sortState->bound = tuples_needed;
+ else if (IsA(child_node, AppendState))
+ {
+ /*
+ * If it is an Append, we can apply the bound to any nodes that are
+ * children of the Append, since the Append surely need read no more
+ * than that many tuples from any one input.
+ */
+ AppendState *aState = (AppendState *) child_node;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < aState->as_nplans; i++)
+ ExecSetTupleBound(tuples_needed, aState->appendplans[i]);
+ }
else if (IsA(child_node, MergeAppendState))
+ WRITE_FLOAT_FIELD(limit_tuples, "%.0f");
static void
#include "optimizer/tlist.h"
#include "parser/parse_clause.h"
#include "parser/parsetree.h"
+#include "partitioning/partbounds.h"
#include "partitioning/partprune.h"
#include "rewrite/rewriteManip.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
Index rti, RangeTblEntry *rte);
static void set_append_rel_pathlist(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel,
Index rti, RangeTblEntry *rte);
-static void generate_mergeappend_paths(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel,
- List *live_childrels,
- List *all_child_pathkeys,
- List *partitioned_rels);
+static void generate_orderedappend_paths(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel,
+ List *live_childrels,
+ List *all_child_pathkeys,
+ List *partitioned_rels);
static Path *get_cheapest_parameterized_child_path(PlannerInfo *root,
RelOptInfo *rel,
Relids required_outer);
static void accumulate_append_subpath(Path *path,
List **subpaths, List **special_subpaths);
+static Path *get_singleton_append_subpath(Path *path);
static void set_dummy_rel_pathlist(RelOptInfo *rel);
static void set_subquery_pathlist(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel,
Index rti, RangeTblEntry *rte);
if (subpaths_valid)
add_path(rel, (Path *) create_append_path(root, rel, subpaths, NIL,
- NULL, 0, false,
+ NIL, NULL, 0, false,
partitioned_rels, -1));
/* Generate a partial append path. */
appendpath = create_append_path(root, rel, NIL, partial_subpaths,
- NULL, parallel_workers,
+ NIL, NULL, parallel_workers,
partitioned_rels, -1);
appendpath = create_append_path(root, rel, pa_nonpartial_subpaths,
- NULL, parallel_workers, true,
+ NIL, NULL, parallel_workers, true,
partitioned_rels, partial_rows);
add_partial_path(rel, (Path *) appendpath);
- * Also build unparameterized MergeAppend paths based on the collected
+ * Also build unparameterized ordered append paths based on the collected
* list of child pathkeys.
if (subpaths_valid)
- generate_mergeappend_paths(root, rel, live_childrels,
- all_child_pathkeys,
- partitioned_rels);
+ generate_orderedappend_paths(root, rel, live_childrels,
+ all_child_pathkeys,
+ partitioned_rels);
* Build Append paths for each parameterization seen among the child rels.
if (subpaths_valid)
add_path(rel, (Path *)
create_append_path(root, rel, subpaths, NIL,
- required_outer, 0, false,
+ NIL, required_outer, 0, false,
partitioned_rels, -1));
appendpath = create_append_path(root, rel, NIL, list_make1(path),
- NULL, path->parallel_workers,
- true,
+ path->parallel_workers, true,
partitioned_rels, partial_rows);
add_partial_path(rel, (Path *) appendpath);
- * generate_mergeappend_paths
- * Generate MergeAppend paths for an append relation
+ * generate_orderedappend_paths
+ * Generate ordered append paths for an append relation
- * Generate a path for each ordering (pathkey list) appearing in
+ * Usually we generate MergeAppend paths here, but there are some special
+ * cases where we can generate simple Append paths, because the subpaths
+ * can provide tuples in the required order already.
+ *
+ * We generate a path for each ordering (pathkey list) appearing in
* all_child_pathkeys.
* We consider both cheapest-startup and cheapest-total cases, ie, for each
* interesting ordering, collect all the cheapest startup subpaths and all the
- * cheapest total paths, and build a MergeAppend path for each case.
+ * cheapest total paths, and build a suitable path for each case.
- * We don't currently generate any parameterized MergeAppend paths. While
+ * We don't currently generate any parameterized ordered paths here. While
* it would not take much more code here to do so, it's very unclear that it
* is worth the planning cycles to investigate such paths: there's little
* use for an ordered path on the inside of a nestloop. In fact, it's likely
* and a parameterized MergeAppend is going to be more expensive than the
* corresponding parameterized Append path. If we ever try harder to support
* parameterized mergejoin plans, it might be worth adding support for
- * parameterized MergeAppends to feed such joins. (See notes in
+ * parameterized paths here to feed such joins. (See notes in
* optimizer/README for why that might not ever happen, though.)
static void
-generate_mergeappend_paths(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel,
- List *live_childrels,
- List *all_child_pathkeys,
- List *partitioned_rels)
+generate_orderedappend_paths(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel,
+ List *live_childrels,
+ List *all_child_pathkeys,
+ List *partitioned_rels)
ListCell *lcp;
+ List *partition_pathkeys = NIL;
+ List *partition_pathkeys_desc = NIL;
+ bool partition_pathkeys_partial = true;
+ bool partition_pathkeys_desc_partial = true;
+ /*
+ * Some partitioned table setups may allow us to use an Append node
+ * instead of a MergeAppend. This is possible in cases such as RANGE
+ * partitioned tables where it's guaranteed that an earlier partition must
+ * contain rows which come earlier in the sort order. To detect whether
+ * this is relevant, build pathkey descriptions of the partition ordering,
+ * for both forward and reverse scans.
+ */
+ if (rel->part_scheme != NULL && IS_SIMPLE_REL(rel) &&
+ partitions_are_ordered(rel->boundinfo, rel->nparts))
+ {
+ partition_pathkeys = build_partition_pathkeys(root, rel,
+ ForwardScanDirection,
+ &partition_pathkeys_partial);
+ partition_pathkeys_desc = build_partition_pathkeys(root, rel,
+ BackwardScanDirection,
+ &partition_pathkeys_desc_partial);
+ /*
+ * You might think we should truncate_useless_pathkeys here, but
+ * allowing partition keys which are a subset of the query's pathkeys
+ * can often be useful. For example, consider a table partitioned by
+ * RANGE (a, b), and a query with ORDER BY a, b, c. If we have child
+ * paths that can produce the a, b, c ordering (perhaps via indexes on
+ * (a, b, c)) then it works to consider the appendrel output as
+ * ordered by a, b, c.
+ */
+ }
+ /* Now consider each interesting sort ordering */
foreach(lcp, all_child_pathkeys)
List *pathkeys = (List *) lfirst(lcp);
List *total_subpaths = NIL;
bool startup_neq_total = false;
ListCell *lcr;
+ bool match_partition_order;
+ bool match_partition_order_desc;
+ /*
+ * Determine if this sort ordering matches any partition pathkeys we
+ * have, for both ascending and descending partition order. If the
+ * partition pathkeys happen to be contained in pathkeys then it still
+ * works, as described above, providing that the partition pathkeys
+ * are complete and not just a prefix of the partition keys. (In such
+ * cases we'll be relying on the child paths to have sorted the
+ * lower-order columns of the required pathkeys.)
