struct cmd Cmd = { 0 }; /* flag.h */
+extern const char *hu_stat[]; /* hunger status from eat.c */
+extern const char *enc_stat[]; /* encumbrance status from botl.c */
#ifdef UNIX
* Some systems may have getchar() return EOF for various reasons, and
STATIC_DCL void FDECL(enlght_line, (const char *,const char *,const char *,char *));
STATIC_DCL char *FDECL(enlght_combatinc, (const char *,int,int,char *));
STATIC_DCL void FDECL(enlght_halfdmg, (int,int));
+STATIC_DCL boolean NDECL(walking_on_water);
+STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(cause_known, (int));
static const char* readchar_queue="";
static coord clicklook_cc;
enl_msg(You_, "take", "took", buf, from_what(category));
+/* is hero actively using water walking capability on water (or lava)? */
+STATIC_OVL boolean
+ if (u.uinwater || Levitation || Flying) return FALSE;
+ return (Wwalking && (is_pool(u.ux, || is_lava(u.ux,;
+/* check whether hero is wearing something that player definitely knows
+ confers the target property; item must have been seen and its type
+ discovered but it doesn't necessarily have to be fully identified */
+STATIC_OVL boolean
+int propindx; /* index of a property which can be conveyed by worn item */
+ register struct obj *o;
+ long mask = W_ARMOR | W_AMUL | W_RING | W_TOOL;
+ /* simpler than from_what()/what_gives(); we don't attempt to
+ handle artifacts and we deliberately ignore wielded items */
+ for (o = invent; o; o = o->nobj) {
+ if (!(o->owornmask & mask)) continue;
+ if ((int)objects[o->otyp].oc_oprop == propindx &&
+ objects[o->otyp].oc_name_known && o->dknown)
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
enlightenment(mode, final)
- int ltmp, armpro;
- char buf[BUFSZ];
+ boolean magic = (mode & MAGICENLIGHTENMENT) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ int cap, armpro, ltmp;
+ char buf[BUFSZ], youtoo[BUFSZ];
+#ifdef STEED
+ boolean Riding = (u.usteed &&
+ /* if hero dies while dismounting, u.usteed will still
+ be set; we want to ignore steed in that situation */
+ !(final == ENL_GAMEOVERDEAD &&
+ !strcmp(, "riding accident")));
+ const char *steedname = !Riding ? (char *)0 :
+ x_monnam(u.usteed,
+ u.usteed->mtame ? ARTICLE_YOUR : ARTICLE_THE,
+ (char *)0,
en_win = create_nhwindow(NHW_MENU);
- putstr(en_win, 0, final ? "Final Attributes:" : "Current Attributes:");
+ /*\
+ * Status (many are abbreviated on bottom line; others are or
+ * should be discernible to the hero hence to the player)
+ \*/
+ putstr(en_win, 0, final ? "Final Status:" : "Current Status:");
+ Strcpy(youtoo, You_);
+ /* not a traditional status but inherently obvious to player;
+ more detail provided below for magic enlightenment */
+ if (Upolyd) you_are("transformed", "");
+#ifdef STEED
+ /* not a trouble, but we want to display riding status before maybe
+ reporting steed as trapped or hero stuck to cursed saddle */
+ if (Riding) {
+ Sprintf(buf, "riding %s", steedname);
+ you_are(buf, "");
+ Sprintf(eos(youtoo), "and %s ", steedname);
+ }
+#endif /*STEED*/
+ /* other movement situations that hero should always know */
+ if (Levitation) {
+ if (Lev_at_will && magic)
+ you_are("levitating, at will", "");
+ else
+ enl_msg(youtoo, are, were, "levitating", from_what(LEVITATION));
+ }
+ if (Flying) {
+ if (Levitation)
+ you_can("also fly", from_what(FLYING));
+ else
+ enl_msg(youtoo, are, were, "flying", from_what(FLYING));
