* This variable is shared by the single-key MinimalTuple case and the
- * Datum case. Otherwise it's NULL.
+ * Datum case (which both use qsort_ssup()). Otherwise it's NULL.
SortSupport onlyKey;
static void free_sort_tuple(Tuplesortstate *state, SortTuple *stup);
- * Special versions of qsort just for SortTuple objects. We have one for the
- * single-key case (qsort_ssup) and one for multi-key cases (qsort_tuple).
+ * Special versions of qsort just for SortTuple objects. qsort_tuple() sorts
+ * any variant of SortTuples, using the appropriate comparetup function.
+ * qsort_ssup() is specialized for the case where the comparetup function
+ * reduces to ApplySortComparator(), that is single-key MinimalTuple sorts
+ * and Datum sorts.
#include "qsort_tuple.c"