+ */
+ match_partition_order =
+ pathkeys_contained_in(pathkeys, partition_pathkeys) ||
+ (!partition_pathkeys_partial &&
+ pathkeys_contained_in(partition_pathkeys, pathkeys));
+ match_partition_order_desc = !match_partition_order &&
+ (pathkeys_contained_in(pathkeys, partition_pathkeys_desc) ||
+ (!partition_pathkeys_desc_partial &&
+ pathkeys_contained_in(partition_pathkeys_desc, pathkeys)));
/* Select the child paths for this ordering... */
foreach(lcr, live_childrels)
if (cheapest_startup != cheapest_total)
startup_neq_total = true;
- accumulate_append_subpath(cheapest_startup,
- &startup_subpaths, NULL);
- accumulate_append_subpath(cheapest_total,
- &total_subpaths, NULL);
+ /*
+ * Collect the appropriate child paths. The required logic varies
+ * for the Append and MergeAppend cases.
+ */
+ if (match_partition_order)
+ {
+ /*
+ * We're going to make a plain Append path. We don't need
+ * most of what accumulate_append_subpath would do, but we do
+ * want to cut out child Appends or MergeAppends if they have
+ * just a single subpath (and hence aren't doing anything
+ * useful).
+ */
+ cheapest_startup = get_singleton_append_subpath(cheapest_startup);
+ cheapest_total = get_singleton_append_subpath(cheapest_total);
+ startup_subpaths = lappend(startup_subpaths, cheapest_startup);
+ total_subpaths = lappend(total_subpaths, cheapest_total);
+ }
+ else if (match_partition_order_desc)
+ {
+ /*
+ * As above, but we need to reverse the order of the children,
+ * because nodeAppend.c doesn't know anything about reverse
+ * ordering and will scan the children in the order presented.
+ */
+ cheapest_startup = get_singleton_append_subpath(cheapest_startup);
+ cheapest_total = get_singleton_append_subpath(cheapest_total);
+ startup_subpaths = lcons(cheapest_startup, startup_subpaths);
+ total_subpaths = lcons(cheapest_total, total_subpaths);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ * Otherwise, rely on accumulate_append_subpath to collect the
+ * child paths for the MergeAppend.
+ */
+ accumulate_append_subpath(cheapest_startup,
+ &startup_subpaths, NULL);
+ accumulate_append_subpath(cheapest_total,
+ &total_subpaths, NULL);
+ }
- /* ... and build the MergeAppend paths */
- add_path(rel, (Path *) create_merge_append_path(root,
- rel,
- startup_subpaths,
- pathkeys,
- partitioned_rels));
- if (startup_neq_total)
+ /* ... and build the Append or MergeAppend paths */
+ if (match_partition_order || match_partition_order_desc)
+ {
+ /* We only need Append */
+ add_path(rel, (Path *) create_append_path(root,
+ rel,
+ startup_subpaths,
+ NIL,
+ pathkeys,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ partitioned_rels,
+ -1));
+ if (startup_neq_total)
+ add_path(rel, (Path *) create_append_path(root,
+ rel,
+ total_subpaths,
+ NIL,
+ pathkeys,
+ 0,
+ false,
+ partitioned_rels,
+ -1));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* We need MergeAppend */
add_path(rel, (Path *) create_merge_append_path(root,
- total_subpaths,
+ startup_subpaths,
+ if (startup_neq_total)
+ add_path(rel, (Path *) create_merge_append_path(root,
+ rel,
+ total_subpaths,
+ pathkeys,
+ partitioned_rels));
+ }
* omitting a sort step, which seems fine: if the parent is to be an Append,
* its result would be unsorted anyway, while if the parent is to be a
* MergeAppend, there's no point in a separate sort on a child.
- * its result would be unsorted anyway.
* Normally, either path is a partial path and subpaths is a list of partial
* paths, or else path is a non-partial plan and subpaths is a list of those.
*subpaths = lappend(*subpaths, path);
+ * get_singleton_append_subpath
+ * Returns the single subpath of an Append/MergeAppend, or just
+ * return 'path' if it's not a single sub-path Append/MergeAppend.
+ *
+ * Note: 'path' must not be a parallel-aware path.
+ */
+static Path *
+get_singleton_append_subpath(Path *path)
+ Assert(!path->parallel_aware);
+ if (IsA(path, AppendPath))
+ {
+ AppendPath *apath = (AppendPath *) path;
+ if (list_length(apath->subpaths) == 1)
+ return (Path *) linitial(apath->subpaths);
+ }
+ else if (IsA(path, MergeAppendPath))
+ {
+ MergeAppendPath *mpath = (MergeAppendPath *) path;
+ if (list_length(mpath->subpaths) == 1)
+ return (Path *) linitial(mpath->subpaths);
+ }
+ return path;
* set_dummy_rel_pathlist
* Build a dummy path for a relation that's been excluded by constraints
/* Set up the dummy path */
add_path(rel, (Path *) create_append_path(NULL, rel, NIL, NIL,
- rel->lateral_relids,
+ NIL, rel->lateral_relids,
0, false, NIL, -1));
apath->path.startup_cost = 0;
apath->path.total_cost = 0;
+ apath->path.rows = 0;
if (apath->subpaths == NIL)
if (!apath->path.parallel_aware)
- Path *subpath = (Path *) linitial(apath->subpaths);
+ List *pathkeys = apath->path.pathkeys;
- /*
- * Startup cost of non-parallel-aware Append is the startup cost of
- * first subpath.
- */
- apath->path.startup_cost = subpath->startup_cost;
+ if (pathkeys == NIL)
+ {
+ Path *subpath = (Path *) linitial(apath->subpaths);
- /* Compute rows and costs as sums of subplan rows and costs. */
- foreach(l, apath->subpaths)
+ /*
+ * For an unordered, non-parallel-aware Append we take the startup
+ * cost as the startup cost of the first subpath.
+ */
+ apath->path.startup_cost = subpath->startup_cost;
+ /* Compute rows and costs as sums of subplan rows and costs. */
+ foreach(l, apath->subpaths)
+ {
+ Path *subpath = (Path *) lfirst(l);
+ apath->path.rows += subpath->rows;
+ apath->path.total_cost += subpath->total_cost;
+ }
+ }
+ else
- Path *subpath = (Path *) lfirst(l);
+ /*
+ * For an ordered, non-parallel-aware Append we take the startup
+ * cost as the sum of the subpath startup costs. This ensures
+ * that we don't underestimate the startup cost when a query's
+ * LIMIT is such that several of the children have to be run to
+ * satisfy it. This might be overkill --- another plausible hack
+ * would be to take the Append's startup cost as the maximum of
+ * the child startup costs. But we don't want to risk believing
+ * that an ORDER BY LIMIT query can be satisfied at small cost
+ * when the first child has small startup cost but later ones
+ * don't. (If we had the ability to deal with nonlinear cost
+ * interpolation for partial retrievals, we would not need to be
+ * so conservative about this.)