+ }
+ if (Underwater) {
+ you_are("underwater", "");
+ } else if (u.uinwater) {
+ you_are(Swimming ? "swimming" : "in water", from_what(SWIMMING));
+ } else if (walking_on_water()) {
+ /* show active Wwalking here, potential Wwalking elsewhere */
+ Sprintf(buf, "walking on %s",
+ is_pool(u.ux, ? "water" :
+ is_lava(u.ux, ? "lava" :
+ surface(u.ux,; /* catchall; shouldn't happen */
+ you_are(buf, from_what(WWALKING));
+ }
+ /* internal troubles, mostly in the order that prayer ranks them */
+ if (Stoned) you_are("turning to stone", "");
+ if (Slimed) you_are("turning into slime", "");
+ if (Strangled) {
+ if (u.uburied) {
+ you_are("buried", "");
+ } else {
+ Strcpy(buf, "being strangled");
+#ifdef WIZARD
+ if (wizard) Sprintf(eos(buf), " (%ld)", (Strangled & TIMEOUT));
+ you_are(buf, from_what(STRANGLED));
+ }
+ }
+ if (Sick) {
+ /* prayer lumps these together; botl puts Ill before FoodPois */
+ if (u.usick_type & SICK_NONVOMITABLE)
+ you_are("terminally sick from illness", "");
+ if (u.usick_type & SICK_VOMITABLE)
+ you_are("terminally sick from food poisoning", "");
+ }
+ if (Vomiting) you_are("nauseated", "");
+ if (Stunned) you_are("stunned", "");
+ if (Confusion) you_are("confused", "");
+ if (Hallucination) you_are("hallucinating", "");
+ if (Blind) you_are("blind", from_what(BLINDED));
+ if (Deaf) you_are("deaf", from_what(DEAF));
+ /* external troubles, more or less */
+ if (Punished) {
+ if (uball) {
+ Sprintf(buf, "chained to %s", ansimpleoname(uball));
+ } else {
+ impossible("Punished without uball?");
+ Strcpy(buf, "punished");
+ }
+ you_are(buf, "");
+ }
+ if (u.utrap) {
+ char predicament[BUFSZ];
+ struct trap *t;
+ boolean anchored = (u.utraptype == TT_BURIEDBALL);
+ if (anchored) {
+ Strcpy(predicament, "tethered to something buried");
+ } else if (u.utraptype == TT_INFLOOR || u.utraptype == TT_LAVA) {
+ Sprintf(predicament, "stuck in %s", the(surface(u.ux,;
+ } else {
+ Strcpy(predicament, "trapped");
+ if ((t = t_at(u.ux, != 0)
+ Sprintf(eos(predicament), " in %s",
+ an(defsyms[trap_to_defsym(t->ttyp)].explanation));
+ }
+#ifdef STEED
+ if (u.usteed) { /* not `Riding' here */
+ Sprintf(buf, "%s%s ", anchored ? "you and " : "", steedname);
+ *buf = highc(*buf);
+ enl_msg(buf, (anchored ? "are " : "is "),
+ (anchored ? "were " : "was "), predicament, "");
+ } else
+#endif /*STEED*/
+ you_are(predicament, "");
+ } /* (u.utrap) */
+ if (u.uswallow) {
+ Sprintf(buf, "swallowed by %s", a_monnam(u.ustuck));
+#ifdef WIZARD
+ if (wizard) Sprintf(eos(buf), " (%u)", u.uswldtim);
+ you_are(buf, "");
+ } else if (u.ustuck) {
+ Sprintf(buf, "%s %s",
+ (Upolyd && sticks( ? "holding" : "held by",
+ a_monnam(u.ustuck));
+ you_are(buf, "");
+ }
+#ifdef STEED
+ if (Riding) {
+ struct obj *saddle = which_armor(u.usteed, W_SADDLE);
+ if (saddle && saddle->cursed) {
+ Sprintf(buf, "stuck to %s %s",
+ s_suffix(steedname), simpleonames(saddle));
+ you_are(buf, "");
+ }
+ }
+#endif /*STEED*/
+ if (Wounded_legs) {
+#ifdef STEED
+ /* when mounted, Wounded_legs applies to steed rather than to
+ hero; we only report steed's wounded legs in wizard mode */
+ if (u.usteed) { /* not `Riding' here */
+# ifdef WIZARD
+ if (wizard) {
+ Strcpy(buf, steedname);
+ *buf = highc(*buf);
+ enl_msg(buf, " has", " had", " wounded legs", "");
+ }
+# endif
+ } else
+#endif /*STEED*/
+ {
+ Sprintf(buf, "wounded %s", makeplural(body_part(LEG)));
