. Fixed bug #72278 (getimagesize returning FALSE on valid jpg). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #65550 (get_browser() incorrectly parses entries with "+" sign).
- . Fixed bug #71882 (Negative ftruncate() on php://memory exhausts memory).
- (cmb)
- Streams:
. Fixed bug #72853 (stream_set_blocking doesn't work). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #72764 (ftps:// opendir wrapper data channel encryption fails
with IIS FTP 7.5, 8.5). (vhuk)
+ . Fixed bug #71882 (Negative ftruncate() on php://memory exhausts memory).
+ (cmb)
- Sysvshm:
. Fixed bug #72858 (shm_attach null dereference). (Anatol)