On Windows, passing a negative value to local results in an OSError because localtime_s on Windows does not support negative timestamps. Unfortunately this means that fold detection for timestamps between 0 and max_fold_seconds will result in this OSError since we subtract max_fold_seconds from the timestamp to detect a fold. However, since we know there haven't been any folds in the interval [0, max_fold_seconds) in any timezone, we can hackily just forego fold detection for this time range on Windows.
import time as _time
import math as _math
+import sys
def _cmp(x, y):
return 0 if x == y else 1 if x > y else -1
# 23 hours at 1969-09-30 13:00:00 in Kwajalein.
# Let's probe 24 hours in the past to detect a transition:
max_fold_seconds = 24 * 3600
+ # On Windows localtime_s throws an OSError for negative values,
+ # thus we can't perform fold detection for values of time less
+ # than the max time fold. See comments in _datetimemodule's
+ # version of this method for more details.
+ if t < max_fold_seconds and sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ return result
y, m, d, hh, mm, ss = converter(t - max_fold_seconds)[:6]
probe1 = cls(y, m, d, hh, mm, ss, us, tz)
trans = result - probe1 - timedelta(0, max_fold_seconds)
if not name.startswith('__') and not name.endswith('__'))
allowed = set(['MAXYEAR', 'MINYEAR', 'date', 'datetime',
'datetime_CAPI', 'time', 'timedelta', 'timezone',
- 'tzinfo'])
+ 'tzinfo', 'sys'])
self.assertEqual(names - allowed, set([]))
def test_divide_and_round(self):
self.assertEqual(t0.fold, 0)
self.assertEqual(t1.fold, 1)
+ def test_fromtimestamp_low_fold_detection(self):
+ # Ensure that fold detection doesn't cause an
+ # OSError for really low values, see bpo-29097
+ self.assertEqual(datetime.fromtimestamp(0).fold, 0)
def test_timestamp(self):
dt0 = datetime(2014, 11, 2, 1, 30)
--- /dev/null
+Fix bug where :meth:`datetime.fromtimestamp` erronously throws an
+:exc:`OSError` on Windows for values between 0 and 86400.
+Patch by Ammar Askar.
second = Py_MIN(59, tm.tm_sec);
/* local timezone requires to compute fold */
- if (tzinfo == Py_None && f == _PyTime_localtime) {
+ if (tzinfo == Py_None && f == _PyTime_localtime
+ /* On Windows, passing a negative value to local results
+ * in an OSError because localtime_s on Windows does
+ * not support negative timestamps. Unfortunately this
+ * means that fold detection for time values between
+ * 0 and max_fold_seconds will result in an identical
+ * error since we subtract max_fold_seconds to detect a
+ * fold. However, since we know there haven't been any
+ * folds in the interval [0, max_fold_seconds) in any
+ * timezone, we can hackily just forego fold detection
+ * for this time range.
+ */
+#ifdef MS_WINDOWS
+ && (timet - max_fold_seconds > 0)
+ ) {
long long probe_seconds, result_seconds, transition;
result_seconds = utc_to_seconds(year, month, day,