+ you_have(buf, "");
+ }
+ }
+ if (Glib) {
+ Sprintf(buf, "slippery %s", makeplural(body_part(FINGER)));
+ you_have(buf, "");
+ }
+ if (Fumbling) {
+ if (magic || cause_known(FUMBLING))
+ enl_msg(You_, "fumble", "fumbled", "", from_what(FUMBLING));
+ }
+ if (Sleeping) {
+ if (magic || cause_known(SLEEPING))
+ enl_msg("You ", "fall", "fell", " asleep uncontrollably",
+ from_what(SLEEPING));
+ }
+ /* hunger/nutrition */
+ if (Hunger) {
+ if (magic || cause_known(HUNGER))
+ enl_msg(You_, "hunger", "hungered", " rapidly",
+ from_what(HUNGER));
+ }
+ Strcpy(buf, hu_stat[u.uhs]); /* hunger status; omitted if "normal" */
+ mungspaces(buf); /* strip trailing spaces */
+ if (*buf) {
+ *buf = lowc(*buf); /* override capitalization */
+ if (!strcmp(buf, "weak"))
+ Strcat(buf, " from severe hunger");
+ else if (!strncmp(buf, "faint", 5)) /* fainting, fainted */
+ Strcat(buf, " due to starvation");
+ you_are(buf, "");
+ }
+ /* encumbrance */
+ if ((cap = near_capacity()) > UNENCUMBERED) {
+ const char *adj = "?_?"; /* (should always get overridden) */
+ Strcpy(buf, enc_stat[cap]);
+ *buf = lowc(*buf);
+ switch (cap) {
+ case SLT_ENCUMBER: adj = "slightly"; break; /* burdened */
+ case MOD_ENCUMBER: adj = "moderately"; break; /* stressed */
+ case HVY_ENCUMBER: adj = "very"; break; /* strained */
+ case EXT_ENCUMBER: adj = "extremely"; break; /* overtaxed */
+ case OVERLOADED: adj = "not possible"; break;
+ }
+ Sprintf(eos(buf), "; movement %s %s%s", !final ? "is" : "was",
+ adj, (cap < OVERLOADED) ? " slowed" : "");
+ you_are(buf, "");
+ } else {
+ /* last resort entry, guarantees Status section is non-empty */
+ you_are("unencumbered", "");
+ }
+ /*\
+ * Attributes
+ \*/
putstr(en_win, 0, "");
+ putstr(en_win, 0, final ? "Final Attributes:" : "Current Attributes:");
if (u.uevent.uhand_of_elbereth) {
/*** Resistances to troubles ***/
+ if (Invulnerable) you_are("invulnerable",from_what(INVULNERABLE));
+ if (Antimagic) you_are("magic-protected",from_what(ANTIMAGIC));
if (Fire_resistance) you_are("fire resistant",from_what(FIRE_RES));
if (Cold_resistance) you_are("cold resistant",from_what(COLD_RES));
if (Sleep_resistance) you_are("sleep resistant",from_what(SLEEP_RES));
if (Shock_resistance) you_are("shock resistant",from_what(SHOCK_RES));
if (Poison_resistance) you_are("poison resistant",from_what(POISON_RES));
+ if (Acid_resistance) you_are("acid resistant",from_what(ACID_RES));
if (Drain_resistance)
you_are("level-drain resistant",from_what(DRAIN_RES));
if (Sick_resistance) you_are("immune to sickness",from_what(SICK_RES));
- if (Antimagic) you_are("magic-protected",from_what(ANTIMAGIC));
- if (Acid_resistance) you_are("acid resistant",from_what(ACID_RES));
if (Stone_resistance)
you_are("petrification resistant",from_what(STONE_RES));
- if (Invulnerable) you_are("invulnerable",from_what(INVULNERABLE));
- if (u.uedibility) you_can("recognize detrimental food","");
- /*** Troubles ***/
if (Halluc_resistance)
- enl_msg("You resist", "", "ed", " hallucinations",
+ enl_msg(You_, "resist", "resisted", " hallucinations",
- if (final) {
- if (Hallucination) you_are("hallucinating","");
- if (Stunned) you_are("stunned","");
- if (Confusion) you_are("confused","");
- if (Blind) you_are("blind",from_what(BLINDED));
- if (Deaf) you_are("deaf",from_what(DEAF));
- if (Sick) {
- if (u.usick_type & SICK_VOMITABLE)
