-o | --outfile filename: define the filename for output. Default depends on
the output format: out.html, out.txt or out.tsung.
To dump output to stdout use - as filename.
+ -O | --outdir path : directory where out file must be saved.
-p | --prefix string : give here the value of your custom log_line_prefix
defined in your postgresql.conf. Only use it if you
aren't using one of the standard prefixes specified
-o | --outfile filename: define the filename for output. Default depends on
the output format: out.html, out.txt or out.tsung.
To dump output to stdout use - as filename.
+ -O | --outdir path : directory where out file must be saved.
-p | --prefix string : give here the value of your custom log_line_prefix
defined in your postgresql.conf. Only use it if you
aren't using one of the standard prefixes specified
"N|appname=s" => \@dbappname,
"n|nohighlight!" => \$nohighlight,
"o|outfile=s" => \$outfile,
+ "O|outdir=s" => \$outdir,
"p|prefix=s" => \$log_line_prefix,
"P|no-prettify!" => \$noprettify,
"q|quiet!" => \$quiet,
# Extract the output directory from outfile so that graphs will
# be created in the same directory
-my @infs = fileparse($outfile);
-$outdir = $infs[1] . '/';
+if ($outfile ne '-') {
+ if (!$outdir) {
+ my @infs = fileparse($outfile);
+ $outdir = $infs[1];
+ } elsif (!-d "$outdir") {
+ # An output directory have been passed as command line parameter
+ die "FATAL: $outdir is not a directory or doesn't exist.\n";
+ }
+ $outfile = basename($outfile);
+ $outfile = $outdir . '/' . $outfile;
# Remove graph support if output is not html
$graph = 0 unless ($extension eq 'html' or $extension eq 'binary' );
-o | --outfile filename: define the filename for the output. Default depends
on the output format: out.html, out.txt or out.tsung.
To dump output to stdout use - as filename.
+ -O | --outdir path : directory where out file must be saved.
-p | --prefix string : give here the value of your custom log_line_prefix
defined in your postgresql.conf. Only use it if you
aren't using one of the standard prefixes specified