Suggested by: Brian Gladman
svn path=/trunk/yasm/; revision=1960
reg query HKCR\Python.File\shell\open\command >nul: 2>&1\r
goto answer%errorlevel%\r
-echo Python found!\r
+echo ... building with Python ...\r
@echo on\r
@echo off\r
goto end\r
-echo Python not found!\r
+echo ... building without Python ...\r
goto end\r
@echo on\r
reg query HKCR\Python.File\shell\open\command >nul: 2>&1\r
goto answer%errorlevel%\r
-echo Python found!\r
+echo ... building with Python ...\r
@echo on\r
@echo off\r
goto end\r
-echo Python not found!\r
+echo ... building without Python ...\r
goto end\r
@echo on\r