double aSwap;
double percentFree;
Bunit unit = BunitMB;
+ bool showUsed;
struct pageFileInfo
("warning,w", po::wvalue<std::wstring>(), "Warning threshold")
("critical,c", po::wvalue<std::wstring>(), "Critical threshold")
("unit,u", po::wvalue<std::wstring>(), "The unit to use for display (default MB)")
+ ("show-used,U", "Show used swap instead of the free swap")
po::wcommand_line_parser parser(ac, av);
+ if (vm.count("show-used")) {
+ printInfo.showUsed = true;
+ = true;
+ = true;
+ }
return -1;
state state = OK;
- if (printInfo.warn.rend(printInfo.aSwap, printInfo.tSwap))
- state = WARNING;
+ std::wcout << L"SWAP ";
- if (printInfo.crit.rend(printInfo.aSwap, printInfo.tSwap))
- state = CRITICAL;
+ double currentValue;
+ if (!printInfo.showUsed)
+ currentValue = printInfo.aSwap;
+ else
+ currentValue = printInfo.tSwap - printInfo.aSwap;
- switch (state) {
- case OK:
- std::wcout << L"SWAP OK - " << printInfo.percentFree << L"% free | 'swap'=" << printInfo.aSwap << BunitStr(printInfo.unit) << L";"
- << printInfo.warn.pString(printInfo.tSwap) << L";" << printInfo.crit.pString(printInfo.tSwap)
- << L";0;" << printInfo.tSwap << '\n';
- break;
- case WARNING:
- std::wcout << L"SWAP WARNING - " << printInfo.percentFree << L"% free | 'swap'=" << printInfo.aSwap << BunitStr(printInfo.unit) << L";"
- << printInfo.warn.pString(printInfo.tSwap) << L";" << printInfo.crit.pString(printInfo.tSwap)
- << L";0;" << printInfo.tSwap << '\n';
- break;
- case CRITICAL:
- std::wcout << L"SWAP CRITICAL - " << printInfo.percentFree << L"% free | 'swap'=" << printInfo.aSwap << BunitStr(printInfo.unit) << L";"
- << printInfo.warn.pString(printInfo.tSwap) << L";" << printInfo.crit.pString(printInfo.tSwap)
- << L";0;" << printInfo.tSwap << '\n';
- break;
+ if (printInfo.warn.rend(currentValue, printInfo.tSwap)) {
+ state = WARNING;
+ std::wcout << L"WARNING - ";
+ } else if (printInfo.crit.rend(currentValue, printInfo.tSwap)) {
+ state = CRITICAL;
+ std::wcout << L"CRITICAL - ";
+ } else {
+ state = OK;
+ std::wcout << L"OK - ";
+ if (!printInfo.showUsed)
+ std::wcout << printInfo.percentFree << L"% free ";
+ else
+ std::wcout << 100 - printInfo.percentFree << L"% used ";
+ std::wcout << "| 'swap'=" << currentValue << BunitStr(printInfo.unit) << L";"
+ << printInfo.warn.pString(printInfo.tSwap) << L";" << printInfo.crit.pString(printInfo.tSwap)
+ << L";0;" << printInfo.tSwap << '\n';
return state;