* Each closure state might be reachable by multiple epsilon-paths with
* different tags: this means that the regular expression is ambiguous
- * and can be parsed in different ways. Disambiguation strategy depends
- * on the type of the first (most prioritized) ambiguous tag: for simple
- * tags we always choose the leftmost epsilon-path through the NFA, for
- * POSIX captures the rules are more complex (opening and closing tags
- * are maximized unless one of them is bottom, in which case we fallback
- * to leftmost strategy; orbit tags are compared by order and by tagged
- * epsilon-paths so that earlier iterations are maximized).
- */
-static void indegree(nfa_state_t *s)
- ++s->indeg;
- ++s->indeg_backup;
- if (s->indeg > 1) return;
- switch (s->type) {
- case nfa_state_t::NIL:
- indegree(s->nil.out);
- break;
- case nfa_state_t::ALT:
- indegree(s->alt.out1);
- indegree(s->alt.out2);
- break;
- case nfa_state_t::TAG:
- indegree(s->tag.out);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- * If there is an epsilon-loop through initial closure states X and Y,
- * then in-degree of both X and Y in queue is non-zero; whichever of them
- * is popped out of queue first (say, X) may lead to an epsilon-loop through
- * Y back to X, reducing Y's in-degree before epsilon-path starting in Y is
- * inspected. In such unfortunate cases we have to reinstate Y's original
- * in-degree and repeat all the work.
+ * and can be parsed in different ways. Which parse to choose depends on the
+ * disambiguation policy. RE2C supports two policies: leftmost greedy and
+ * POSIX.
- * Paths with epsilon-loops will be terminated: by the time they are added
- * to queue, the resulting closure must already contain a non-looping path
- * for the same state, so the looping path must be compared to the old one.
- * This comparison will favour non-looping path with both POSIX and leftmost
- * policies. With leftmost non-looping history will dominate, since it is a
- * prefix of looping history. With POSIX either histories are equal for all
- * tags and there's no point in adding identical path to queue, or histories
- * of some orbit tag are not equal and shorter orbit history dominates.
+ * We use Goldber-Radzik algorithm to find the "shortest path".
+ * Both disambiguation policies forbid epsilon-cycles with negative weight.
-static void enqueue(closure_t &done, closure_t *shadow,
- clos_t x, Tagpool &tagpool, const std::vector<Tag> &tags)
+static void enqueue(clos_t x, std::stack<nfa_state_t*> &bstack, closure_t &done,
+ closure_t *shadow, Tagpool &tagpool, const std::vector<Tag> &tags)
nfa_state_t *n = x.state;
- clositer_t e, c;
+ uint32_t &i = n->clos;
- if (n->indeg == 0) n->indeg = n->indeg_backup;
- --n->indeg;
- c = done.begin(); e = done.end();
- for(; c != e && c->state != n; ++c);
- if (c == e) {
+ if (i == NOCLOS) {
+ i = static_cast<uint32_t>(done.size());
- } else if (better(*c, x, tagpool, tags)) {
- if (shadow) shadow->push_back(*c);
- *c = x;
+ } else if (better(done[i], x, tagpool, tags)) {
+ if (shadow) shadow->push_back(done[i]);
+ done[i] = x;
} else {
if (shadow) shadow->push_back(x);
- n->onqueue = true;
+ if (n->status != GOR_TOPSORT) {
+ bstack.push(n);
+ n->status = GOR_NEWPASS;
+ }
-void raw_closure(const closure_t &init, closure_t &done, closure_t *shadow,
- Tagpool &tagpool, const std::vector<Tag> &tags, std::valarray<Rule> &rules)
+static void scan(nfa_state_t *n, std::stack<nfa_state_t*> &bstack, closure_t &done,
+ closure_t *shadow, Tagpool &tagpool, const std::vector<Tag> &tags)
tagtree_t &history = tagpool.history;
- clositer_t b, e, i, j;
- // initialize in-degree of NFA states in this epsilon-closure
- // (outer NFA transitions do not contribute to in-degree)
- for (cclositer_t c = init.begin(); c != init.end(); ++c) {
- indegree(c->state);
+ clos_t x = done[n->clos];
+ switch (n->type) {
+ default: break;
+ case nfa_state_t::NIL:
+ x.state = n->nil.out;
