<!-- ...................................................................... -->
-<!-- DocBook XML document hierarchy module V4.1.2 ........................... -->
+<!-- DocBook XML document hierarchy module V4.2b0 ........................... -->
<!-- File dbhierx.mod ..................................................... -->
<!-- Copyright 1992-2000 HaL Computer Systems, Inc.,
declaration that uses the public identifier shown below:
<!ENTITY % dbhier PUBLIC
- "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook XML Document Hierarchy V4.1.2//EN"
+ "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook XML Document Hierarchy V4.2b0//EN"
<!ENTITY % part.module "INCLUDE">
-<!-- Note that Part was to have its content model reduced in V4.1.2. This
+<!-- Note that Part was to have its content model reduced in V4.2b0. This
change will not be made after all. -->
<!ENTITY % local.part.attrib "">
<!--end of article.attlist-->]]>
<!--end of article.module-->]]>
-<!-- End of DocBook XML document hierarchy module V4.1.2 .................... -->
+<!-- End of DocBook XML document hierarchy module V4.2b0 .................... -->
<!-- ...................................................................... -->