crocodiles legs are not designed for kicking open doors, chests, et al.
walls of one of the luckstone locations in minend-3 were diggable
minetn-6 could place downstairs in a cut-off location
+corpses in bones files don't retain their role characteristic
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
u.ugrave_arise = (NON_PM - 1); /* statue instead of corpse */
else if (u.ugrave_arise == NON_PM &&
!(mvitals[u.umonnum].mvflags & G_NOCORPSE)) {
- corpse = mk_named_object(CORPSE, &mons[u.umonnum],
+ int mnum = u.umonnum;
+ if (!Upolyd) {
+ /* Base corpse on race when not poly'd since original
+ * u.umonnum is based on role, and all role monsters
+ * are human.
+ */
+ mnum = (flags.female && urace.femalenum != NON_PM) ?
+ urace.femalenum : urace.malenum;
+ }
+ corpse = mk_named_object(CORPSE, &mons[mnum],
u.ux,, plname);
Sprintf(pbuf, "%s, %s%s", plname,
killer_format == NO_KILLER_PREFIX ? "" :