--export([start/2, stop/1, compile/1, get_cookie/0,
- remove_node/1, set_password/3, check_password/3,
- check_password_hash/4, delete_old_users/1,
- delete_old_users_vhost/2, ban_account/3,
+-export([start/2, stop/1, mod_opt_type/1,
+ get_commands_spec/0, depends/2]).
+% Commands API
+ % Adminsys
+ compile/1, get_cookie/0, remove_node/1, export2sql/2,
+ restart_module/2,
+ % Sessions
num_active_users/2, num_resources/2, resource_num/3,
kick_session/4, status_num/2, status_num/1,
status_list/2, status_list/1, connected_users_info/0,
connected_users_vhost/1, set_presence/7,
- user_sessions_info/2, set_nickname/3, get_vcard/3,
+ get_presence/2, user_sessions_info/2, get_last/2,
+ % Accounts
+ set_password/3, check_password_hash/4, delete_old_users/1,
+ delete_old_users_vhost/2, ban_account/3, check_password/3,
+ % vCard
+ set_nickname/3, get_vcard/3,
get_vcard/4, get_vcard_multi/4, set_vcard/4,
- set_vcard/5, add_rosteritem/7, delete_rosteritem/4,
+ set_vcard/5,
+ % Roster
+ add_rosteritem/7, delete_rosteritem/4,
process_rosteritems/5, get_roster/2, push_roster/3,
- push_roster_all/1, push_alltoall/2, get_last/2,
- private_get/4, private_set/3, srg_create/5,
+ push_roster_all/1, push_alltoall/2,
+ % Private storage
+ private_get/4, private_set/3,
+ % Shared roster
+ srg_create/5,
srg_delete/2, srg_list/1, srg_get_info/2,
srg_get_members/2, srg_user_add/4, srg_user_del/4,
- send_message/5, send_stanza/3, send_stanza_c2s/4, privacy_set/3,
- stats/1, stats/2, mod_opt_type/1, get_commands_spec/0, depends/2]).
+ % Send message
+ send_message/5, send_stanza/3, send_stanza_c2s/4,
+ % Privacy list
+ privacy_set/3,
+ % Stats
+ stats/1, stats/2
+ ]).
result = {res, rescode},
result_example = ok,
result_desc = "Status code: 0 on success, 1 otherwise"},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = export2sql, tags = [mnesia],
+ desc = "Export Mnesia tables to files in directory",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = export2sql,
+ args = [{host, string}, {path, string}],
+ args_example = ["myserver.com","/tmp/export/sql"],
+ args_desc = ["Server name", "File to write sql export"],
+ result = {res, rescode},
+ result_example = ok,
+ result_desc = "Status code: 0 on success, 1 otherwise"},
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = restart_module, tags = [erlang],
+ desc = "Stop an ejabberd module, reload code and start",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = restart_module,
+ args = [{host, binary}, {module, binary}],
+ args_example = ["myserver.com","mod_admin_extra"],
+ args_desc = ["Server name", "Module to restart"],
+ result = {res, integer},
+ result_example = 0,
+ result_desc = "Returns integer code:\n"
+ " - 0: code reloaded, module restarted\n"
+ " - 1: error: module not loaded\n"
+ " - 2: code not reloaded, but module restarted"},
#ejabberd_commands{name = num_active_users, tags = [accounts, stats],
desc = "Get number of users active in the last days",
- policy = admin,
+ policy = admin,
module = ?MODULE, function = num_active_users,
args = [{host, binary}, {days, integer}],
args_example = [<<"myserver.com">>, 3],
result_desc = "Status code: 0 on success, 1 otherwise"},
#ejabberd_commands{name = status_num_host, tags = [session, stats],
desc = "Number of logged users with this status in host",
- policy = admin,
+ policy = admin,
module = ?MODULE, function = status_num,
args = [{host, binary}, {status, binary}],
args_example = [<<"myserver.com">>, <<"dnd">>],
result_desc = "Number of connected sessions with given status type"},
#ejabberd_commands{name = status_num, tags = [session, stats],
desc = "Number of logged users with this status",
- policy = admin,
+ policy = admin,
module = ?MODULE, function = status_num,
args = [{status, binary}],
args_example = [<<"dnd">>],
#ejabberd_commands{name = connected_users_vhost,
- tags = [session],
- desc = "Get the list of established sessions in a vhost",
- module = ?MODULE, function = connected_users_vhost,
- args = [{host, binary}],
- result = {connected_users_vhost, {list, {sessions, string}}}},
+ tags = [session],
+ desc = "Get the list of established sessions in a vhost",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = connected_users_vhost,
+ args = [{host, binary}],
+ result = {connected_users_vhost, {list, {sessions, string}}}},
#ejabberd_commands{name = user_sessions_info,
tags = [session],
desc = "Get information about all sessions of a user",
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = get_presence, tags = [session],
+ desc =
+ "Retrieve the resource with highest priority, "
+ "and its presence (show and status message) "
+ "for a given user.",