+ enqueue(x, bstack, done, shadow, tagpool, tags);
+ break;
+ case nfa_state_t::ALT: {
+ hidx_t idx = x.index;
+ x.state = n->alt.out2;
+ x.index = history.push(idx, Tag::RIGHTMOST, 0);
+ enqueue(x, bstack, done, shadow, tagpool, tags);
+ x.state = n->alt.out1;
+ x.index = history.push(idx, Tag::RIGHTMOST, 1);
+ enqueue(x, bstack, done, shadow, tagpool, tags);
+ break;
+ }
+ case nfa_state_t::TAG:
+ x.state = n->tag.out;
+ x.tlook = history.push(x.tlook, n->tag.info,
+ n->tag.bottom ? TAGVER_BOTTOM : TAGVER_CURSOR);
+ enqueue(x, bstack, done, shadow, tagpool, tags);
+ break;
+void raw_closure(const closure_t &init, closure_t &done, closure_t *shadow,
+ Tagpool &tagpool, const std::vector<Tag> &tags, std::valarray<Rule> &rules)
+ std::stack<nfa_state_t*>
+ &astack = tagpool.astack,
+ &bstack = tagpool.bstack;
// enqueue all initial states
if (shadow) shadow->clear();
for (cclositer_t c = init.begin(); c != init.end(); ++c) {
- enqueue(done, shadow, *c, tagpool, tags);
+ enqueue(*c, bstack, done, shadow, tagpool, tags);
- for (;;) {
- // find state with the least in-degree and remove it from queue
- b = done.begin(); e = done.end();
- for (i = b, j = e; i != e; ++i) {
- if (!i->state->onqueue) continue;
- if (j == e || j->state->indeg > i->state->indeg) j = i;
- if (j != e && j->state->indeg == 0) break;
+ // Gordberg-Radzik 'shortest path' algorithm.
+ // Papers: 1993, "A heuristic improvement of the Bellman-Ford
+ // algorithm" by Goldberg, Radzik and 1996, Shortest paths algorithms:
+ // Theory andexperimental evaluation" by Cherkassky, Goldberg, Radzik.
+ // Complexity for digraph G=(V,E) is O(|V|*|E|).
+ for (; !bstack.empty(); ) {
+ // 1st step: find admissible subgraph reachable from B-stack
+ // and topologically sort it (this can be done by a single
+ // depth-first search that scans each state and pushes traversed
+ // states to A-stack in postorder)
+ for (; !bstack.empty(); ) {
+ nfa_state_t *n = bstack.top();
+ if (n->status == GOR_NEWPASS) {
+ n->status = GOR_TOPSORT;
+ scan(n, bstack, done, shadow, tagpool, tags);
+ } else if (n->status == GOR_TOPSORT) {
+ bstack.pop();
+ astack.push(n);
+ } else { // GOR_OFFSTACK
+ bstack.pop();
+ }
- if (j == e) break;
- clos_t x = *j;
- nfa_state_t *n = x.state;
- n->onqueue = false;
- // enqueue child NFA states
- switch (n->type) {
- default: break;
- case nfa_state_t::NIL:
- x.state = n->nil.out;
- enqueue(done, shadow, x, tagpool, tags);
- break;
- case nfa_state_t::ALT:
- x.state = n->alt.out1;
- x.index = history.push(x.index, Tag::RIGHTMOST, 1);
- enqueue(done, shadow, x, tagpool, tags);
- x.state = n->alt.out2;
- x.index = history.push(x.index, Tag::RIGHTMOST, 0);
- enqueue(done, shadow, x, tagpool, tags);
- break;
- case nfa_state_t::TAG:
- x.state = n->tag.out;
- x.tlook = history.push(x.tlook, n->tag.info,
- n->tag.bottom ? TAGVER_BOTTOM : TAGVER_CURSOR);
- enqueue(done, shadow, x, tagpool, tags);
- break;
+ // 2nd step: scan topologically ordered states from A-stack
+ // and push head states of relaxed transitions to B-stack
+ for (; !astack.empty(); ) {
+ nfa_state_t *n = astack.top();
+ astack.pop();
+ scan(n, bstack, done, shadow, tagpool, tags);
+ n->status = GOR_OFFSTACK;
- b = done.begin(); e = done.end();
+ clositer_t b = done.begin(), e = done.end(), i, j;
- // reset in-degree to zero (before removing any states from closure)
+ // reset associated closure items and check status
+ // (do this before removing any states from closure)
for (i = b; i != e; ++i) {
- i->state->indeg = i->state->indeg_backup = 0;
+ i->state->clos = NOCLOS;
+ assert(i->state->status == GOR_OFFSTACK);
// drop "inner" states (non-final without outgoing non-epsilon transitions)
const int32_t cmp = cmp_leftmost(c1, c2, tagpool);
if (cmp < 0) return false;
if (cmp > 0) return true;
- assert(false); // all paths are different
+ return false;
} else {
for (size_t t = 0; t < tagpool.ntags; ++t) {
const int32_t cmp = orbit(tags[t])