. Enforce security in the fastcgi protocol parsing.
(ef-lists at email dotde)
. Fixed bug #53777 (php-fpm log format now match php_error log format). (fat)
+ . Fixed bug #53434 (php-fpm slowlog now also logs the original request). (fat)
- Readline extension:
. Fixed bug #53630 (Fixed parameter handling inside readline() function).
slot = fpm_shm_slots_acquire(0, 0);
slot->request_stage = FPM_REQUEST_ACCEPTING;
+ memset(slot->request_uri, 0, sizeof(slot->request_uri));
memset(slot->request_method, 0, sizeof(slot->request_method));
slot->content_length = 0;
memset(slot->script_filename, 0, sizeof(slot->script_filename));
struct fpm_shm_slot_s *slot;
+ char *request_uri = fpm_php_request_uri(TSRMLS_C);
char *request_method = fpm_php_request_method(TSRMLS_C);
char *script_filename = fpm_php_script_filename(TSRMLS_C);
slot->request_stage = FPM_REQUEST_INFO;
+ if (request_uri) {
+ cpystrn(slot->request_uri, request_uri, sizeof(slot->request_uri));
+ }
if (request_method) {
cpystrn(slot->request_method, request_method, sizeof(slot->request_method));
- zlog(ZLOG_WARNING, "[pool %s] child %d, script '%s' executing too slow (%d.%06d sec), logging",
- child->wp->config->name, (int) child->pid, purified_script_filename, (int) tv.tv_sec, (int) tv.tv_usec);
+ zlog(ZLOG_WARNING, "[pool %s] child %d, script '%s' (request: \"%s %s\") executing too slow (%d.%06d sec), logging",
+ child->wp->config->name, (int) child->pid, purified_script_filename, slot_c.request_method, slot_c.request_uri,
+ (int) tv.tv_sec, (int) tv.tv_usec);