-define(GL(Ref, Title),
?XAE(<<"div">>, [{<<"class">>, <<"guidelink">>}],
- [{<<"href">>, <<"/admin/doc/guide.html#", Ref/binary>>},
+ [{<<"href">>, <<"https://docs.ejabberd.im/admin/configuration/#", Ref/binary>>},
{<<"target">>, <<"_blank">>}],
[?C(<<"[Guide: ", Title/binary, "]">>)])])).
%%%% process/2
-process([<<"doc">>, LocalFile], _Request) ->
- DocPath = case os:getenv("EJABBERD_DOC_PATH") of
- P when is_list(P) -> P;
- false -> <<"/share/doc/ejabberd/">>
- end,
- FileName = filename:join(DocPath, LocalFile),
- case file:read_file(FileName) of
- {ok, FileContents} ->
- ?DEBUG("Delivering content.", []),
- {200, [{<<"Server">>, <<"ejabberd">>}], FileContents};
- {error, Error} ->
- Help = <<" ", FileName/binary,
- " - Try to specify the path to ejabberd "
- "documentation with the environment variable "
- "EJABBERD_DOC_PATH. Check the ejabberd "
- "Guide for more information.">>,
- ?WARNING_MSG("Problem '~p' accessing the local Guide file ~ts", [Error, Help]),
- case Error of
- eacces -> {403, [], <<"Forbidden", Help/binary>>};
- enoent -> {307, [{<<"Location">>, <<"http://docs.ejabberd.im/admin/guide/configuration/">>}], <<"Not found", Help/binary>>};
- _Else ->
- {404, [], <<(iolist_to_binary(atom_to_list(Error)))/binary, Help/binary>>}
- end
- end;
process([<<"server">>, SHost | RPath] = Path,
#request{auth = Auth, lang = Lang, host = HostHTTP,
method = Method} =