+static void
+ /* int lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarrayarc(const POINTARRAY *pa, const POINTARRAY *pb, DISTPTS *dl) */
+ int rv;
+ LWLINE *lwline1;
+ LWLINE *lwline2;
+ /* Unit semi-circle above X axis */
+ lwline1 = lwgeom_as_lwline(lwgeom_from_text("LINESTRING(-1 0, 0 1, 1 0)"));
+ /* Line above top of semi-circle */
+ lwline2 = lwgeom_as_lwline(lwgeom_from_text("LINESTRING(-2 2, -1 2, 1 2, 2 2)"));
+ lw_dist2d_distpts_init(&dl, DIST_MIN);
+ rv = lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarrayarc(lwline2->points, lwline1->points, &dl);
+ CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(dl.distance, 1, 0.000001);
+ /* Reversed arguments, should fail */
+ lw_dist2d_distpts_init(&dl, DIST_MIN);
+ cu_error_msg_reset();
+ rv = lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarrayarc(lwline1->points, lwline2->points, &dl);
+ //printf("%s\n", cu_error_msg);
+ CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL("lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarrayarc called with non-arc input", cu_error_msg);
+ lwline_free(lwline2);
+ /* Line along side of semi-circle */
+ lwline2 = lwgeom_as_lwline(lwgeom_from_text("LINESTRING(-2 -3, -2 -2, -2 2, -2 3)"));
+ lw_dist2d_distpts_init(&dl, DIST_MIN);
+ rv = lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarrayarc(lwline2->points, lwline1->points, &dl);
+ CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(dl.distance, 1, 0.000001);
+ /* Four unit semi-circles surrounding the 2x2 box around origin */
+ lwline_free(lwline1);
+ lwline_free(lwline2);
+ lwline1 = lwgeom_as_lwline(lwgeom_from_text("LINESTRING(-1 -1, -2 0, -1 1, 0 2, 1 1, 2 0, 1 -1, 0 -2, -1 -1)"));
+ lwline2 = lwgeom_as_lwline(lwgeom_from_text("LINESTRING(-2.5 -3, -2.5 -2, -2.5 2, -2.5 3)"));
+ rv = lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarrayarc(lwline2->points, lwline1->points, &dl);
+ CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL(dl.distance, 0.5, 0.000001);
+ lwline_free(lwline2);
+ lwline_free(lwline1);
** Used by test harness to register the tests in this file.
+ PG_TEST(test_lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarrayarc),
CU_SuiteInfo measures_suite = {"PostGIS Measures Suite", NULL, NULL, measures_tests};
LWDEBUG(2, "lw_dist2d_pt_ptarrayarc is called");
+ if ( pa->npoints % 2 == 0 || pa->npoints < 3 )
+ {
+ lwerror("lw_dist2d_pt_ptarrayarc called with non-arc input");
+ return LW_FALSE;
+ }
+ if (dl->mode == DIST_MAX)
+ {
+ lwerror("lw_dist2d_pt_ptarrayarc does not currently support DIST_MAX mode");
+ return LW_FALSE;
+ }
A1 = getPoint2d_cp(pa, 0);
if ( ! lw_dist2d_pt_pt(p, A1, dl) )
-test each segment of l1 against each segment of l2.
+* test each segment of l1 against each segment of l2.
lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarray(POINTARRAY *l1, POINTARRAY *l2,DISTPTS *dl)
return LW_TRUE;
+* Test each segment of pa against each arc of pb for distance.
+lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarrayarc(const POINTARRAY *pa, const POINTARRAY *pb, DISTPTS *dl)
+ int t, u;
+ const POINT2D *A1;
+ const POINT2D *A2;
+ const POINT2D *B1;
+ const POINT2D *B2;
+ const POINT2D *B3;
+ int twist = dl->twisted;
+ LWDEBUGF(2, "lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarrayarc called (points: %d-%d)",pa->npoints, pb->npoints);
+ if ( pb->npoints % 2 == 0 || pb->npoints < 3 )
+ {
+ lwerror("lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarrayarc called with non-arc input");
+ return LW_FALSE;
+ }
+ if ( dl->mode == DIST_MAX )
+ {
+ lwerror("lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarrayarc does not currently support DIST_MAX mode");
+ return LW_FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ A1 = getPoint2d_cp(pa, 0);
+ for ( t=1; t < pa->npoints; t++ ) /* For each segment in pa */
+ {
+ A2 = getPoint2d_cp(pa, t);
+ B1 = getPoint2d_cp(pb, 0);
+ for ( u=1; u < pb->npoints; u += 2 ) /* For each arc in pb */
+ {
+ B2 = getPoint2d_cp(pb, u);
+ B3 = getPoint2d_cp(pb, u+1);
+ dl->twisted = twist;
+ lw_dist2d_seg_arc(A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, dl);
+ /* If we've found a distance within tolerance, we're done */
+ if ( dl->distance <= dl->tolerance && dl->mode == DIST_MIN )
+ return LW_TRUE;
+ B1 = B3;
+ }
+ A1 = A2;
+ }
+ }
+ return LW_TRUE;
+* Test each arc of pa against each arc of pb for distance.
+lw_dist2d_ptarrayarc_ptarrayarc(const POINTARRAY *pa, const POINTARRAY *pb, DISTPTS *dl)
+ int t, u;
+ const POINT2D *A1;
+ const POINT2D *A2;
+ const POINT2D *A3;
+ const POINT2D *B1;
+ const POINT2D *B2;
+ const POINT2D *B3;
+ int twist = dl->twisted;
+ LWDEBUGF(2, "lw_dist2d_ptarrayarc_ptarrayarc called (points: %d-%d)",pa->npoints, pb->npoints);
+ if (dl->mode == DIST_MAX)
+ {
+ lwerror("lw_dist2d_ptarrayarc_ptarrayarc does not currently support DIST_MAX mode");
+ return LW_FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ A1 = getPoint2d_cp(pa, 0);
+ for ( t=1; t < pa->npoints; t++ ) /* For each segment in pa */
+ {
+ A2 = getPoint2d_cp(pa, t);
+ A3 = getPoint2d_cp(pa, t+1);
+ B1 = getPoint2d_cp(pb, 0);
+ for ( u=1; u < pb->npoints; u += 2 ) /* For each arc in pb */
+ {
+ B2 = getPoint2d_cp(pb, u);
+ B3 = getPoint2d_cp(pb, u+1);
+ dl->twisted = twist;
+ lw_dist2d_arc_arc(A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, dl);
+ /* If we've found a distance within tolerance, we're done */
+ if ( dl->distance <= dl->tolerance && dl->mode == DIST_MIN )
+ return LW_TRUE;
+ B1 = B3;
+ }
+ A1 = A3;
+ }
+ }
+ return LW_TRUE;
* Calculate the shortest distance between an arc and an edge.
* Line/circle approach from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1073336/circle-line-collision-detection
int lw_dist2d_pt_ptarray(POINT2D *p, POINTARRAY *pa, DISTPTS *dl);
int lw_dist2d_pt_ptarrayarc(const POINT2D *p, const POINTARRAY *pa, DISTPTS *dl);
int lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarray(POINTARRAY *l1, POINTARRAY *l2, DISTPTS *dl);
+int lw_dist2d_ptarray_ptarrayarc(const POINTARRAY *pa, const POINTARRAY *pb, DISTPTS *dl);
+int lw_dist2d_ptarrayarc_ptarrayarc(const POINTARRAY *pa, const POINTARRAY *pb, DISTPTS *dl);
int lw_dist2d_ptarray_poly(POINTARRAY *pa, LWPOLY *poly, DISTPTS *dl);
int lw_dist2d_point_point(LWPOINT *point1, LWPOINT *point2, DISTPTS *dl);
int lw_dist2d_point_line(LWPOINT *point, LWLINE *line, DISTPTS *dl);