In toast_fetch_datum_slice(), we Assert() that what is passed in isn't
compressed, but we then later had a check to see what the length of if
what was passed in is compressed. That later check is rather confusing
since toast_fetch_datum_slice() is only ever called with non-compressed
datums and the Assert() earlier makes it clear that one shouldn't be
passing in compressed datums.
Add a comment to make it clear that toast_fetch_datum_slice() is just
for non-compressed datums, and remove the dead code.
* Reconstruct a segment of a Datum from the chunks saved
* in the toast relation
+ *
+ * Note that this function only supports non-compressed external datums.
* ----------
static struct varlena *
result = (struct varlena *) palloc(length + VARHDRSZ);
- else
- SET_VARSIZE(result, length + VARHDRSZ);
+ SET_VARSIZE(result, length + VARHDRSZ);
if (length == 0)
return result; /* Can save a lot of work at this point! */