concatenated as is. Fully decoding this file requires that the decoder
supports decoding concatenated files.
- good-single-none-empty_1.lzma is an empty file with implicit Copy
- filter and no integrity Check.
- good-single-none-empty_2.lzma is an empty file with implicit Copy
- filter and CRC32 as Check.
good-single-subblock_implicit.lzma uses implicit Subblock filter.
good-single-lzma.lzma is LZMA compressed file with EOPM.
good-single-subblock-lzma.lzma has basic combination of Subblock and
LZMA filters.
+ good-single-none-empty_1.lzma is an empty file with implicit Copy
+ filter and no integrity Check.
+ good-single-none-empty_2.lzma is an empty file with implicit Copy
+ filter and CRC32 as Check.
+ good-single-lzma-empty.lzma is an empty file with LZMA filter and no
+ integrity Check.
good-single-subblock_rle.lzma takes advantage of Subblock filter's
run-length encoding.