+ - ...
+ngIRCd 0.12.0 (2008-05-13)
- Fix Bug: 85: "WHO #SecretChannel" that user is not a member of now returns
proper RPL_ENDOFWHO_MSG instead of nothing. (Ali Shemiran)
- - Implemented IRC commands SERVICE, SERVLIST, and SQUERY as dummy functions
- to be even more RFC-compliant. Closes bug 74.
- - Fixed Bug 75: KICK now handles comma-delimited lists.
- (Brandon Beresini, Bryan Caldwell)
- - Fixed Bug 83: ngIRCd chokes on 1-character messages.
- - Add support for modeless channels ("+channels").
- (Bryan Caldwell, Ali Shemiran)
-ngIRCd 0.12.0-pre2 (2008-04-29)
+ - Fix complie on FreeBSD 5.4 and AIX.
+ - If bind() fails, also print ip address and not just the port number.
+ ngIRCd 0.12.0-pre2 (2008-04-29)
- IPv6: Add config options to disabe ipv4/ipv6 support.
- Don't include doc/CVS.txt in distribution archive, use doc/GIT.txt now!
- Documentation: get rid of some more references to CVS, switch to GIT.
-- NEWS --
-ngIRCd 0.12.0-pre2 (2008-04-29)
+ngIRCd 0.12.0 (2008-05-13)
+ ngIRCd 0.12.0-pre2 (2008-04-29)
- IPv6: Add config options to disabe ipv4/ipv6 support.
ngIRCd 0.12.0-pre1 (2008-04-20)