return GetNegatedExpression(N0, DAG, LegalOperations);
- // Transform fneg(bitconvert(x)) -> bitconvert(x^sign) to avoid loading
+ // Transform fneg(bitconvert(x)) -> bitconvert(x ^ sign) to avoid loading
// constant pool values.
- // TODO: We can also optimize for vectors here, but we need to make sure
- // that the sign mask is created properly for each vector element.
if (!TLI.isFNegFree(VT) && N0.getOpcode() == ISD::BITCAST &&
- !VT.isVector() &&
- N0.getNode()->hasOneUse() &&
- N0.getOperand(0).getValueType().isInteger()) {
+ N0.getNode()->hasOneUse()) {
SDValue Int = N0.getOperand(0);
EVT IntVT = Int.getValueType();
if (IntVT.isInteger() && !IntVT.isVector()) {
+ APInt SignMask;
+ if (N0.getValueType().isVector()) {
+ // For a vector, get a mask such as 0x80... per scalar element
+ // and splat it.
+ SignMask = APInt::getSignBit(N0.getValueType().getScalarSizeInBits());
+ SignMask = APInt::getSplat(IntVT.getSizeInBits(), SignMask);
+ } else {
+ // For a scalar, just generate 0x80...
+ SignMask = APInt::getSignBit(IntVT.getSizeInBits());
+ }
Int = DAG.getNode(ISD::XOR, SDLoc(N0), IntVT, Int,
- DAG.getConstant(APInt::getSignBit(IntVT.getSizeInBits()), IntVT));
+ DAG.getConstant(SignMask, IntVT));
- return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, SDLoc(N),
- VT, Int);
+ return DAG.getNode(ISD::BITCAST, SDLoc(N), VT, Int);
+++ /dev/null
-; RUN: llc -mcpu=cortex-a8 -mattr=+neon < %s | grep vneg
-target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64"
-target triple = "armv7-eabi"
-%aaa = type { %fff, %fff }
-%bbb = type { [6 x %ddd] }
-%ccc = type { %eee, %fff }
-%ddd = type { %fff }
-%eee = type { %fff, %fff, %fff, %fff }
-%fff = type { %struct.vec_float4 }
-%struct.vec_float4 = type { <4 x float> }
-define linkonce_odr arm_aapcs_vfpcc void @foo(%eee* noalias sret %agg.result, i64 %tfrm.0.0, i64 %tfrm.0.1, i64 %tfrm.0.2, i64 %tfrm.0.3, i64 %tfrm.0.4, i64 %tfrm.0.5, i64 %tfrm.0.6, i64 %tfrm.0.7) nounwind noinline {
- %tmp104 = zext i64 %tfrm.0.2 to i512 ; <i512> [#uses=1]
- %tmp105 = shl i512 %tmp104, 128 ; <i512> [#uses=1]
- %tmp118 = zext i64 %tfrm.0.3 to i512 ; <i512> [#uses=1]
- %tmp119 = shl i512 %tmp118, 192 ; <i512> [#uses=1]
- %ins121 = or i512 %tmp119, %tmp105 ; <i512> [#uses=1]
- %tmp99 = zext i64 %tfrm.0.4 to i512 ; <i512> [#uses=1]
- %tmp100 = shl i512 %tmp99, 256 ; <i512> [#uses=1]
- %tmp123 = zext i64 %tfrm.0.5 to i512 ; <i512> [#uses=1]
- %tmp124 = shl i512 %tmp123, 320 ; <i512> [#uses=1]
- %tmp96 = zext i64 %tfrm.0.6 to i512 ; <i512> [#uses=1]
- %tmp97 = shl i512 %tmp96, 384 ; <i512> [#uses=1]
- %tmp128 = zext i64 %tfrm.0.7 to i512 ; <i512> [#uses=1]
- %tmp129 = shl i512 %tmp128, 448 ; <i512> [#uses=1]
- %mask.masked = or i512 %tmp124, %tmp100 ; <i512> [#uses=1]
- %ins131 = or i512 %tmp129, %tmp97 ; <i512> [#uses=1]
- %tmp109132 = zext i64 %tfrm.0.0 to i128 ; <i128> [#uses=1]
- %tmp113134 = zext i64 %tfrm.0.1 to i128 ; <i128> [#uses=1]
- %tmp114133 = shl i128 %tmp113134, 64 ; <i128> [#uses=1]
- %tmp94 = or i128 %tmp114133, %tmp109132 ; <i128> [#uses=1]
- %tmp95 = bitcast i128 %tmp94 to <4 x float> ; <<4 x float>> [#uses=0]
