This adds the following commands:
- Check module does a full syntax check of the current module.
-It also runs the tabnanny to catch any inconsistent tabs.
+ It also runs the tabnanny to catch any inconsistent tabs.
- Run module executes the module's code in the __main__ namespace. The window
-must have been saved previously. The module is added to sys.modules, and is
-also added to the __main__ namespace.
+ must have been saved previously. The module is added to sys.modules, and is
+ also added to the __main__ namespace.
-XXX Redesign this interface (yet again) as follows:
+XXX GvR Redesign this interface (yet again) as follows:
- Present a dialog box for ``Run script''
+import re
+import string
+import tabnanny
+import tokenize
import tkMessageBox
+IDENTCHARS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "_"
indent_message = """Error: Inconsistent indentation detected!
This means that either:
by Untabify Region (both in the Edit menu)."""
-# XXX TBD Implement stop-execution KBK 11Jun02
+# XXX 11Jun02 KBK TBD Implement stop-execution
class ScriptBinding:
menudefs = [
('run', [None,
- ('Check module', '<<check-module>>'),
- ('Run script', '<<run-script>>'), ]), ]
+ ('Check Module', '<<check-module>>'),
+ ('Run Script', '<<run-script>>'), ]), ]
def __init__(self, editwin):
self.editwin = editwin
if not self.tabnanny(filename):
- if not self.checksyntax(filename):
- return
+ self.checksyntax(filename)
def tabnanny(self, filename):
- import tabnanny
- import tokenize
f = open(filename, 'r')
source =
if '\r' in source:
- import re
source = re.sub(r"\r\n", "\n", source)
if source and source[-1] != '\n':
source = source + '\n'
- compile(source, filename, "exec")
+ # If successful, return the compiled code
+ return compile(source, filename, "exec")
except (SyntaxError, OverflowError), err:
msg, (errorfilename, lineno, offset, line) = err
if not errorfilename:
err.args = msg, (filename, lineno, offset, line)
err.filename = filename
+ self.colorize_syntax_error(msg, lineno, offset)
- lineno = None
msg = "*** " + str(err)
- if lineno:
- self.editwin.gotoline(lineno)
self.errorbox("Syntax error",
"There's an error in your program:\n" + msg)
- return True
+ return False
+ def colorize_syntax_error(self, msg, lineno, offset):
+ text = self.editwin.text
+ pos = "0.0 + %d lines + %d chars" % (lineno-1, offset-1)
+ text.tag_add("ERROR", pos)
+ char = text.get(pos)
+ if char and char in IDENTCHARS:
+ text.tag_add("ERROR", pos + " wordstart", pos)
+ if '\n' == text.get(pos): # error at line end
+ text.mark_set("insert", pos)
+ else:
+ text.mark_set("insert", pos + "+1c")
+ text.see(pos)
def run_script_event(self, event):
+ "Check syntax, if ok run the script in the shell top level"
filename = self.getfilename()
if not filename:
+ code = self.checksyntax(filename)
+ if not code:
+ return
flist = self.editwin.flist
shell = flist.open_shell()
interp = shell.interp
from os.path import basename as _basename
if (not _sys.argv or
_basename(_sys.argv[0]) != _basename(_filename)):
- # XXX 25 July 2002 KBK should this be sys.argv not _sys.argv?
_sys.argv = [_filename]
- del _filename, _sys, _basename
+ del _filename, _sys, _basename
\n""" % `filename`)
- interp.execfile(filename)
+ interp.runcode(code)
def getfilename(self):
# Logic to make sure we have a saved filename