+ *
+ * This case is also different from the above in that we have to
+ * account for possibly injecting sorts into subpaths that aren't
+ * natively ordered.
+ */
+ foreach(l, apath->subpaths)
+ {
+ Path *subpath = (Path *) lfirst(l);
+ Path sort_path; /* dummy for result of cost_sort */
- apath->path.rows += subpath->rows;
- apath->path.total_cost += subpath->total_cost;
+ if (!pathkeys_contained_in(pathkeys, subpath->pathkeys))
+ {
+ /*
+ * We'll need to insert a Sort node, so include costs for
+ * that. We can use the parent's LIMIT if any, since we
+ * certainly won't pull more than that many tuples from
+ * any child.
+ */
+ cost_sort(&sort_path,
+ NULL, /* doesn't currently need root */
+ pathkeys,
+ subpath->total_cost,
+ subpath->rows,
+ subpath->pathtarget->width,
+ 0.0,
+ work_mem,
+ apath->limit_tuples);
+ subpath = &sort_path;
+ }
+ apath->path.rows += subpath->rows;
+ apath->path.startup_cost += subpath->startup_cost;
+ apath->path.total_cost += subpath->total_cost;
+ }
else /* parallel-aware */
int i = 0;
double parallel_divisor = get_parallel_divisor(&apath->path);
+ /* Parallel-aware Append never produces ordered output. */
+ Assert(apath->path.pathkeys == NIL);
/* Calculate startup cost. */
foreach(l, apath->subpaths)
/* Set up the dummy path */
add_path(rel, (Path *) create_append_path(NULL, rel, NIL, NIL,
- rel->lateral_relids,
+ NIL, rel->lateral_relids,
0, false, NIL, -1));
/* Set or update cheapest_total_path and related fields */
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/stratnum.h"
+#include "catalog/pg_opfamily.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
#include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
#include "nodes/plannodes.h"
#include "optimizer/optimizer.h"
#include "optimizer/pathnode.h"
#include "optimizer/paths.h"
+#include "partitioning/partbounds.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
static bool pathkey_is_redundant(PathKey *new_pathkey, List *pathkeys);
+static bool matches_boolean_partition_clause(RestrictInfo *rinfo,
+ RelOptInfo *partrel,
+ int partkeycol);
static bool right_merge_direction(PlannerInfo *root, PathKey *pathkey);
return retval;
+ * partkey_is_bool_constant_for_query
+ *
+ * If a partition key column is constrained to have a constant value by the
+ * query's WHERE conditions, then it's irrelevant for sort-order
+ * considerations. Usually that means we have a restriction clause
+ * WHERE partkeycol = constant, which gets turned into an EquivalenceClass
+ * containing a constant, which is recognized as redundant by
+ * build_partition_pathkeys(). But if the partition key column is a
+ * boolean variable (or expression), then we are not going to see such a
+ * WHERE clause, because expression preprocessing will have simplified it
+ * to "WHERE partkeycol" or "WHERE NOT partkeycol". So we are not going
+ * to have a matching EquivalenceClass (unless the query also contains
+ * "ORDER BY partkeycol"). To allow such cases to work the same as they would
+ * for non-boolean values, this function is provided to detect whether the
+ * specified partition key column matches a boolean restriction clause.
+ */
+static bool
+partkey_is_bool_constant_for_query(RelOptInfo *partrel, int partkeycol)
+ PartitionScheme partscheme = partrel->part_scheme;
+ ListCell *lc;
+ /* If the partkey isn't boolean, we can't possibly get a match */
+ if (!IsBooleanOpfamily(partscheme->partopfamily[partkeycol]))
+ return false;
+ /* Check each restriction clause for the partitioned rel */
+ foreach(lc, partrel->baserestrictinfo)
+ {
+ RestrictInfo *rinfo = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(lc);
+ /* Ignore pseudoconstant quals, they won't match */
+ if (rinfo->pseudoconstant)
+ continue;
+ /* See if we can match the clause's expression to the partkey column */
+ if (matches_boolean_partition_clause(rinfo, partrel, partkeycol))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * matches_boolean_partition_clause
+ * Determine if the boolean clause described by rinfo matches
+ * partrel's partkeycol-th partition key column.
+ *
+ * "Matches" can be either an exact match (equivalent to partkey = true),
+ * or a NOT above an exact match (equivalent to partkey = false).
+ */
+static bool
+matches_boolean_partition_clause(RestrictInfo *rinfo,
+ RelOptInfo *partrel, int partkeycol)
+ Node *clause = (Node *) rinfo->clause;
+ Node *partexpr = (Node *) linitial(partrel->partexprs[partkeycol]);
+ /* Direct match? */
+ if (equal(partexpr, clause))
+ return true;
+ /* NOT clause? */
+ else if (is_notclause(clause))
+ {
+ Node *arg = (Node *) get_notclausearg((Expr *) clause);
+ if (equal(partexpr, arg))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * build_partition_pathkeys
+ * Build a pathkeys list that describes the ordering induced by the
+ * partitions of partrel, under either forward or backward scan
+ * as per scandir.
+ *
+ * Caller must have checked that the partitions are properly ordered,
+ * as detected by partitions_are_ordered().
+ *
+ * Sets *partialkeys to true if pathkeys were only built for a prefix of the
+ * partition key, or false if the pathkeys include all columns of the
+ * partition key.
+ */
+List *
+build_partition_pathkeys(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *partrel,
+ ScanDirection scandir, bool *partialkeys)
+ List *retval = NIL;
+ PartitionScheme partscheme = partrel->part_scheme;
+ int i;
+ Assert(partscheme != NULL);
+ Assert(partitions_are_ordered(partrel->boundinfo, partrel->nparts));
+ /* For now, we can only cope with baserels */
+ Assert(IS_SIMPLE_REL(partrel));
+ for (i = 0; i < partscheme->partnatts; i++)
+ {
+ PathKey *cpathkey;
+ Expr *keyCol = (Expr *) linitial(partrel->partexprs[i]);
+ /*
+ * Try to make a canonical pathkey for this partkey.
+ *
+ * We're considering a baserel scan, so nullable_relids should be
+ * NULL. Also, we assume the PartitionDesc lists any NULL partition
+ * last, so we treat the scan like a NULLS LAST index: we have
+ * nulls_first for backwards scan only.
+ */
+ cpathkey = make_pathkey_from_sortinfo(root,
+ keyCol,
+ partscheme->partopfamily[i],
+ partscheme->partopcintype[i],
+ partscheme->partcollation[i],
+ ScanDirectionIsBackward(scandir),
+ ScanDirectionIsBackward(scandir),
+ 0,
+ partrel->relids,
+ false);
+ if (cpathkey)
+ {
+ /*
+ * We found the sort key in an EquivalenceClass, so it's relevant
+ * for this query. Add it to list, unless it's redundant.
