incremented when new stun or confusion damage was suffered
female gnome who gains level can grow up into male-only gnome lord; give an
an alternate message instead of prohibiting the promotion
+kicked weapon which successfully hits monster vanishes from play
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
int otyp = obj->otyp, hmode;
boolean guaranteed_hit = (u.uswallow && mon == u.ustuck);
- hmode = (obj == uwep) ? HMON_APPLIED : (obj == kickedobj) ? HMON_KICKED
+ hmode = (obj == uwep) ? HMON_APPLIED
+ : (obj == kickedobj) ? HMON_KICKED
/* Differences from melee weapons:
if (tmp >= rnd(20)) {
+ boolean wasthrown = (thrownobj != 0);
+ /* attack hits mon */
if (hmode == HMON_APPLIED)
if (hmon(mon, obj, hmode)) { /* mon still alive */
cutworm(mon, bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y, obj);
exercise(A_DEX, TRUE);
- /* if hero is swallowed and projectile kills the engulfer,
- obj gets added to engulfer's inventory and then dropped,
+ /* if hero was swallowed and projectile killed the engulfer,
+ 'obj' got added to engulfer's inventory and then dropped,
so we can't safely use that pointer anymore; it escapes
the chance to be used up here... */
- if (!thrownobj)
+ if (wasthrown && !thrownobj)
return 1;
/* projectiles other than magic stones
sometimes disappear when thrown */
if (objects[otyp].oc_skill < P_NONE
* but we need ammo to stay around longer on average.
int broken, chance;
chance = 3 + greatest_erosion(obj) - obj->spe;
if (chance > 1)
broken = rn2(chance);