--- /dev/null
+digraph G {
+ graph [center=true,
+ color=white,
+ compound=true,
+ fontcolor=black,
+ fontname=Helvetica,
+ fontsize=14,
+ penwidth=0.1,
+ ratio="0,01"
+ ];
+ node [color="#bdd7e7",
+ fillcolor="#eff3ff",
+ fontcolor="#2171b5",
+ fontname=Helvetica,
+ fontsize=13,
+ label="\N",
+ shape=ellipse,
+ style=filled
+ ];
+ edge [color="#9ecae1",
+ fontcolor="#3182bd",
+ fontname=Helvetica,
+ fontsize=10,
+ style=solid
+ ];
+ "Prepare DAQ/Pre Set Event" [label="Pre Set Event"];
+ "Prepare DAQ/Pre Set Event" -> "Check if there is at least\none active IC headstage";
+ "Check if there is at least\none active IC headstage" -> "Check if no TTL channels are active";
+ "Check if no TTL channels are active" -> "All required analysis parameters present?";
+ "All required analysis parameters present?" -> "Check if all active IC\n headstages have the same stimset";
+ "Check if all active IC\n headstages have the same stimset" -> "All checks passed";
+ "All checks passed" -> Abort [label=No];
+ "All checks passed" -> "Set DAScale to 100pA\nfor all active IC headstages" [label=Yes];
+ "Set DAScale to 100pA\nfor all active IC headstages" -> "Write initial stepsize of 100pA into\nlabnotebook for all active IC headstages";
+ "Write initial stepsize of 100pA into\nlabnotebook for all active IC headstages" -> "Set \"DAScale exceeded\" labnotebook entry\nto false for all active IC headstages";
+ "Set \"DAScale exceeded\" labnotebook entry\nto false for all active IC headstages" -> "Store active headstages in labnotebook";
+ "Start DAQ/RA (only call for last active headstage)" -> "Prepare DAQ/Pre Set Event";
+ "Start DAQ/RA (only call for last active headstage)" -> "Post Sweep Event";
+ "Start DAQ/RA (only call for last active headstage)" -> "Post DAQ Event";
+ "Start DAQ/RA (only call for last active headstage)" -> "Post Set Event";
+ n60 [label="Pre DAQ Event"];
+ "Start DAQ/RA (only call for last active headstage)" -> n60;
+ "Post Sweep Event" -> "Iterate over all active headstages";
+ "Post Sweep Event" -> "Store pulse duration in labnotebook";
+ "Post DAQ Event" -> "Update Dashboard";
+ "Post Set Event" -> "Mark set as passed if 1 sweep passed,\nas failure otherwise";
+ "Post Set Event" -> "Set \"TP during ITI\" to enabled";
+ n60 -> "Enable \"Multidevice DAQ\"";
+ "Iterate over all active headstages" -> "Active headstages left?";
+ "Mark set as passed if 1 sweep passed,\nas failure otherwise" -> "Analysis parameter \"PostDAQSetDAScale\" is true";
+ "Set \"TP during ITI\" to enabled" -> "Set \"TP inserting\" to enabled";
+ "Enable \"Multidevice DAQ\"" -> "Enable \"Repeated Acquisition\"";
+ "Active headstages left?" -> "Have all headstages passed in one sweep\nof their stimset cycle?" [label=No];
+ "Active headstages left?" -> "Headstage passed?" [label=Yes];
+ "Analysis parameter \"PostDAQSetDAScale\" is true" -> "Set DAScale to the stored LBN value taking into account\nthe analysis parameter \"PostDAQDAScaleFactor\"\nand \"PostDAQDAScaleMinOffset\"\
+.\nSet it to \"PostDAQDAScaleForFailedHS\" for failed headstages.";
+ n61 [label="Is \"Unlocked indexing\" active"];
+ "Enable \"Repeated Acquisition\"" -> n61;
+ "Have all headstages passed in one sweep\nof their stimset cycle?" -> "Mark sweep as failed" [label=No];
+ "Have all headstages passed in one sweep\nof their stimset cycle?" -> "Mark sweep as passed" [label=Yes];
+ "Headstage passed?" -> "Headstage exceeded DAScale\n according to labnotebook entry?" [label=No];
+ "Set DAScale to the stored LBN value taking into account\nthe analysis parameter \"PostDAQDAScaleFactor\"\nand \"PostDAQDAScaleMinOffset\"\