+ */
+ if (!pathkey_is_redundant(cpathkey, retval))
+ retval = lappend(retval, cpathkey);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ * Boolean partition keys might be redundant even if they do not
+ * appear in an EquivalenceClass, because of our special treatment
+ * of boolean equality conditions --- see the comment for
+ * partkey_is_bool_constant_for_query(). If that applies, we can
+ * continue to examine lower-order partition keys. Otherwise, the
+ * sort key is not an interesting sort order for this query, so we
+ * should stop considering partition columns; any lower-order sort
+ * keys won't be useful either.
+ */
+ if (!partkey_is_bool_constant_for_query(partrel, i))
+ {
+ *partialkeys = true;
+ return retval;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *partialkeys = false;
+ return retval;
* build_expression_pathkey
* Build a pathkeys list that describes an ordering by a single expression
Index scanrelid, char *enrname);
static WorkTableScan *make_worktablescan(List *qptlist, List *qpqual,
Index scanrelid, int wtParam);
-static Append *make_append(List *appendplans, int first_partial_plan,
- List *tlist, PartitionPruneInfo *partpruneinfo);
static RecursiveUnion *make_recursive_union(List *tlist,
Plan *lefttree,
Plan *righttree,
Append *plan;
List *tlist = build_path_tlist(root, &best_path->path);
+ List *pathkeys = best_path->path.pathkeys;
List *subplans = NIL;
ListCell *subpaths;
RelOptInfo *rel = best_path->path.parent;
PartitionPruneInfo *partpruneinfo = NULL;
+ int nodenumsortkeys = 0;
+ AttrNumber *nodeSortColIdx = NULL;
+ Oid *nodeSortOperators = NULL;
+ Oid *nodeCollations = NULL;
+ bool *nodeNullsFirst = NULL;
* The subpaths list could be empty, if every child was proven empty by
return plan;
+ /*
+ * Otherwise build an Append plan. Note that if there's just one child,
+ * the Append is pretty useless; but we wait till setrefs.c to get rid of
+ * it. Doing so here doesn't work because the varno of the child scan
+ * plan won't match the parent-rel Vars it'll be asked to emit.
+ *
+ * We don't have the actual creation of the Append node split out into a
+ * separate make_xxx function. This is because we want to run
+ * prepare_sort_from_pathkeys on it before we do so on the individual
+ * child plans, to make cross-checking the sort info easier.
+ */
+ plan = makeNode(Append);
+ plan->plan.targetlist = tlist;
+ plan->plan.qual = NIL;
+ plan->plan.lefttree = NULL;
+ plan->plan.righttree = NULL;
+ if (pathkeys != NIL)
+ {
+ /* Compute sort column info, and adjust the Append's tlist as needed */
+ (void) prepare_sort_from_pathkeys((Plan *) plan, pathkeys,
+ best_path->path.parent->relids,
+ true,
+ &nodenumsortkeys,
+ &nodeSortColIdx,
+ &nodeSortOperators,
+ &nodeCollations,
+ &nodeNullsFirst);
+ }
/* Build the plan for each child */
foreach(subpaths, best_path->subpaths)
/* Must insist that all children return the same tlist */
subplan = create_plan_recurse(root, subpath, CP_EXACT_TLIST);
+ /*
+ * For ordered Appends, we must insert a Sort node if subplan isn't
+ * sufficiently ordered.
+ */
+ if (pathkeys != NIL)
+ {
+ int numsortkeys;
+ AttrNumber *sortColIdx;
+ Oid *sortOperators;
+ Oid *collations;
+ bool *nullsFirst;
+ /*
+ * Compute sort column info, and adjust subplan's tlist as needed.
+ * We must apply prepare_sort_from_pathkeys even to subplans that
+ * don't need an explicit sort, to make sure they are returning
+ * the same sort key columns the Append expects.
+ */
+ subplan = prepare_sort_from_pathkeys(subplan, pathkeys,
+ subpath->parent->relids,
+ nodeSortColIdx,
+ false,
+ &numsortkeys,
+ &sortColIdx,
+ &sortOperators,
+ &collations,
+ &nullsFirst);
+ /*
+ * Check that we got the same sort key information. We just
+ * Assert that the sortops match, since those depend only on the
+ * pathkeys; but it seems like a good idea to check the sort
+ * column numbers explicitly, to ensure the tlists match up.
+ */
+ Assert(numsortkeys == nodenumsortkeys);
+ if (memcmp(sortColIdx, nodeSortColIdx,
+ numsortkeys * sizeof(AttrNumber)) != 0)
+ elog(ERROR, "Append child's targetlist doesn't match Append");
+ Assert(memcmp(sortOperators, nodeSortOperators,
+ numsortkeys * sizeof(Oid)) == 0);
+ Assert(memcmp(collations, nodeCollations,
+ numsortkeys * sizeof(Oid)) == 0);
+ Assert(memcmp(nullsFirst, nodeNullsFirst,
+ numsortkeys * sizeof(bool)) == 0);
+ /* Now, insert a Sort node if subplan isn't sufficiently ordered */
+ if (!pathkeys_contained_in(pathkeys, subpath->pathkeys))
+ {
+ Sort *sort = make_sort(subplan, numsortkeys,
+ sortColIdx, sortOperators,
+ collations, nullsFirst);
+ label_sort_with_costsize(root, sort, best_path->limit_tuples);
+ subplan = (Plan *) sort;
+ }
+ }
subplans = lappend(subplans, subplan);
- /*
- * And build the Append plan. Note that if there's just one child, the
- * Append is pretty useless; but we wait till setrefs.c to get rid of it.
- * Doing so here doesn't work because the varno of the child scan plan
- * won't match the parent-rel Vars it'll be asked to emit.
- */
- plan = make_append(subplans, best_path->first_partial_path,
- tlist, partpruneinfo);
+ plan->appendplans = subplans;
+ plan->first_partial_plan = best_path->first_partial_path;
+ plan->part_prune_info = partpruneinfo;
copy_generic_path_info(&plan->plan, (Path *) best_path);
if (best_path->path.param_info)
List *prmquals = best_path->path.param_info->ppi_clauses;
prmquals = extract_actual_clauses(prmquals, false);
return node;
-static Append *
-make_append(List *appendplans, int first_partial_plan,
- List *tlist, PartitionPruneInfo *partpruneinfo)
- Append *node = makeNode(Append);
- Plan *plan = &node->plan;
- plan->targetlist = tlist;
- plan->qual = NIL;
- plan->lefttree = NULL;
- plan->righttree = NULL;
- node->appendplans = appendplans;
- node->first_partial_plan = first_partial_plan;
- node->part_prune_info = partpruneinfo;
- return node;
static RecursiveUnion *
make_recursive_union(List *tlist,
Plan *lefttree,
/* Make a dummy path, cf set_dummy_rel_pathlist() */
dummy_path = (Path *) create_append_path(NULL, final_rel, NIL, NIL,
- NULL, 0, false, NIL, -1);
+ NIL, NULL, 0, false,
+ NIL, -1);
/* These lists must be nonempty to make a valid ModifyTable node */
subpaths = list_make1(dummy_path);
+ NIL,
* Append the child results together.
path = (Path *) create_append_path(root, result_rel, pathlist, NIL,
- NULL, 0, false, NIL, -1);
+ NIL, NULL, 0, false, NIL, -1);
* For UNION ALL, we just need the Append path. For UNION, need to add
ppath = (Path *)
create_append_path(root, result_rel, NIL, partial_pathlist,
- NULL, parallel_workers, enable_parallel_append,
+ parallel_workers, enable_parallel_append,
NIL, -1);
ppath = (Path *)
create_gather_path(root, result_rel, ppath,
* Append the child results together.
path = (Path *) create_append_path(root, result_rel, pathlist, NIL,
- NULL, 0, false, NIL, -1);
+ NIL, NULL, 0, false, NIL, -1);
/* Identify the grouping semantics */
groupList = generate_setop_grouplist(op, tlist);
* pathnode.
