PyObject *args;
j = len;
if (striptype != LEFTSTRIP) {
+static char strip__doc__[] =
+"strip(s) -> string\n\
+Return a copy of the string s with leading and trailing\n\
+whitespace removed.";
static PyObject *
strop_strip(self, args)
PyObject *self; /* Not used */
return do_strip(args, BOTHSTRIP);
+static char lstrip__doc__[] =
+"lstrip(s) -> string\n\
+Return a copy of the string s with leading whitespace removed.";
static PyObject *
strop_lstrip(self, args)
PyObject *self; /* Not used */
return do_strip(args, LEFTSTRIP);
+static char rstrip__doc__[] =
+"rstrip(s) -> string\n\
+Return a copy of the string s with trailing whitespace removed.";
static PyObject *
strop_rstrip(self, args)
PyObject *self; /* Not used */
+static char lower__doc__[] =
+"lower(s) -> string\n\
+Return a copy of the string s converted to lowercase.";
static PyObject *
strop_lower(self, args)
PyObject *self; /* Not used */
+static char upper__doc__[] =
+"upper(s) -> string\n\
+Return a copy of the string s converted to uppercase.";
static PyObject *
strop_upper(self, args)
PyObject *self; /* Not used */
+static char capitalize__doc__[] =
+"capitalize(s) -> string\n\
+Return a copy of the string s with only its first character\n\
static PyObject *
strop_capitalize(self, args)
PyObject *self; /* Not used */
+static char swapcase__doc__[] =
+"swapcase(s) -> string\n\
+Return a copy of the string s with upper case characters\n\
+converted to lowercase and vice versa.";
static PyObject *
strop_swapcase(self, args)
PyObject *self; /* Not used */
+static char atoi__doc__[] =
+"atoi(s [,base]) -> int\n\
+Return the integer represented by the string s in the given\n\
+base, which defaults to 10. The string s must consist of one\n\
+or more digits, possibly preceded by a sign. If base is 0, it\n\
+is chosen from the leading characters of s, 0 for octal, 0x or\n\
+0X for hexadecimal. If base is 16, a preceding 0x or 0X is\n\
static PyObject *
strop_atoi(self, args)
PyObject *self; /* Not used */
+static char atol__doc__[] =
+"atol(s [,base]) -> long\n\
+Return the long integer represented by the string s in the\n\
+given base, which defaults to 10. The string s must consist\n\
+of one or more digits, possibly preceded by a sign. If base\n\
+is 0, it is chosen from the leading characters of s, 0 for\n\
+octal, 0x or 0X for hexadecimal. If base is 16, a preceding\n\
+0x or 0X is accepted. A trailing L or l is not accepted,\n\
+unless base is 0.";
static PyObject *
strop_atol(self, args)
PyObject *self; /* Not used */
+static char atof__doc__[] =
+"atof(s) -> float\n\
+Return the floating point number represented by the string s.";
static PyObject *
strop_atof(self, args)
PyObject *self; /* Not used */
+static char maketrans__doc__[] =
+"maketrans(frm, to) -> string\n\
+Return a translation table (a string of 256 bytes long)\n\
+suitable for use in string.translate. The strings frm and to\n\
+must be of the same length.";
static PyObject *
strop_maketrans(self, args)
PyObject *self; /* Not used */
+static char translate__doc__[] =
+"translate(s,table [,deletechars]) -> string\n\
+Return a copy of the string s, where all characters occurring\n\
+in the optional argument deletechars are removed, and the\n\
+remaining characters have been mapped through the given\n\
+translation table, which must be a string of length 256.";
static PyObject *
strop_translate(self, args)
PyObject *self;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
trans_table[i] = Py_CHARMASK(table[i]);
- for (i = 0; i < dellen; i++)
+ for (i = 0; i < dellen; i++)
trans_table[(int) Py_CHARMASK(del_table[i])] = -1;
for (i = inlen; --i >= 0; ) {
/* Fix the size of the resulting string */
if (inlen > 0 &&_PyString_Resize(&result, output-output_start))
- return NULL;
+ return NULL;
return result;
Locates the first occurance in the memory pointed to by MEM of the
contents of memory pointed to by PAT. Returns the index into MEM if
found, or -1 if not found. If len of PAT is greater than length of
- MEM, the function returns -1.
+ MEM, the function returns -1.
static int mymemfind(mem, len, pat, pat_len)
char *mem;
return nfound;
Return a string in which all occurences of PAT in memory STR are
- replaced with SUB.
+ replaced with SUB.
If length of PAT is less than length of STR or there are no occurences
of PAT in STR, then the original string is returned. Otherwise, a new
string is allocated here and returned.
on return, out_len is:
the length of output string, or
-1 if the input string is returned, or
-static PyObject*
+static char replace__doc__[] =
+"replace (str, old, new[, maxsplit]) -> string\n\
+Return a copy of string str with all occurrences of substring\n\
+old replaced by new. If the optional argument maxsplit is\n\
+given, only the first maxsplit occurrences are replaced.";
+static PyObject *
strop_replace(self, args)
PyObject *self; /* Not used */
PyObject *args;
static PyMethodDef
strop_methods[] = {
- {"atof", strop_atof},
- {"atoi", strop_atoi, 1},
- {"atol", strop_atol, 1},
- {"capitalize", strop_capitalize},
- {"find", strop_find, 1},
- {"join", strop_joinfields, 1},
- {"joinfields", strop_joinfields, 1},
- {"lstrip", strop_lstrip},
- {"lower", strop_lower},
- {"maketrans", strop_maketrans, 1},
- {"replace", strop_replace, 1},
- {"rfind", strop_rfind, 1},
- {"rstrip", strop_rstrip},
- {"split", strop_splitfields, 1},
- {"splitfields", strop_splitfields, 1},
- {"strip", strop_strip},
- {"swapcase", strop_swapcase},
- {"translate", strop_translate, 1},
- {"upper", strop_upper},
+ {"atof", strop_atof, 1, atof__doc__},
+ {"atoi", strop_atoi, 1, atoi__doc__},
+ {"atol", strop_atol, 1, atol__doc__},
+ {"capitalize", strop_capitalize, 1, capitalize__doc__},
+ {"find", strop_find, 1, find__doc__},
+ {"join", strop_joinfields, 1, joinfields__doc__},
+ {"joinfields", strop_joinfields, 1, joinfields__doc__},
+ {"lstrip", strop_lstrip, 1, lstrip__doc__},
+ {"lower", strop_lower, 1, lower__doc__},
+ {"maketrans", strop_maketrans, 1, maketrans__doc__},
+ {"replace", strop_replace, 1, replace__doc__},
+ {"rfind", strop_rfind, 1, rfind__doc__},
+ {"rstrip", strop_rstrip, 1,rstrip__doc__},
+ {"split", strop_splitfields, 1, splitfields__doc__},
+ {"splitfields", strop_splitfields, 1, splitfields__doc__},
+ {"strip", strop_strip, 1, strip__doc__},
+ {"swapcase", strop_swapcase, 1, swapcase__doc__},
+ {"translate", strop_translate, 1, translate__doc__},
+ {"upper", strop_upper, 1, upper__doc__},
{NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
PyObject *m, *d, *s;
char buf[256];
int c, n;
- m = Py_InitModule("strop", strop_methods);
+ m = Py_InitModule4("strop", strop_methods, strop_module__doc__,
d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
/* Create 'whitespace' object */