- %tmp82 = lshr i512 %ins121, 128 ; <i512> [#uses=1]
- %tmp83 = trunc i512 %tmp82 to i128 ; <i128> [#uses=1]
- %tmp84 = bitcast i128 %tmp83 to <4 x float> ; <<4 x float>> [#uses=0]
- %tmp86 = lshr i512 %mask.masked, 256 ; <i512> [#uses=1]
- %tmp87 = trunc i512 %tmp86 to i128 ; <i128> [#uses=1]
- %tmp88 = bitcast i128 %tmp87 to <4 x float> ; <<4 x float>> [#uses=0]
- %tmp90 = lshr i512 %ins131, 384 ; <i512> [#uses=1]
- %tmp91 = trunc i512 %tmp90 to i128 ; <i128> [#uses=1]
- %tmp92 = bitcast i128 %tmp91 to <4 x float> ; <<4 x float>> [#uses=1]
- %tmp = fsub <4 x float> <float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00, float -0.000000e+00>, %tmp92 ; <<4 x float>> [#uses=1]
- %tmp28 = getelementptr inbounds %eee* %agg.result, i32 0, i32 3, i32 0, i32 0 ; <<4 x float>*> [#uses=1]
- store <4 x float> %tmp, <4 x float>* %tmp28, align 16
- ret void
; CORTEXA9-LABEL: test2:
; CORTEXA9: vneg.f32 s{{.*}}, s{{.*}}
+; If we're bitcasting an integer to an FP vector, we should avoid the FP/vector unit entirely.
+; Make sure that we're flipping the sign bit and only the sign bit of each float (PR20354).
+; So instead of something like this:
+; vmov d16, r0, r1
+; vneg.f32 d16, d16
+; vmov r0, r1, d16
+; We should generate:
+; eor r0, r0, #-214783648
+; eor r1, r1, #-214783648
+define <2 x float> @fneg_bitcast(i64 %i) {
+ %bitcast = bitcast i64 %i to <2 x float>
+ %fneg = fsub <2 x float> <float -0.0, float -0.0>, %bitcast
+ ret <2 x float> %fneg
+; VFP2-LABEL: fneg_bitcast:
+; VFP2-DAG: eor r0, r0, #-2147483648
+; VFP2-DAG: eor r1, r1, #-2147483648
+; VFP2-NOT: vneg.f32
+; NFP1-LABEL: fneg_bitcast:
+; NFP1-DAG: eor r0, r0, #-2147483648
+; NFP1-DAG: eor r1, r1, #-2147483648
+; NFP1-NOT: vneg.f32
+; NFP0-LABEL: fneg_bitcast:
+; NFP0-DAG: eor r0, r0, #-2147483648
+; NFP0-DAG: eor r1, r1, #-2147483648
+; NFP0-NOT: vneg.f32
+; CORTEXA8-LABEL: fneg_bitcast:
+; CORTEXA8-DAG: eor r0, r0, #-2147483648
+; CORTEXA8-DAG: eor r1, r1, #-2147483648
+; CORTEXA8-NOT: vneg.f32
+; CORTEXA8U-LABEL: fneg_bitcast:
+; CORTEXA8U-DAG: eor r0, r0, #-2147483648
+; CORTEXA8U-DAG: eor r1, r1, #-2147483648
+; CORTEXA8U-NOT: vneg.f32
+; CORTEXA9-LABEL: fneg_bitcast:
+; CORTEXA9-DAG: eor r0, r0, #-2147483648
+; CORTEXA9-DAG: eor r1, r1, #-2147483648
+; CORTEXA9-NOT: vneg.f32
%tmp = fsub <4 x float> zeroinitializer, %Q
ret <4 x float> %tmp
+; If we're bitcasting an integer to an FP vector, we should avoid the FPU/vector unit entirely.
+; Make sure that we're flipping the sign bit and only the sign bit of each float.
+; So instead of something like this:
+; movd %rdi, %xmm0
+; xorps .LCPI2_0(%rip), %xmm0
+; We should generate:
+; movabsq (put sign bit mask in integer register))
+; xorq (flip sign bits)
+; movd (move to xmm return register)
+define <2 x float> @fneg_bitcast(i64 %i) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: fneg_bitcast:
+; CHECK: movabsq $-9223372034707292160, %rax # imm = 0x8000000080000000
+; CHECK-NEXT: xorq %rdi, %rax
+; CHECK-NEXT: movd %rax, %xmm0
+; CHECK-NEXT: retq
+ %bitcast = bitcast i64 %i to <2 x float>
+ %fneg = fsub <2 x float> <float -0.0, float -0.0>, %bitcast
+ ret <2 x float> %fneg