* Note that we must handle subpaths = NIL, representing a dummy access path.
+ * Also, there are callers that pass root = NULL.
AppendPath *
create_append_path(PlannerInfo *root,
RelOptInfo *rel,
List *subpaths, List *partial_subpaths,
- Relids required_outer,
+ List *pathkeys, Relids required_outer,
int parallel_workers, bool parallel_aware,
List *partitioned_rels, double rows)
pathnode->path.parallel_aware = parallel_aware;
pathnode->path.parallel_safe = rel->consider_parallel;
pathnode->path.parallel_workers = parallel_workers;
+ pathnode->path.pathkeys = pathkeys;
pathnode->partitioned_rels = list_copy(partitioned_rels);
if (pathnode->path.parallel_aware)
+ /*
+ * We mustn't fiddle with the order of subpaths when the Append has
+ * pathkeys. The order they're listed in is critical to keeping the
+ * pathkeys valid.
+ */
+ Assert(pathkeys == NIL);
subpaths = list_qsort(subpaths, append_total_cost_compare);
partial_subpaths = list_qsort(partial_subpaths,
pathnode->first_partial_path = list_length(subpaths);
pathnode->subpaths = list_concat(subpaths, partial_subpaths);
+ /*
+ * Apply query-wide LIMIT if known and path is for sole base relation.
+ * (Handling this at this low level is a bit klugy.)
+ */
+ if (root != NULL && bms_equal(rel->relids, root->all_baserels))
+ pathnode->limit_tuples = root->limit_tuples;
+ else
+ pathnode->limit_tuples = -1.0;
foreach(l, pathnode->subpaths)
Path *subpath = (Path *) lfirst(l);
* If there's exactly one child path, the Append is a no-op and will be
* discarded later (in setrefs.c); therefore, we can inherit the child's
- * size, cost, and pathkeys if any. Otherwise, it's unsorted, and we must
- * do the normal costsize calculation.
+ * size and cost, as well as its pathkeys if any (overriding whatever the
+ * caller might've said). Otherwise, we must do the normal costsize
+ * calculation.
if (list_length(pathnode->subpaths) == 1)
pathnode->path.pathkeys = child->pathkeys;
- {
- pathnode->path.pathkeys = NIL; /* unsorted if more than 1 subpath */
- }
/* If the caller provided a row estimate, override the computed value. */
if (rows >= 0)
return (Path *)
create_append_path(root, rel, childpaths, partialpaths,
- required_outer,
+ apath->path.pathkeys, required_outer,
return dest;
+ * partitions_are_ordered
+ * Determine whether the partitions described by 'boundinfo' are ordered,
+ * that is partitions appearing earlier in the PartitionDesc sequence
+ * contain partition keys strictly less than those appearing later.
+ * Also, if NULL values are possible, they must come in the last
+ * partition defined in the PartitionDesc.
+ *
+ * If out of order, or there is insufficient info to know the order,
+ * then we return false.
+ */
+partitions_are_ordered(PartitionBoundInfo boundinfo, int nparts)
+ Assert(boundinfo != NULL);
+ switch (boundinfo->strategy)
+ {
+ /*
+ * RANGE-type partitioning guarantees that the partitions can be
+ * scanned in the order that they're defined in the PartitionDesc
+ * to provide sequential, non-overlapping ranges of tuples.
+ * However, if a DEFAULT partition exists then it doesn't work, as
+ * that could contain tuples from either below or above the
+ * defined range, or tuples belonging to gaps between partitions.
+ */
+ if (!partition_bound_has_default(boundinfo))
+ return true;
+ break;
+ /*
+ * LIST partitioning can also guarantee ordering, but only if the
+ * partitions don't accept interleaved values. We could likely
+ * check for this by looping over the PartitionBound's indexes
+ * array to check that the indexes are in order. For now, let's
+ * just keep it simple and just accept LIST partitioning when
+ * there's no DEFAULT partition, exactly one value per partition,
+ * and optionally a NULL partition that does not accept any other
+ * values. Such a NULL partition will come last in the
+ * PartitionDesc, and the other partitions will be properly
+ * ordered. This is a cheap test to make as it does not require
+ * any per-partition processing. Maybe we'd like to handle more
+ * complex cases in the future.
+ */
+ if (partition_bound_has_default(boundinfo))
+ return false;
+ if (boundinfo->ndatums + partition_bound_accepts_nulls(boundinfo)
+ == nparts)
+ return true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* HASH, or some other strategy */
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
* check_new_partition_bound
List *join_info_list; /* list of SpecialJoinInfos */
+ /*
+ * Note: for AppendRelInfos describing partitions of a partitioned table,
+ * we guarantee that partitions that come earlier in the partitioned
+ * table's PartitionDesc will appear earlier in append_rel_list.
+ */
List *append_rel_list; /* list of AppendRelInfos */
List *rowMarks; /* list of PlanRowMarks */
/* RT indexes of non-leaf tables in a partition tree */
List *partitioned_rels;
List *subpaths; /* list of component Paths */
- /* Index of first partial path in subpaths */
+ /* Index of first partial path in subpaths; list_length(subpaths) if none */
int first_partial_path;
+ double limit_tuples; /* hard limit on output tuples, or -1 */
} AppendPath;
#define IS_DUMMY_APPEND(p) \
List *tidquals, Relids required_outer);
extern AppendPath *create_append_path(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel,
List *subpaths, List *partial_subpaths,
- Relids required_outer,
+ List *pathkeys, Relids required_outer,
int parallel_workers, bool parallel_aware,
List *partitioned_rels, double rows);
extern MergeAppendPath *create_merge_append_path(PlannerInfo *root,
extern Path *get_cheapest_parallel_safe_total_inner(List *paths);
extern List *build_index_pathkeys(PlannerInfo *root, IndexOptInfo *index,
ScanDirection scandir);
+extern List *build_partition_pathkeys(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *partrel,
+ ScanDirection scandir, bool *partialkeys);
extern List *build_expression_pathkey(PlannerInfo *root, Expr *expr,
Relids nullable_relids, Oid opno,
Relids rel, bool create_it);
PartitionBoundInfo b2);
extern PartitionBoundInfo partition_bounds_copy(PartitionBoundInfo src,
PartitionKey key);
+extern bool partitions_are_ordered(PartitionBoundInfo boundinfo, int nparts);
extern void check_new_partition_bound(char *relname, Relation parent,
PartitionBoundSpec *spec);
extern void check_default_partition_contents(Relation parent,
Filter: ((c > 20) AND (a = 20))
(9 rows)
-drop table mcrparted;
-- check that partitioned table Appends cope with being referenced in
-- subplans
create table parted_minmax (a int, b varchar(16)) partition by range (a);
(1 row)
drop table parted_minmax;
+-- Test code that uses Append nodes in place of MergeAppend when the
+-- partition ordering matches the desired ordering.
