/* Step Three: Create conn_rec for the socket we have open now. */
- if (!ctx->p_conn->connection) {
- status = ap_proxy_connection_create_ex(ctx->proxy_func, ctx->p_conn, ctx->r);
- if (status != OK) {
- ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, status, ctx->owner, APLOGNO(03353)
- "setup new connection: is_ssl=%d %s %s %s",
- ctx->p_conn->is_ssl, ctx->p_conn->ssl_hostname,
- locurl, ctx->p_conn->hostname);
- ctx->r_status = status;
- goto cleanup;
- }
- if (!ctx->p_conn->data && ctx->is_ssl) {
- /* New SSL connection: set a note on the connection about what
- * protocol we want.
- */
- apr_table_setn(ctx->p_conn->connection->notes,
- "proxy-request-alpn-protos", "h2");
- if (ctx->p_conn->ssl_hostname) {
- ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE1, 0, ctx->owner,
- "set SNI to %s for (%s)",
- ctx->p_conn->ssl_hostname,
- ctx->p_conn->hostname);
- apr_table_setn(ctx->p_conn->connection->notes,
- "proxy-request-hostname", ctx->p_conn->ssl_hostname);
- }
- }
+ status = ap_proxy_connection_create_ex(ctx->proxy_func, ctx->p_conn, ctx->r);
+ if (status != OK) {
+ ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, status, ctx->owner, APLOGNO(03353)
+ "setup new connection: is_ssl=%d %s %s %s",
+ ctx->p_conn->is_ssl, ctx->p_conn->ssl_hostname,
+ locurl, ctx->p_conn->hostname);
+ ctx->r_status = status;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ if (!ctx->p_conn->data && ctx->is_ssl) {
+ /* New SSL connection: set a note on the connection about what
+ * protocol we want.
+ */
+ apr_table_setn(ctx->p_conn->connection->notes,
+ "proxy-request-alpn-protos", "h2");
if (ctx->master->aborted) goto cleanup;
- if (!backend->connection) {
- status = ap_proxy_connection_create_ex("FTP", backend, r);
- if (status != OK) {
- proxy_ftp_cleanup(r, backend);
- return status;
- }
+ status = ap_proxy_connection_create_ex("FTP", backend, r);
+ if (status != OK) {
+ proxy_ftp_cleanup(r, backend);
+ return status;
/* Use old naming */
r = create_request_rec(ptemp, ctx->s, baton->balancer, wctx->method);
- if (!backend->connection) {
- if ((status = ap_proxy_connection_create_ex("HCOH", backend, r)) != OK) {
- return backend_cleanup("HCOH", backend, ctx->s, status);
- }
+ if ((status = ap_proxy_connection_create_ex("HCOH", backend, r)) != OK) {
+ return backend_cleanup("HCOH", backend, ctx->s, status);
set_request_connection(r, backend->connection);
/* Step Three: Create conn_rec */
- if (!backend->connection) {
- if ((status = ap_proxy_connection_create(UWSGI_SCHEME, backend,
- r->connection,
- r->server)) != OK)
- goto cleanup;
- }
+ if ((status = ap_proxy_connection_create(UWSGI_SCHEME, backend,
+ r->connection,
+ r->server)) != OK)
+ goto cleanup;
/* Step Four: Process the Request */
if (((status = ap_setup_client_block(r, REQUEST_CHUNKED_ERROR)) != OK)
/* Step Three: Create conn_rec */
- if (!backend->connection) {
- status = ap_proxy_connection_create_ex(scheme, backend, r);
- if (status != OK) {
- goto cleanup;
- }
+ status = ap_proxy_connection_create_ex(scheme, backend, r);
+ if (status != OK) {
+ goto cleanup;
/* Step Four: Process the Request */
/* Set a note on the connection about what CN is requested,
* such that mod_ssl can check if it is requested to do so.
+ ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE1, 0, conn->connection,
+ "%s: set SNI to %s for (%s)", proxy_function,
+ conn->ssl_hostname, conn->hostname);
apr_table_setn(conn->connection->notes, "proxy-request-hostname",
((dc->proxy->ssl_check_peer_cn != FALSE) ||
(dc->proxy->ssl_check_peer_name == TRUE)) &&
hostname_note) {
- apr_table_unset(c->notes, "proxy-request-hostname");
if (!cert
|| modssl_X509_match_name(c->pool, cert, hostname_note,
TRUE, server) == FALSE) {
hostname = ssl_var_lookup(NULL, server, c, NULL,
- apr_table_unset(c->notes, "proxy-request-hostname");
/* Do string match or simplest wildcard match if that
* fails. */