/* }}} */
- #endif /* HAVE_LIBFREETYPE */
+ #endif /* HAVE_GD_FREETYPE */
-/* {{{ proto bool image2wbmp(resource im [, string filename [, int foreground]])
- Output WBMP image to browser or file */
-/* }}} */
-#if defined(HAVE_GD_JPG)
-/* {{{ proto bool jpeg2wbmp(string f_org, string f_dest, int d_height, int d_width, int threshold)
- Convert JPEG image to WBMP image */
-/* }}} */
-#if defined(HAVE_GD_PNG)
-/* {{{ proto bool png2wbmp(string f_org, string f_dest, int d_height, int d_width, int threshold)
- Convert PNG image to WBMP image */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ _php_image_convert
- * _php_image_convert converts jpeg/png images to wbmp and resizes them as needed */
-static void _php_image_convert(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, int image_type )
- char *f_org, *f_dest;
- size_t f_org_len, f_dest_len;
- zend_long height, width, threshold;
- gdImagePtr im_org, im_dest, im_tmp;
- char *fn_org = NULL;
- char *fn_dest = NULL;
- FILE *org, *dest;
- int dest_height = -1;
- int dest_width = -1;
- int org_height, org_width;
- int white, black;
- int color, color_org, median;
- int int_threshold;
- int x, y;
- float x_ratio, y_ratio;
-#ifdef HAVE_GD_JPG
- zend_long ignore_warning;
- if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "pplll", &f_org, &f_org_len, &f_dest, &f_dest_len, &height, &width, &threshold) == FAILURE) {
- return;
- }
- fn_org = f_org;
- fn_dest = f_dest;
- dest_height = height;
- dest_width = width;
- int_threshold = threshold;
- /* Check threshold value */
- if (int_threshold < 0 || int_threshold > 8) {
- php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Invalid threshold value '%d'", int_threshold);
- }
- /* Check origin file */
- PHP_GD_CHECK_OPEN_BASEDIR(fn_org, "Invalid origin filename");
- /* Check destination file */
- PHP_GD_CHECK_OPEN_BASEDIR(fn_dest, "Invalid destination filename");
- /* Open origin file */
- org = VCWD_FOPEN(fn_org, "rb");
- if (!org) {
- php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Unable to open '%s' for reading", fn_org);
- }
- /* Open destination file */
- dest = VCWD_FOPEN(fn_dest, "wb");
- if (!dest) {
- php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Unable to open '%s' for writing", fn_dest);
- fclose(org);
- }
- switch (image_type) {
-#ifdef HAVE_GD_JPG
- ignore_warning = INI_INT("gd.jpeg_ignore_warning");
- im_org = gdImageCreateFromJpegEx(org, ignore_warning);
- if (im_org == NULL) {
- php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Unable to open '%s' Not a valid JPEG file", fn_dest);
- fclose(org);
- fclose(dest);
- }
- break;
-#endif /* HAVE_GD_JPG */
-#ifdef HAVE_GD_PNG
- im_org = gdImageCreateFromPng(org);
- if (im_org == NULL) {
- php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Unable to open '%s' Not a valid PNG file", fn_dest);
- fclose(org);
- fclose(dest);
- }
- break;
-#endif /* HAVE_GD_PNG */
- default:
- php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Format not supported");
- fclose(org);
- fclose(dest);
- break;
- }
- fclose(org);
- org_width = gdImageSX (im_org);
- org_height = gdImageSY (im_org);
- x_ratio = (float) org_width / (float) dest_width;
- y_ratio = (float) org_height / (float) dest_height;
- if (x_ratio > 1 && y_ratio > 1) {
- if (y_ratio > x_ratio) {
- x_ratio = y_ratio;
- } else {
- y_ratio = x_ratio;
- }
- dest_width = (int) (org_width / x_ratio);
- dest_height = (int) (org_height / y_ratio);
- } else {
- x_ratio = (float) dest_width / (float) org_width;
- y_ratio = (float) dest_height / (float) org_height;
- if (y_ratio < x_ratio) {
- x_ratio = y_ratio;
- } else {
- y_ratio = x_ratio;
- }
- dest_width = (int) (org_width * x_ratio);
- dest_height = (int) (org_height * y_ratio);
- }
- im_tmp = gdImageCreate (dest_width, dest_height);
- if (im_tmp == NULL ) {
- php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Unable to allocate temporary buffer");
- fclose(dest);
- gdImageDestroy(im_org);
- }
- gdImageCopyResized (im_tmp, im_org, 0, 0, 0, 0, dest_width, dest_height, org_width, org_height);
- gdImageDestroy(im_org);
- im_dest = gdImageCreate(dest_width, dest_height);
- if (im_dest == NULL) {
- php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Unable to allocate destination buffer");
- fclose(dest);
- gdImageDestroy(im_tmp);
- }
- white = gdImageColorAllocate(im_dest, 255, 255, 255);
- if (white == -1) {
- php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Unable to allocate the colors for the destination buffer");
- fclose(dest);
- gdImageDestroy(im_tmp);
- gdImageDestroy(im_dest);
- }
- black = gdImageColorAllocate(im_dest, 0, 0, 0);
- if (black == -1) {
- php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Unable to allocate the colors for the destination buffer");
- fclose(dest);
- gdImageDestroy(im_tmp);
- gdImageDestroy(im_dest);
- }
- int_threshold = int_threshold * 32;
- for (y = 0; y < dest_height; y++) {
- for (x = 0; x < dest_width; x++) {
- color_org = gdImageGetPixel (im_tmp, x, y);
- median = (im_tmp->red[color_org] + im_tmp->green[color_org] + im_tmp->blue[color_org]) / 3;
- if (median < int_threshold) {
- color = black;
- } else {
- color = white;
- }
- gdImageSetPixel (im_dest, x, y, color);
- }
- }
- gdImageDestroy (im_tmp );
- gdImageWBMP(im_dest, black , dest);
- fflush(dest);
- fclose(dest);
- gdImageDestroy(im_dest);
-/* }}} */
/* Section Filters */
zval *SIM; \