+.\nSet it to \"PostDAQDAScaleForFailedHS\" for failed headstages." -> "Read active headstages from labnotebook\nand turn them all on again";
+ n61 -> Abort [label=Yes];
+ "Mark sweep as failed" -> "Have all active headstages an DAScale exceeded\n labnotebook entry?";
+ "Mark sweep as passed" -> "Skip to end of active set";
+ "Headstage exceeded DAScale\n according to labnotebook entry?" -> "Spike detected?\n(x range: pulse onset to end of sweep\ny condition: max above 0.01mV)\nStore result in labnotebook" [label=No];
+ "Have all active headstages an DAScale exceeded\n labnotebook entry?" -> "Skip to end of active set" [label=Yes];
+ "Spike detected?\n(x range: pulse onset to end of sweep\ny condition: max above 0.01mV)\nStore result in labnotebook" -> "Step size from labnotebook? (1)" [label=Yes];
+ "Spike detected?\n(x range: pulse onset to end of sweep\ny condition: max above 0.01mV)\nStore result in labnotebook" -> "Step size from labnotebook? (2)" [label=No];
+ "Step size from labnotebook? (1)" -> "Store DAScale in labnotebook" [label="+10pA"];
+ "Step size from labnotebook? (1)" -> "Offset DAScale by -50pA" [label="-50pA"];
+ "Step size from labnotebook? (1)" -> "Write step size of -50pA to labnotebook" [label="+100pA"];
+ "Step size from labnotebook? (2)" -> "Write step size of +10pA to labnotebook" [label="-50pA"];
+ "Step size from labnotebook? (2)" -> "Offset DAScale by +10pA" [label="+10pA"];
+ "Step size from labnotebook? (2)" -> "Offset DAScale by +100pA" [label="+100pA"];
+ "Store DAScale in labnotebook" -> "Mark headstage as passed";
+ "Offset DAScale by -50pA" -> "Mark headstage as failed";
+ "Write step size of -50pA to labnotebook" -> "Offset DAScale by -50pA";
+ "Write step size of +10pA to labnotebook" -> "Offset DAScale by +10pA";
+ "Offset DAScale by +10pA" -> "Mark headstage as failed";
+ "Offset DAScale by +100pA" -> "Mark headstage as failed";
+ "Mark headstage as passed" -> "Set DAScale to zero";
+ "Mark headstage as failed" -> "\"MaximumDAScale\" analysis parameter is not NaN?";
+ "Store active headstages in labnotebook" -> "Turn off active non-IC headstages";
+ "\"MaximumDAScale\" analysis parameter is not NaN?" -> "DAScale is larger than \"MaximumDAScale\"?" [label=Yes];
+ "Disable \"dDAQ\"/\"oodDAQ\"" -> "Set \"TP during ITI\" to disabled";
+ "Set \"TP during ITI\" to disabled" -> "Set \"ITI\" to 100ms";
+ "Set \"ITI\" to 100ms" -> "Set \"TP inserting\" to disabled";
+ "Turn off active non-IC headstages" -> "Set \"User onset delay\" to 0ms";
+ "Set \"User onset delay\" to 0ms" -> "Set \"Termination delay\" to 0 ms";
+ "Set \"Termination delay\" to 0 ms" -> "Disable \"dDAQ\"/\"oodDAQ\"";
+ "DAScale is larger than \"MaximumDAScale\"?" -> "Mark headstage as \"DAScale exceeded\"\nin labnotebook" [label=Yes];
+ "Mark headstage as \"DAScale exceeded\"\nin labnotebook" -> "Set DAScale to zero";
assert "Warning: no hard-coded metrics for" not in stderr, \
"incorrect warning triggered"
+@pytest.mark.xfail(strict=True) # FIXME
+def test_2193():
+ """
+ the canonical format should be stable
+ https://gitlab.com/graphviz/graphviz/-/issues/2193
+ """
+ # find our collocated test case
+ input = Path(__file__).parent / "2193.dot"
+ assert input.exists(), "unexpectedly missing test case"
+ # derive the initial canonicalization
+ canonical = dot("canon", input)
+ # now canonicalize this again to see if it changes
+ new = dot("canon", source=canonical)
+ assert canonical == new, "canonical translation is not stable"
def test_package_version():
The graphviz_version.h header should define a non-empty PACKAGE_VERSION