+create index mcrparted_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted (a, abs(b), c);
+-- MergeAppend must be used when a default partition exists
+explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted order by a, abs(b), c;
+ Merge Append
+ Sort Key: mcrparted0.a, (abs(mcrparted0.b)), mcrparted0.c
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted0_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted0
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted1_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted1
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted2_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted2
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted3_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted3
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted4_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted4
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted5_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted5
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted_def_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted_def
+(9 rows)
+drop table mcrparted_def;
+-- Append is used for a RANGE partitioned table with no default
+-- and no subpartitions
+explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted order by a, abs(b), c;
+ Append
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted0_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted0
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted1_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted1
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted2_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted2
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted3_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted3
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted4_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted4
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted5_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted5
+(7 rows)
+-- Append is used with subpaths in reverse order with backwards index scans
+explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted order by a desc, abs(b) desc, c desc;
+ Append
+ -> Index Scan Backward using mcrparted5_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted5
+ -> Index Scan Backward using mcrparted4_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted4
+ -> Index Scan Backward using mcrparted3_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted3
+ -> Index Scan Backward using mcrparted2_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted2
+ -> Index Scan Backward using mcrparted1_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted1
+ -> Index Scan Backward using mcrparted0_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted0
+(7 rows)
+-- check that Append plan is used containing a MergeAppend for sub-partitions
+-- that are unordered.
+drop table mcrparted5;
+create table mcrparted5 partition of mcrparted for values from (20, 20, 20) to (maxvalue, maxvalue, maxvalue) partition by list (a);
+create table mcrparted5a partition of mcrparted5 for values in(20);
+create table mcrparted5_def partition of mcrparted5 default;
+explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted order by a, abs(b), c;
+ Append
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted0_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted0
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted1_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted1
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted2_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted2
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted3_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted3
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted4_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted4
+ -> Merge Append
+ Sort Key: mcrparted5a.a, (abs(mcrparted5a.b)), mcrparted5a.c
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted5a_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted5a
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted5_def_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted5_def
+(10 rows)
+drop table mcrparted5_def;
+-- check that an Append plan is used and the sub-partitions are flattened
+-- into the main Append when the sub-partition is unordered but contains
+-- just a single sub-partition.
+explain (costs off) select a, abs(b) from mcrparted order by a, abs(b), c;
+ Append
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted0_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted0
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted1_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted1
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted2_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted2
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted3_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted3
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted4_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted4
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted5a_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted5a
+(7 rows)
+-- check that Append is used when the sub-partitioned tables are pruned
+-- during planning.
+explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted where a < 20 order by a, abs(b), c;
+ Append
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted0_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted0
+ Index Cond: (a < 20)
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted1_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted1
+ Index Cond: (a < 20)
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted2_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted2
+ Index Cond: (a < 20)
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted3_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted3
+ Index Cond: (a < 20)
+(9 rows)
+create table mclparted (a int) partition by list(a);
+create table mclparted1 partition of mclparted for values in(1);
+create table mclparted2 partition of mclparted for values in(2);
+create index on mclparted (a);
+-- Ensure an Append is used for a list partition with an order by.
+explain (costs off) select * from mclparted order by a;
+ Append
+ -> Index Only Scan using mclparted1_a_idx on mclparted1
+ -> Index Only Scan using mclparted2_a_idx on mclparted2
+(3 rows)
+-- Ensure a MergeAppend is used when a partition exists with interleaved
+-- datums in the partition bound.
+create table mclparted3_5 partition of mclparted for values in(3,5);
+create table mclparted4 partition of mclparted for values in(4);
+explain (costs off) select * from mclparted order by a;
+ Merge Append
+ Sort Key: mclparted1.a
+ -> Index Only Scan using mclparted1_a_idx on mclparted1
+ -> Index Only Scan using mclparted2_a_idx on mclparted2
+ -> Index Only Scan using mclparted3_5_a_idx on mclparted3_5
+ -> Index Only Scan using mclparted4_a_idx on mclparted4
+(6 rows)
+drop table mclparted;
+-- Ensure subplans which don't have a path with the correct pathkeys get
+-- sorted correctly.
+drop index mcrparted_a_abs_c_idx;
+create index on mcrparted1 (a, abs(b), c);
+create index on mcrparted2 (a, abs(b), c);
+create index on mcrparted3 (a, abs(b), c);
+create index on mcrparted4 (a, abs(b), c);
+explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted where a < 20 order by a, abs(b), c limit 1;
+ Limit
+ -> Append
+ -> Sort
+ Sort Key: mcrparted0.a, (abs(mcrparted0.b)), mcrparted0.c
+ -> Seq Scan on mcrparted0
+ Filter: (a < 20)
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted1_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted1
+ Index Cond: (a < 20)
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted2_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted2
+ Index Cond: (a < 20)
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted3_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted3
+ Index Cond: (a < 20)
+(12 rows)
+set enable_bitmapscan = 0;
+-- Ensure Append node can be used when the partition is ordered by some
+-- pathkeys which were deemed redundant.
+explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted where a = 10 order by a, abs(b), c;
+ Append
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted1_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted1
+ Index Cond: (a = 10)
+ -> Index Scan using mcrparted2_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted2
+ Index Cond: (a = 10)
+(5 rows)
+reset enable_bitmapscan;
+drop table mcrparted;
+-- Ensure LIST partitions allow an Append to be used instead of a MergeAppend
+create table bool_lp (b bool) partition by list(b);
+create table bool_lp_true partition of bool_lp for values in(true);
+create table bool_lp_false partition of bool_lp for values in(false);
+create index on bool_lp (b);
+explain (costs off) select * from bool_lp order by b;
+ Append
+ -> Index Only Scan using bool_lp_false_b_idx on bool_lp_false
+ -> Index Only Scan using bool_lp_true_b_idx on bool_lp_true
+(3 rows)
+drop table bool_lp;
+-- Ensure const bool quals can be properly detected as redundant
+create table bool_rp (b bool, a int) partition by range(b,a);
+create table bool_rp_false_1k partition of bool_rp for values from (false,0) to (false,1000);
+create table bool_rp_true_1k partition of bool_rp for values from (true,0) to (true,1000);
+create table bool_rp_false_2k partition of bool_rp for values from (false,1000) to (false,2000);
+create table bool_rp_true_2k partition of bool_rp for values from (true,1000) to (true,2000);
+create index on bool_rp (b,a);
+explain (costs off) select * from bool_rp where b = true order by b,a;
+ Append
+ -> Index Only Scan using bool_rp_true_1k_b_a_idx on bool_rp_true_1k
+ Index Cond: (b = true)
+ -> Index Only Scan using bool_rp_true_2k_b_a_idx on bool_rp_true_2k
+ Index Cond: (b = true)
+(5 rows)
+explain (costs off) select * from bool_rp where b = false order by b,a;
+ Append
+ -> Index Only Scan using bool_rp_false_1k_b_a_idx on bool_rp_false_1k
+ Index Cond: (b = false)
+ -> Index Only Scan using bool_rp_false_2k_b_a_idx on bool_rp_false_2k
+ Index Cond: (b = false)
+(5 rows)
+explain (costs off) select * from bool_rp where b = true order by a;
+ Append
+ -> Index Only Scan using bool_rp_true_1k_b_a_idx on bool_rp_true_1k
+ Index Cond: (b = true)
+ -> Index Only Scan using bool_rp_true_2k_b_a_idx on bool_rp_true_2k
+ Index Cond: (b = true)
+(5 rows)
+explain (costs off) select * from bool_rp where b = false order by a;
+ Append
+ -> Index Only Scan using bool_rp_false_1k_b_a_idx on bool_rp_false_1k
+ Index Cond: (b = false)
+ -> Index Only Scan using bool_rp_false_2k_b_a_idx on bool_rp_false_2k
+ Index Cond: (b = false)
+(5 rows)
+drop table bool_rp;
+-- Ensure an Append scan is chosen when the partition order is a subset of
+-- the required order.
+create table range_parted (a int, b int, c int) partition by range(a, b);
+create table range_parted1 partition of range_parted for values from (0,0) to (10,10);
+create table range_parted2 partition of range_parted for values from (10,10) to (20,20);
+create index on range_parted (a,b,c);
+explain (costs off) select * from range_parted order by a,b,c;
+ Append
+ -> Index Only Scan using range_parted1_a_b_c_idx on range_parted1
+ -> Index Only Scan using range_parted2_a_b_c_idx on range_parted2
+(3 rows)
+explain (costs off) select * from range_parted order by a desc,b desc,c desc;
+ Append
+ -> Index Only Scan Backward using range_parted2_a_b_c_idx on range_parted2
+ -> Index Only Scan Backward using range_parted1_a_b_c_idx on range_parted1
+(3 rows)
+drop table range_parted;
set enable_seqscan = off;
set enable_sort = off;
-create table ma_test (a int) partition by range (a);
+create table ma_test (a int, b int) partition by range (a);
create table ma_test_p1 partition of ma_test for values from (0) to (10);
create table ma_test_p2 partition of ma_test for values from (10) to (20);
create table ma_test_p3 partition of ma_test for values from (20) to (30);
-insert into ma_test select x from generate_series(0,29) t(x);
-create index on ma_test (a);
+insert into ma_test select x,x from generate_series(0,29) t(x);
+create index on ma_test (b);
analyze ma_test;
-prepare mt_q1 (int) as select * from ma_test where a >= $1 and a % 10 = 5 order by a;
+prepare mt_q1 (int) as select a from ma_test where a >= $1 and a % 10 = 5 order by b;
-- Execute query 5 times to allow choose_custom_plan
-- to start considering a generic plan.
execute mt_q1(0);
Merge Append (actual rows=2 loops=1)
- Sort Key: ma_test_p2.a
+ Sort Key: ma_test_p2.b
Subplans Removed: 1
- -> Index Scan using ma_test_p2_a_idx on ma_test_p2 (actual rows=1 loops=1)
- Index Cond: (a >= $1)
- Filter: ((a % 10) = 5)
- Rows Removed by Filter: 4
- -> Index Scan using ma_test_p3_a_idx on ma_test_p3 (actual rows=1 loops=1)
- Index Cond: (a >= $1)
- Filter: ((a % 10) = 5)
+ -> Index Scan using ma_test_p2_b_idx on ma_test_p2 (actual rows=1 loops=1)
+ Filter: ((a >= $1) AND ((a % 10) = 5))
Rows Removed by Filter: 9
-(11 rows)
+ -> Index Scan using ma_test_p3_b_idx on ma_test_p3 (actual rows=1 loops=1)
+ Filter: ((a >= $1) AND ((a % 10) = 5))
+ Rows Removed by Filter: 9
+(9 rows)
execute mt_q1(15);
Merge Append (actual rows=1 loops=1)
- Sort Key: ma_test_p3.a
+ Sort Key: ma_test_p3.b
Subplans Removed: 2
- -> Index Scan using ma_test_p3_a_idx on ma_test_p3 (actual rows=1 loops=1)
- Index Cond: (a >= $1)
- Filter: ((a % 10) = 5)
- Rows Removed by Filter: 4
-(7 rows)
+ -> Index Scan using ma_test_p3_b_idx on ma_test_p3 (actual rows=1 loops=1)
+ Filter: ((a >= $1) AND ((a % 10) = 5))
+ Rows Removed by Filter: 9
+(6 rows)
execute mt_q1(25);
Merge Append (actual rows=0 loops=1)
- Sort Key: ma_test_p1.a
+ Sort Key: ma_test_p1.b
Subplans Removed: 2
- -> Index Scan using ma_test_p1_a_idx on ma_test_p1 (never executed)
- Index Cond: (a >= $1)
- Filter: ((a % 10) = 5)
-(6 rows)
+ -> Index Scan using ma_test_p1_b_idx on ma_test_p1 (never executed)
+ Filter: ((a >= $1) AND ((a % 10) = 5))
+(5 rows)
execute mt_q1(35);
deallocate mt_q1;
-- ensure initplan params properly prune partitions
-explain (analyze, costs off, summary off, timing off) select * from ma_test where a >= (select min(a) from ma_test_p2) order by a;
+explain (analyze, costs off, summary off, timing off) select * from ma_test where a >= (select min(b) from ma_test_p2) order by b;
Merge Append (actual rows=20 loops=1)
- Sort Key: ma_test_p1.a
+ Sort Key: ma_test_p1.b
InitPlan 2 (returns $1)
-> Result (actual rows=1 loops=1)
InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
-> Limit (actual rows=1 loops=1)
- -> Index Scan using ma_test_p2_a_idx on ma_test_p2 ma_test_p2_1 (actual rows=1 loops=1)
- Index Cond: (a IS NOT NULL)
- -> Index Scan using ma_test_p1_a_idx on ma_test_p1 (never executed)
- Index Cond: (a >= $1)
- -> Index Scan using ma_test_p2_a_idx on ma_test_p2 (actual rows=10 loops=1)
- Index Cond: (a >= $1)
- -> Index Scan using ma_test_p3_a_idx on ma_test_p3 (actual rows=10 loops=1)
- Index Cond: (a >= $1)
+ -> Index Scan using ma_test_p2_b_idx on ma_test_p2 ma_test_p2_1 (actual rows=1 loops=1)
+ Index Cond: (b IS NOT NULL)
+ -> Index Scan using ma_test_p1_b_idx on ma_test_p1 (never executed)
+ Filter: (a >= $1)
+ -> Index Scan using ma_test_p2_b_idx on ma_test_p2 (actual rows=10 loops=1)
+ Filter: (a >= $1)
+ -> Index Scan using ma_test_p3_b_idx on ma_test_p3 (actual rows=10 loops=1)
+ Filter: (a >= $1)
(14 rows)
reset enable_seqscan;
explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted where a > -1; -- scans all partitions
explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted where a = 20 and abs(b) = 10 and c > 10; -- scans mcrparted4
explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted where a = 20 and c > 20; -- scans mcrparted3, mcrparte4, mcrparte5, mcrparted_def
-drop table mcrparted;
-- check that partitioned table Appends cope with being referenced in
-- subplans
explain (costs off) select min(a), max(a) from parted_minmax where b = '12345';
select min(a), max(a) from parted_minmax where b = '12345';
drop table parted_minmax;
+-- Test code that uses Append nodes in place of MergeAppend when the
+-- partition ordering matches the desired ordering.