+ longdesc =
+ "The 'jid' value contains the user jid "
+ "with resource.\nThe 'show' value contains "
+ "the user presence flag. It can take "
+ "limited values:\n - available\n - chat "
+ "(Free for chat)\n - away\n - dnd (Do "
+ "not disturb)\n - xa (Not available, "
+ "extended away)\n - unavailable (Not "
+ "connected)\n\n'status' is a free text "
+ "defined by the user client.",
+ module = ?MODULE, function = get_presence,
+ args = [{user, binary}, {server, binary}],
+ result =
+ {presence,
+ {tuple,
+ [{jid, string}, {show, string},
+ {status, string}]}}},
#ejabberd_commands{name = set_presence,
tags = [session],
desc = "Set presence of a session",
#ejabberd_commands{name = get_offline_count,
tags = [offline],
desc = "Get the number of unread offline messages",
- policy = user,
+ policy = user,
module = mod_offline, function = count_offline_messages,
args = [],
result = {value, integer}},
#ejabberd_commands{name = stats, tags = [stats],
desc = "Get statistical value: registeredusers onlineusers onlineusersnode uptimeseconds processes",
- policy = admin,
+ policy = admin,
module = ?MODULE, function = stats,
args = [{name, binary}],
result = {stat, integer}},
#ejabberd_commands{name = stats_host, tags = [stats],
desc = "Get statistical value for this host: registeredusers onlineusers",
- policy = admin,
+ policy = admin,
module = ?MODULE, function = stats,
args = [{name, binary}, {host, binary}],
result = {stat, integer}}
mnesia:del_table_copy(schema, list_to_atom(Node)),
+restart_module(Host, Module) when is_binary(Module) ->
+ restart_module(Host, jlib:binary_to_atom(Module));
+restart_module(Host, Module) when is_atom(Module) ->
+ List = gen_mod:loaded_modules_with_opts(Host),
+ case proplists:get_value(Module, List) of
+ undefined ->
+ % not a running module, force code reload anyway
+ code:purge(Module),
+ code:delete(Module),
+ code:load_file(Module),
+ 1;
+ Opts ->
+ gen_mod:stop_module(Host, Module),
+ case code:soft_purge(Module) of
+ true ->
+ code:delete(Module),
+ code:load_file(Module),
+ gen_mod:start_module(Host, Module, Opts),
+ 0;
+ false ->
+ gen_mod:start_module(Host, Module, Opts),
+ 2
+ end
+ end.
+export2sql(Host, Directory) ->
+ Tables = [{export_last, last},
+ {export_offline, offline},
+ {export_passwd, passwd},
+ {export_private_storage, private_storage},
+ {export_roster, roster},
+ {export_vcard, vcard},
+ {export_vcard_search, vcard_search}],
+ Export = fun({TableFun, Table}) ->
+ Filename = filename:join([Directory, atom_to_list(Table)++".txt"]),
+ io:format("Trying to export Mnesia table '~p' on Host '~s' to file '~s'~n", [Table, Host, Filename]),
+ Res = (catch ejd2sql:TableFun(Host, Filename)),
+ io:format(" Result: ~p~n", [Res])
+ end,
+ lists:foreach(Export, Tables),
+ ok.
%%% Accounts
{A, _} when is_tuple(A) -> scrammed;
{_, <<"md5">>} -> get_md5(AccountPass);
{_, <<"sha">>} -> get_sha(AccountPass);
- {_, Method} ->
+ {_, Method} ->
?ERROR_MSG("check_password_hash called "
- "with hash method: ~p", [Method]),
- undefined
+ "with hash method: ~p", [Method]),
+ undefined
case AccountPassHash of
scrammed ->
|| X <- binary_to_list(p1_sha:sha1(AccountPass))]).
num_active_users(Host, Days) ->
- list_last_activity(Host, true, Days).
+ DB_Type = gen_mod:db_type(Host, mod_last),
+ list_last_activity(Host, true, Days, DB_Type).
%% Code based on ejabberd/src/web/ejabberd_web_admin.erl
-list_last_activity(Host, Integral, Days) ->
+list_last_activity(Host, Integral, Days, mnesia) ->
TimeStamp = p1_time_compat:system_time(seconds),
TS = TimeStamp - Days * 86400,
case catch mnesia:dirty_select(
lists:nth(Days, Hist ++ Tail)
- end.
+ end;
+list_last_activity(_Host, _Integral, _Days, DB_Type) ->
+ throw({error, iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format("Unsupported backend: ~p",
+ [DB_Type]))}).
histogram(Values, Integral) ->
histogram(lists:sort(Values), Integral, 0, 0, []).
histogram([H | T], Integral, Current, Count, Hist) when Current == H ->
%% Replace newline characters with other code
ejabberd_regexp:greplace(String, <<"\n">>, <<"\\n">>).
+get_presence(U, S) ->
+ Pids = [ejabberd_sm:get_session_pid(U, S, R)
+ || R <- ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(U, S)],
+ OnlinePids = [Pid || Pid <- Pids, Pid=/=none],
+ case OnlinePids of
+ [] ->
+ {jid:to_string({U, S, <<>>}), <<"unavailable">>, <<"">>};
+ [SessionPid|_] ->
+ {_User, Resource, Show, Status} =
+ ejabberd_c2s:get_presence(SessionPid),
+ FullJID = jid:to_string({U, S, Resource}),
+ {FullJID, Show, Status}
+ end.
set_presence(User, Host, Resource, Type, Show, Status, Priority)
when is_integer(Priority) ->
BPriority = integer_to_binary(Priority),