" SN_SOFO: empty sofofrom and sofoto
call Spellfile_Test(0z06000000000400000000FF000000000000000000000000, '')
+ " SN_SOFO: multi-byte characters in sofofrom and sofoto
+ call Spellfile_Test(0z0600000000080002CF810002CF82FF000000000000000000000000, '')
" SN_COMPOUND: compmax is less than 2
call Spellfile_Test(0z08000000000101, 'E759:')
" Test for the :mkspell command
func Test_mkspell()
call assert_fails('mkspell Xtest_us.spl', 'E751:')
+ call assert_fails('mkspell Xtest.spl abc', 'E484:')
call assert_fails('mkspell a b c d e f g h i j k', 'E754:')
+ " create a .aff file but not the .dic file
+ call writefile([], 'Xtest.aff')
+ call assert_fails('mkspell Xtest.spl Xtest', 'E484:')
+ call delete('Xtest.aff')
call writefile([], 'Xtest.spl')
call writefile([], 'Xtest.dic')
call assert_fails('mkspell Xtest.spl Xtest.dic', 'E13:')
call assert_fails('mkspell! Xtest.spl Xtest', 'E761:')
let &encoding = save_encoding
+ " missing UPP entry
+ call writefile(["FOL abc", "LOW abc"], 'Xtest.aff')
+ let save_encoding = &encoding
+ set encoding=cp949
+ let output = execute('mkspell! Xtest.spl Xtest')
+ call assert_match('Missing FOL/LOW/UPP line in Xtest.aff', output)
+ let &encoding = save_encoding
" duplicate word in the .dic file
call writefile(['2', 'good', 'good', 'good'], 'Xtest.dic')
call writefile(['NAME vim'], 'Xtest.aff')
call assert_match('First duplicate word in Xtest.dic line 3: good', output)
call assert_match('2 duplicate word(s) in Xtest.dic', output)
+ " use multiple .aff files with different values for COMPOUNDWORDMAX and
+ " MIDWORD (number and string)
+ call writefile(['1', 'world'], 'Xtest_US.dic')
+ call writefile(['1', 'world'], 'Xtest_CA.dic')
+ call writefile(["COMPOUNDWORDMAX 3", "MIDWORD '-"], 'Xtest_US.aff')
+ call writefile(["COMPOUNDWORDMAX 4", "MIDWORD '="], 'Xtest_CA.aff')
+ let output = execute('mkspell! Xtest.spl Xtest_US Xtest_CA')
+ call assert_match('COMPOUNDWORDMAX value differs from what is used in another .aff file', output)
+ call assert_match('MIDWORD value differs from what is used in another .aff file', output)
+ call delete('Xtest_US.dic')
+ call delete('Xtest_CA.dic')
+ call delete('Xtest_US.aff')
+ call delete('Xtest_CA.aff')
call delete('Xtest.dic')
call delete('Xtest.aff')
call delete('Xtest.spl')