void fn2() { fn1(0, SmallWithDtor()); };
// WIN32-LABEL: define void @"\01?fn2@@YAXXZ"
// WIN32: %[[argmem:[^ ]*]] = alloca inalloca [[argmem_ty:<{ {}\*, %struct.SmallWithDtor }>]]
-// WIN32: getelementptr inbounds [[argmem_ty]]* %[[argmem]], i32 0, i32 1
-// WIN32: call x86_thiscallcc %struct.SmallWithDtor* @"\01??0SmallWithDtor@@QAE@XZ"(%struct.SmallWithDtor* %0)
-// WIN32: getelementptr inbounds [[argmem_ty]]* %[[argmem]], i32 0, i32 0
-// WIN32: %[[addr:[^ ]*]] = bitcast {}** %1 to void [[dst_ty:\(%struct.ForwardDeclare1\*\)\*]]*
+// WIN32: %[[gep1:[^ ]*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[argmem_ty]]* %[[argmem]], i32 0, i32 1
+// WIN32: call x86_thiscallcc %struct.SmallWithDtor* @"\01??0SmallWithDtor@@QAE@XZ"(%struct.SmallWithDtor* %[[gep1]])
+// WIN32: %[[gep2:[^ ]*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[argmem_ty]]* %[[argmem]], i32 0, i32 0
+// WIN32: %[[addr:[^ ]*]] = bitcast {}** %[[gep2]] to void [[dst_ty:\(%struct.ForwardDeclare1\*\)\*]]*
// WIN32: store void [[dst_ty]] null, void [[dst_ty]]* %[[addr]], align 4
// WIN32: call void @"\01?fn1@@YAXP6AXUForwardDeclare1@@@ZUSmallWithDtor@@@Z"([[argmem_ty]]* inalloca %[[argmem]])