the message window.
.lp windowcolors
If NetHack can, it should display windows with the specified
-foreground/background colors if it can.
+foreground/background colors. Windows GUI only. The format is
+.lp "OPTION=windowcolors:wintype foreground/background"
+where wintype is one of "menu", "message", "status", or "text", and
+foreground and background are colors, either a hexadecimal \'#rrggbb',
+one of the named colors (black, red, green, brown,
+blue, magenta, cyan, orange, brightgreen, yellow, brightblue,
+brightmagenta, brightcyan, white, trueblack, gray, purple,
+silver, maroon, fuchsia, lime, olive, navy, teal, aqua),
+or one of Windows UI colors (activeborder, activecaption,
+appworkspace, background, btnface, btnshadow, btntext,
+captiontext, graytext, greytext, highlight, highlighttext,
+inactiveborder, inactivecaption, menu, menutext, scrollbar,
+window, windowframe, windowtext).
.lp wraptext
If NetHack can, it should wrap long lines of text if they don't fit in
the visible area of the window.
If {\it NetHack\/} can, it should display windows with the specified
-foreground/background colors if it can.
+foreground/background colors. Windows GUI only. The format is
+ OPTION=windowcolors:wintype foreground/background
+where wintype is one of {\it menu}, {\it message}, {\it status}, or {\it text}, and
+foreground and background are colors, either a hexadecimal {\it \#rrggbb},
+one of the named colors ({\it black}, {\it red}, {\it green}, {\it brown},
+{\it blue}, {\it magenta}, {\it cyan}, {\it orange},
+{\it brightgreen}, {\it yellow}, {\it brightblue}, {\it brightmagenta},
+{\it brightcyan}, {\it white}, {\it trueblack}, {\it gray}, {\it purple},
+{\it silver}, {\it maroon}, {\it fuchsia}, {\it lime}, {\it olive},
+{\it navy}, {\it teal}, {\it aqua}), or one of Windows UI colors ({\it activeborder},
+{\it activecaption}, {\it appworkspace}, {\it background}, {\it btnface}, {\it btnshadow},
+{\it btntext}, {\it captiontext}, {\it graytext}, {\it greytext}, {\it highlight},
+{\it highlighttext}, {\it inactiveborder}, {\it inactivecaption}, {\it menu},
+{\it menutext}, {\it scrollbar}, {\it window}, {\it windowframe}, {\it windowtext}).
If {\it NetHack\/} can, it should wrap long lines of text if they don't fit