* dependence on spe. Against low mr victims, it typically
* does "double athame" damage, 2d4. Occasionally, it will
* cast unbalancing magic which effectively averages out to
- * 4d4 damage (2.5d4 against high mr victims), for spe = 0.
+ * 4d4 damage (3d4 against high mr victims), for spe = 0.
+ *
+ * Prior to 3.4.1, the cancel (aka purge) effect always
+ * included the scare effect too; now it's one or the other.
+ * Likewise, the stun effect won't be combined with either
+ * of those two; it will be chosen separately or possibly
+ * used as a fallback when scare or cancel fails.
+ *
+ * [Historical note: a change to artifact_hit() for 3.4.0
+ * unintentionally made all of Magicbane's special effects
+ * be blocked if the defender successfully saved against a
+ * stun attack. As of 3.4.1, those effects can occur but
+ * will be slightly less likely than they were in 3.3.x.]
#define MB_MAX_DIEROLL 8 /* rolls above this aren't magical */
-static const char * const mb_verb[4] = {
- "probe", "stun", "scare", "cancel"
+static const char * const mb_verb[2][4] = {
+ { "probe", "stun", "scare", "cancel" },
+ { "prod", "amaze", "tickle", "purge" },
#define MB_INDEX_PROBE 0
#define MB_INDEX_STUN 1
char *hittee; /* target's name: "you" or mon_nam(mdef) */
struct permonst *old_uasmon;
+ const char *verb;
boolean youattack = (magr == &youmonst),
youdefend = (mdef == &youmonst),
resisted = FALSE, do_stun, do_confuse, result;
/* the most severe effects are less likely at higher enchantment */
if (mb->spe >= 3)
scare_dieroll /= (1 << (mb->spe / 3));
+ /* if target successfully resisted the artifact damage bonus,
+ reduce overall likelihood of the assorted special effects */
+ if (!spec_dbon_applies) dieroll += 1;
/* might stun even when attempting a more severe effect, but
in that case it will only happen if the other effect fails;
- extra damage will apply regardless */
- do_stun = (mb->spe <= rn2(10));
- /* the special effects also boost physical damage (base 2d4 assumed);
- increments are generally cumulative, but since the stun effect is
- based on a different criterium its damage might not be included */
+ extra damage will apply regardless; 3.4.1: sometimes might
+ just probe even when it hasn't been enchanted */
+ do_stun = (max(mb->spe,0) < rn2(spec_dbon_applies ? 11 : 7));
+ /* the special effects also boost physical damage; increments are
+ generally cumulative, but since the stun effect is based on a
+ different criterium its damage might not be included; the base
+ damage is either 1d4 (athame) or 2d4 (athame+spec_dbon) depending
+ on target's resistance check against AD_STUN (handled by caller)
+ [note that a successful save against AD_STUN doesn't actually
+ prevent the target from ending up stunned] */
attack_indx = MB_INDEX_PROBE;
- *dmgptr += rnd(4); /* 3d4 */
+ *dmgptr += rnd(4); /* (2..3)d4 */
if (do_stun) {
attack_indx = MB_INDEX_STUN;
- *dmgptr += rnd(4); /* 4d4 */
+ *dmgptr += rnd(4); /* (3..4)d4 */
if (dieroll <= scare_dieroll) {
attack_indx = MB_INDEX_SCARE;
- *dmgptr += rnd(4); /* 5d4; actually (4 or 5)d4 */
+ *dmgptr += rnd(4); /* (3..5)d4 */
if (dieroll <= (scare_dieroll / 2)) {
attack_indx = MB_INDEX_CANCEL;
- *dmgptr += rnd(4); /* 6d4; actually (5 or 6)d4 */
+ *dmgptr += rnd(4); /* (4..6)d4 */
/* give the hit message prior to inflicting the effects */
+ verb = mb_verb[!!Hallucination][attack_indx];
if (youattack || youdefend || vis) {
result = TRUE;
pline_The("magic-absorbing blade %s %s!",
- vtense((const char *)0, mb_verb[attack_indx]), hittee);
+ vtense((const char *)0, verb), hittee);
/* assume probing has some sort of noticeable feedback
even if it is being done by one monster to another */
if (attack_indx == MB_INDEX_PROBE && !canspotmon(mdef))
- /* note: can't get probe result unless mb->spe >= 1, but
- guard against passing bad argument to rn2() anyway */
- if (youattack && (mb->spe < 1 || !rn2(4 * mb->spe))) {
- pline_The("probe is insightful.");
+ if (youattack && (mb->spe == 0 || !rn2(3 * abs(mb->spe)))) {
+ pline_The("%s is insightful.", verb);
/* pre-damage status */