- you_are("sick from food poisoning","");
- if (u.usick_type & SICK_NONVOMITABLE)
- you_are("sick from illness","");
- }
- }
- if (Stoned) you_are("turning to stone","");
- if (Slimed) you_are("turning into slime","");
- if (Strangled) you_are((u.uburied) ? "buried" : "being strangled","");
- if (Vomiting) you_are("nauseated","");
- if (Glib) {
- Sprintf(buf, "slippery %s", makeplural(body_part(FINGER)));
- you_have(buf,"");
- }
- if (Fumbling) enl_msg("You fumble", "", "d", "",from_what(FUMBLING));
- if (Wounded_legs
-#ifdef STEED
- && !u.usteed
- ) {
- Sprintf(buf, "wounded %s", makeplural(body_part(LEG)));
- you_have(buf,"");
- }
-#if defined(WIZARD) && defined(STEED)
- if (Wounded_legs && u.usteed && wizard) {
- Strcpy(buf, x_monnam(u.usteed, ARTICLE_YOUR, (char *)0,
- *buf = highc(*buf);
- enl_msg(buf, " has", " had", " wounded legs", "");
- }
- if (Sleeping) enl_msg("You ", "fall", "fell", " asleep", "");
- if (Hunger) enl_msg("You hunger", "", "ed", " rapidly", "");
- if (Hate_silver) you_are("harmed by silver","");
+ if (u.uedibility) you_can("recognize detrimental food","");
/*** Vision and senses ***/
if (!Blind && (Blinded || !haseyes(
if (Teleportation) you_can("teleport",from_what(TELEPORT));
if (Teleport_control)
you_have("teleport control",from_what(TELEPORT_CONTROL));
- if (Lev_at_will) you_are("levitating, at will", "");
- else if (Levitation)
- you_are("levitating",from_what(LEVITATION)); /* without control */
- else if (Flying) you_can("fly",from_what(FLYING));
- if (Wwalking) you_can("walk on water",from_what(WWALKING));
- if (Swimming) you_can("swim",from_what(SWIMMING));
+ /* actively walking on water handled earlier as a status condition */
+ if (Wwalking && !walking_on_water())
+ you_can("walk on water",from_what(WWALKING));
+ /* actively swimming (in water but not under it) handled earlier */
+ if (Swimming && (Underwater || !u.uinwater))
+ you_can("swim",from_what(SWIMMING));
if (Breathless) you_can("survive without air",from_what(MAGICAL_BREATHING));
else if (Amphibious) you_can("breathe water",from_what(MAGICAL_BREATHING));
if (Passes_walls) you_can("walk through walls",from_what(PASSES_WALLS));
-#ifdef STEED
- /* If you die while dismounting, u.usteed is still set. Since several
- * places in the done() sequence depend on u.usteed, just detect this
- * special case. */
- if (u.usteed && (final < 2 || strcmp(, "riding accident"))) {
- Sprintf(buf, "riding %s", y_monnam(u.usteed));
- you_are(buf,"");
- }
- if (u.uswallow) {
- Sprintf(buf, "swallowed by %s", a_monnam(u.ustuck));
-#ifdef WIZARD
- if (wizard) Sprintf(eos(buf), " (%u)", u.uswldtim);
- you_are(buf,"");
- } else if (u.ustuck) {
- Sprintf(buf, "%s %s",
- (Upolyd && sticks( ? "holding" : "held by",
- a_monnam(u.ustuck));
- you_are(buf,"");
- }
/*** Physical attributes ***/
if (Regeneration)
if (Unchanging) you_can("not change from your current form","");
+ if (Hate_silver) you_are("harmed by silver","");
if (Fast) you_are(Very_fast ? "very fast" : "fast",from_what(FAST));
if (Reflecting) you_have("reflection",from_what(REFLECTING));
if (Free_action) you_have("free action",from_what(FREE_ACTION));
if (Lifesaved)
enl_msg("Your life ", "will be", "would have been", " saved","");
if (u.twoweap) you_are("wielding two weapons at once","");
- if (u.utraptype == TT_BURIEDBALL) you_are("fastened to a buried ball","");
/*** Miscellany ***/
if (Luck) {