* The subheap with smaller value is put as a child of the other one (assuming
* a max-heap).
+ *
+ * The next_sibling and prev_or_parent pointers of the input nodes are
+ * ignored. On return, the returned node's next_sibling and prev_or_parent
+ * pointers are garbage.
static pairingheap_node *
merge(pairingheap *heap, pairingheap_node *a, pairingheap_node *b)
/* Link the new node as a new tree */
heap->ph_root = merge(heap, heap->ph_root, node);
+ heap->ph_root->prev_or_parent = NULL;
+ heap->ph_root->next_sibling = NULL;
children = result->first_child;
heap->ph_root = merge_children(heap, children);
+ if (heap->ph_root)
+ {
+ heap->ph_root->prev_or_parent = NULL;
+ heap->ph_root->next_sibling = NULL;
+ }
return result;
return newroot;
+ * A debug function to dump the contents of the heap as a string.
+ *
+ * The 'dumpfunc' callback appends a string representation of a single node
+ * to the StringInfo. 'opaque' can be used to pass more information to the
+ * callback.
+ */
+static void
+pairingheap_dump_recurse(StringInfo buf,
+ pairingheap_node *node,
+ void (*dumpfunc) (pairingheap_node *node, StringInfo buf, void *opaque),
+ void *opaque,
+ int depth,
+ pairingheap_node *prev_or_parent)
+ while (node)
+ {
+ Assert(node->prev_or_parent == prev_or_parent);
+ appendStringInfoSpaces(buf, depth * 4);
+ dumpfunc(node, buf, opaque);
+ appendStringInfoString(buf, "\n");
+ if (node->first_child)
+ pairingheap_dump_recurse(buf, node->first_child, dumpfunc, opaque, depth + 1, node);
+ prev_or_parent = node;
+ node = node->next_sibling;
+ }
+char *
+pairingheap_dump(pairingheap *heap,
+ void (*dumpfunc) (pairingheap_node *node, StringInfo buf, void *opaque),
+ void *opaque)
+ StringInfoData buf;
+ if (!heap->ph_root)
+ return pstrdup("(empty)");
+ initStringInfo(&buf);
+ pairingheap_dump_recurse(&buf, heap->ph_root, dumpfunc, opaque, 0, NULL);
+ return buf.data;
+#include "lib/stringinfo.h"
+/* Enable if you need the pairingheap_dump() debug function */
+/* #define PAIRINGHEAP_DEBUG */
* This represents an element stored in the heap. Embed this in a larger
* struct containing the actual data you're storing.
extern pairingheap_node *pairingheap_remove_first(pairingheap *heap);
extern void pairingheap_remove(pairingheap *heap, pairingheap_node *node);
+extern char *pairingheap_dump(pairingheap *heap,
+ void (*dumpfunc) (pairingheap_node *node, StringInfo buf, void *opaque),
+ void *opaque);
/* Resets the heap to be empty. */
#define pairingheap_reset(h) ((h)->ph_root = NULL)