~$ sudo make install~
+*** Docker
+Install [Docker](https://www.docker.com/)
+Create a Docker Image:
+~$ docker build . -t autodoc~
+Running Docker:
+Create an env file by copying the example file and filling in details:
+~$ cp env-example env~
+Run a Docker container (with default command in Dockerfile):
+~$ docker run --mount src=`pwd`,target=/app,type=bind --network=host --env-file ./env -v $pwd:/app autodoc~
+Note: --network=host is for accessing a database on localhost
+Run a custom container (see Usage below; if you want the files to appear in current directory, use the `--mount` arg above):
+~$ docker run autodoc postgresql_autodoc [options]~
** Usage
~postgresql_autodoc [options]~