#include "llvm/Support/EndianStream.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/JSON.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ScopedPrinter.h"
#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
return CurrentStack;
+void writeTraceViewerRecord(uint16_t Version, raw_ostream &OS, int32_t FuncId,
+ uint32_t TId, uint32_t PId, bool Symbolize,
+ const FuncIdConversionHelper &FuncIdHelper,
+ double EventTimestampUs,
+ const StackTrieNode &StackCursor,
+ StringRef FunctionPhenotype) {
+ OS << " ";
+ if (Version >= 3) {
+ OS << llvm::formatv(
+ R"({ "name" : "{0}", "ph" : "{1}", "tid" : "{2}", "pid" : "{3}", )"
+ R"("ts" : "{4:f4}", "sf" : "{5}" })",
+ (Symbolize ? FuncIdHelper.SymbolOrNumber(FuncId)
+ : llvm::to_string(FuncId)),
+ FunctionPhenotype, TId, PId, EventTimestampUs,
+ StackCursor.ExtraData.id);
+ } else {
+ OS << llvm::formatv(
+ R"({ "name" : "{0}", "ph" : "{1}", "tid" : "{2}", "pid" : "1", )"
+ R"("ts" : "{3:f3}", "sf" : "{4}" })",
+ (Symbolize ? FuncIdHelper.SymbolOrNumber(FuncId)
+ : llvm::to_string(FuncId)),
+ FunctionPhenotype, TId, EventTimestampUs, StackCursor.ExtraData.id);
+ }
} // namespace
void TraceConverter::exportAsChromeTraceEventFormat(const Trace &Records,
unsigned id_counter = 0;
+ OS << "{\n \"traceEvents\": [";
DenseMap<uint32_t, StackTrieNode *> StackCursorByThreadId{};
DenseMap<uint32_t, SmallVector<StackTrieNode *, 4>> StackRootsByThreadId{};
DenseMap<unsigned, StackTrieNode *> StacksByStackId{};
std::forward_list<StackTrieNode> NodeStore{};
- // Create a JSON Array which will hold all trace events.
- json::Array TraceEvents;
+ int loop_count = 0;
for (const auto &R : Records) {
+ if (loop_count++ == 0)
+ OS << "\n";
+ else
+ OS << ",\n";
// Chrome trace event format always wants data in micros.
// CyclesPerMicro = CycleHertz / 10^6
// TSC / CyclesPerMicro == TSC * 10^6 / CycleHertz == MicroTimestamp
// type of B for begin or E for end, thread id, process id,
// timestamp in microseconds, and a stack frame id. The ids are logged
// in an id dictionary after the events.
- TraceEvents.push_back(json::Object({
- {"name", Symbolize ? FuncIdHelper.SymbolOrNumber(R.FuncId)
- : llvm::to_string(R.FuncId)},
- {"ph", "B"},
- {"tid", llvm::to_string(R.TId)},
- {"pid", llvm::to_string(Version >= 3 ? R.PId : 1)},
- {"ts", llvm::formatv("{0:f4}", EventTimestampUs)},
- {"sf", llvm::to_string(StackCursor->ExtraData.id)},
- }));
+ writeTraceViewerRecord(Version, OS, R.FuncId, R.TId, R.PId, Symbolize,
+ FuncIdHelper, EventTimestampUs, *StackCursor, "B");
case RecordTypes::EXIT:
case RecordTypes::TAIL_EXIT:
// (And/Or in loop termination below)
StackTrieNode *PreviousCursor = nullptr;
do {
- TraceEvents.push_back(json::Object({
- {"name", Symbolize
- ? FuncIdHelper.SymbolOrNumber(StackCursor->FuncId)
- : llvm::to_string(StackCursor->FuncId)},
- {"ph", "E"},
- {"tid", llvm::to_string(R.TId)},
- {"pid", llvm::to_string(Version >= 3 ? R.PId : 1)},
- {"ts", llvm::formatv("{0:f4}", EventTimestampUs)},
- {"sf", llvm::to_string(StackCursor->ExtraData.id)},
- }));
+ if (PreviousCursor != nullptr) {
+ OS << ",\n";
+ }
+ writeTraceViewerRecord(Version, OS, StackCursor->FuncId, R.TId, R.PId,
+ Symbolize, FuncIdHelper, EventTimestampUs,
+ *StackCursor, "E");
PreviousCursor = StackCursor;
StackCursor = StackCursor->Parent;
} while (PreviousCursor->FuncId != R.FuncId && StackCursor != nullptr);
+ OS << "\n ],\n"; // Close the Trace Events array.
+ OS << " "
+ << "\"displayTimeUnit\": \"ns\",\n";
// The stackFrames dictionary substantially reduces size of the output file by
// avoiding repeating the entire call stack of function names for each entry.
- json::Object StackFrames;
- for (const auto &Stack : StacksByStackId) {
- const auto &StackId = Stack.first;
- const auto &StackFunctionNode = Stack.second;
- json::Object::iterator It;
- std::tie(It, std::ignore) = StackFrames.insert({
- llvm::to_string(StackId),
- json::Object{
- {"name",
- Symbolize ? FuncIdHelper.SymbolOrNumber(StackFunctionNode->FuncId)
- : llvm::to_string(StackFunctionNode->FuncId)}},
- });
- if (StackFunctionNode->Parent != nullptr)
- It->second.getAsObject()->insert(
- {"parent", llvm::to_string(StackFunctionNode->Parent->ExtraData.id)});
+ OS << R"( "stackFrames": {)";
+ int stack_frame_count = 0;
+ for (auto map_iter : StacksByStackId) {
+ if (stack_frame_count++ == 0)
+ OS << "\n";
+ else
+ OS << ",\n";
+ OS << " ";
+ OS << llvm::formatv(
+ R"("{0}" : { "name" : "{1}")", map_iter.first,
+ (Symbolize ? FuncIdHelper.SymbolOrNumber(map_iter.second->FuncId)
+ : llvm::to_string(map_iter.second->FuncId)));
+ if (map_iter.second->Parent != nullptr)
+ OS << llvm::formatv(R"(, "parent": "{0}")",
+ map_iter.second->Parent->ExtraData.id);
+ OS << " }";
- json::Object TraceJSON{
- {"displayTimeUnit", "ns"},
- {"traceEvents", std::move(TraceEvents)},
- {"stackFrames", std::move(StackFrames)},
- };
- // Pretty-print the JSON using two spaces for indentations.
- OS << formatv("{0:2}", json::Value(std::move(TraceJSON)));
+ OS << "\n }\n"; // Close the stack frames map.
+ OS << "}\n"; // Close the JSON entry.
namespace llvm {