accept wish for "grey spell book" not just "grey spellbook"
do not double credit when putting gold into an unpaid container
manes are nonliving
+poles and grappling hook worked thru walls when wearing Eyes of the Overworld
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
static const char
not_enough_room[] = "There's not enough room here to use that.",
where_to_hit[] = "Where do you want to hit?",
- cant_see_spot[] = "won't hit anything if you can't see that spot.";
+ cant_see_spot[] = "won't hit anything if you can't see that spot.",
+ cant_reach[] = "can't reach that spot from here.";
/* Distance attacks by pole-weapons */
!canseemon(mtmp))) {
return (res);
+ } else if (!couldsee(cc.x, cc.y)) { /* Eyes of the Overworld */
+ You(cant_reach);
+ return res;
/* Attack the monster there */
} else if (!cansee(cc.x, cc.y)) {
return (res);
+ } else if (!couldsee(cc.x, cc.y)) { /* Eyes of the Overworld */
+ You(cant_reach);
+ return res;
/* What do you want to hit? */