* @param terminate Either 1 or 0. If 1, send the child processes SIGTERM
* each time through the loop. If 0, give the process time to die
* on its own before signalling it.
- * @tip This function requires that some macros are defined by the MPM: <pre>
- * MPM_CHILD_PID -- Get the pid from the specified spot in the scoreboard
- * MPM_NOTE_CHILD_KILLED -- Note the child died in the scoreboard
+ * @tip This function requires that some hooks are implemented by the MPM: <pre>
+ * mpm_get_child_pid -- Get the pid from the specified spot in the scoreboard
+ * mpm_note_child_killed -- Note the child died in the scoreboard
* </pre>
* @tip The MPM child processes which are reclaimed are those listed
* in the scoreboard as well as those currently registered via
* Catch any child processes that have been spawned by the parent process
* which have exited. This includes processes registered as "other_children".
- * @tip This function requires that some macros are defined by the MPM: <pre>
- * MPM_CHILD_PID -- Get the pid from the specified spot in the scoreboard
- * MPM_NOTE_CHILD_KILLED -- Note the child died in the scoreboard
+ * @tip This function requires that some hooks are implemented by the MPM: <pre>
+ * mpm_get_child_pid -- Get the pid from the specified spot in the scoreboard
+ * mpm_note_child_killed -- Note the child died in the scoreboard
* </pre>
* @tip The MPM child processes which are relieved are those listed
* in the scoreboard as well as those currently registered via