+create index mcrparted_a_abs_c_idx on mcrparted (a, abs(b), c);
+-- MergeAppend must be used when a default partition exists
+explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted order by a, abs(b), c;
+drop table mcrparted_def;
+-- Append is used for a RANGE partitioned table with no default
+-- and no subpartitions
+explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted order by a, abs(b), c;
+-- Append is used with subpaths in reverse order with backwards index scans
+explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted order by a desc, abs(b) desc, c desc;
+-- check that Append plan is used containing a MergeAppend for sub-partitions
+-- that are unordered.
+drop table mcrparted5;
+create table mcrparted5 partition of mcrparted for values from (20, 20, 20) to (maxvalue, maxvalue, maxvalue) partition by list (a);
+create table mcrparted5a partition of mcrparted5 for values in(20);
+create table mcrparted5_def partition of mcrparted5 default;
+explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted order by a, abs(b), c;
+drop table mcrparted5_def;
+-- check that an Append plan is used and the sub-partitions are flattened
+-- into the main Append when the sub-partition is unordered but contains
+-- just a single sub-partition.
+explain (costs off) select a, abs(b) from mcrparted order by a, abs(b), c;
+-- check that Append is used when the sub-partitioned tables are pruned
+-- during planning.
+explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted where a < 20 order by a, abs(b), c;
+create table mclparted (a int) partition by list(a);
+create table mclparted1 partition of mclparted for values in(1);
+create table mclparted2 partition of mclparted for values in(2);
+create index on mclparted (a);
+-- Ensure an Append is used for a list partition with an order by.
+explain (costs off) select * from mclparted order by a;
+-- Ensure a MergeAppend is used when a partition exists with interleaved
+-- datums in the partition bound.
+create table mclparted3_5 partition of mclparted for values in(3,5);
+create table mclparted4 partition of mclparted for values in(4);
+explain (costs off) select * from mclparted order by a;
+drop table mclparted;
+-- Ensure subplans which don't have a path with the correct pathkeys get
+-- sorted correctly.
+drop index mcrparted_a_abs_c_idx;
+create index on mcrparted1 (a, abs(b), c);
+create index on mcrparted2 (a, abs(b), c);
+create index on mcrparted3 (a, abs(b), c);
+create index on mcrparted4 (a, abs(b), c);
+explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted where a < 20 order by a, abs(b), c limit 1;
+set enable_bitmapscan = 0;
+-- Ensure Append node can be used when the partition is ordered by some
+-- pathkeys which were deemed redundant.
+explain (costs off) select * from mcrparted where a = 10 order by a, abs(b), c;
+reset enable_bitmapscan;
+drop table mcrparted;
+-- Ensure LIST partitions allow an Append to be used instead of a MergeAppend
+create table bool_lp (b bool) partition by list(b);
+create table bool_lp_true partition of bool_lp for values in(true);
+create table bool_lp_false partition of bool_lp for values in(false);
+create index on bool_lp (b);
+explain (costs off) select * from bool_lp order by b;
+drop table bool_lp;
+-- Ensure const bool quals can be properly detected as redundant
+create table bool_rp (b bool, a int) partition by range(b,a);
+create table bool_rp_false_1k partition of bool_rp for values from (false,0) to (false,1000);
+create table bool_rp_true_1k partition of bool_rp for values from (true,0) to (true,1000);
+create table bool_rp_false_2k partition of bool_rp for values from (false,1000) to (false,2000);
+create table bool_rp_true_2k partition of bool_rp for values from (true,1000) to (true,2000);
+create index on bool_rp (b,a);
+explain (costs off) select * from bool_rp where b = true order by b,a;
+explain (costs off) select * from bool_rp where b = false order by b,a;
+explain (costs off) select * from bool_rp where b = true order by a;
+explain (costs off) select * from bool_rp where b = false order by a;
+drop table bool_rp;
+-- Ensure an Append scan is chosen when the partition order is a subset of
+-- the required order.
+create table range_parted (a int, b int, c int) partition by range(a, b);
+create table range_parted1 partition of range_parted for values from (0,0) to (10,10);
+create table range_parted2 partition of range_parted for values from (10,10) to (20,20);
+create index on range_parted (a,b,c);
+explain (costs off) select * from range_parted order by a,b,c;
+explain (costs off) select * from range_parted order by a desc,b desc,c desc;
+drop table range_parted;
set enable_seqscan = off;
set enable_sort = off;
-create table ma_test (a int) partition by range (a);
+create table ma_test (a int, b int) partition by range (a);
create table ma_test_p1 partition of ma_test for values from (0) to (10);
create table ma_test_p2 partition of ma_test for values from (10) to (20);
create table ma_test_p3 partition of ma_test for values from (20) to (30);
-insert into ma_test select x from generate_series(0,29) t(x);
-create index on ma_test (a);
+insert into ma_test select x,x from generate_series(0,29) t(x);
+create index on ma_test (b);
analyze ma_test;
-prepare mt_q1 (int) as select * from ma_test where a >= $1 and a % 10 = 5 order by a;
+prepare mt_q1 (int) as select a from ma_test where a >= $1 and a % 10 = 5 order by b;
-- Execute query 5 times to allow choose_custom_plan
-- to start considering a generic plan.
deallocate mt_q1;
-- ensure initplan params properly prune partitions
-explain (analyze, costs off, summary off, timing off) select * from ma_test where a >= (select min(a) from ma_test_p2) order by a;
+explain (analyze, costs off, summary off, timing off) select * from ma_test where a >= (select min(b) from ma_test_p2) order by b;
reset enable_seqscan;
reset enable_sort;