[test3 setFoo:2 withBar:4];
+@interface Test4
+@interface Test4(Dido)
+@implementation Test4(Dido)
// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:4:28 -cursor-at=%s:5:28 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-PROP %s
// CHECK-PROP: ObjCPropertyDecl=foo1:4:26
// CHECK-PROP: ObjCPropertyDecl=foo2:5:27
// CHECK-MEMBERREF: 52:11 MemberRefExpr=setImplicitProp::46:8 Extent=[52:5 - 52:23] Spelling=setImplicitProp: ([52:11 - 52:23])
// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:56:24 -cursor-at=%s:60:14 \
+// RUN: -cursor-at=%s:65:20 -cursor-at=%s:67:25 \
// RUN: %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-SPELLRANGE %s
// CHECK-SPELLRANGE: 56:8 ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=setFoo:withBar::56:8 Extent=[56:1 - 56:37] Spelling=setFoo:withBar: ([56:8 - 56:14][56:22 - 56:29]) Selector index=1
// CHECK-SPELLRANGE: 60:3 ObjCMessageExpr=setFoo:withBar::56:8 Extent=[60:3 - 60:29] Spelling=setFoo:withBar: ([60:10 - 60:16][60:19 - 60:26]) Selector index=0
+// CHECK-SPELLRANGE: 65:12 ObjCCategoryDecl=Dido:65:12 Extent=[65:1 - 66:5] Spelling=Dido ([65:18 - 65:22])
+// CHECK-SPELLRANGE: 67:17 ObjCCategoryImplDecl=Dido:67:17 (Definition) Extent=[67:1 - 68:2] Spelling=Dido ([67:23 - 67:27])
+ if (C.kind == CXCursor_ObjCCategoryDecl ||
+ C.kind == CXCursor_ObjCCategoryImplDecl) {
+ if (pieceIndex > 0)
+ return clang_getNullRange();
+ if (ObjCCategoryDecl *
+ CD = dyn_cast_or_null<ObjCCategoryDecl>(getCursorDecl(C)))
+ return cxloc::translateSourceRange(Ctx, CD->getCategoryNameLoc());
+ if (ObjCCategoryImplDecl *
+ CID = dyn_cast_or_null<ObjCCategoryImplDecl>(getCursorDecl(C)))
+ return cxloc::translateSourceRange(Ctx, CID->getCategoryNameLoc());
+ }
// FIXME: A CXCursor_InclusionDirective should give the location of the
// filename, but we don't keep track of this.