Generated for ROM with MD5sum:
ab8282ae908fe9e7a63fb2a4ac2df013 ../../rom_image/prorom.elf
-PROVIDE ( abort = 0x4000bba4 );
PROVIDE ( Add2SelfBigHex256 = 0x40015b7c );
PROVIDE ( AddBigHex256 = 0x40015b28 );
PROVIDE ( AddBigHexModP256 = 0x40015c98 );
PROVIDE ( AddP256 = 0x40015c74 );
PROVIDE ( AddPdiv2_256 = 0x40015ce0 );
-PROVIDE ( aes_128_cbc_decrypt = 0x4005cc7c );
-PROVIDE ( aes_128_cbc_encrypt = 0x4005cc18 );
-PROVIDE ( aes_unwrap = 0x4005ccf0 );
PROVIDE ( app_gpio_arg = 0x3ffe003c );
PROVIDE ( app_gpio_handler = 0x3ffe0040 );
-PROVIDE ( base64_decode = 0x4005ced8 );
-PROVIDE ( base64_encode = 0x4005cdbc );
PROVIDE ( BasePoint_x_256 = 0x3ff97488 );
PROVIDE ( BasePoint_y_256 = 0x3ff97468 );
PROVIDE ( bigHexInversion256 = 0x400168f0 );
PROVIDE ( exc_cause_table = 0x3ff991d0 );
PROVIDE ( _exit_r = 0x4000bd28 );
PROVIDE ( free = 0x4000beb8 );
-PROVIDE ( _free_r = 0x4000bbcc );
PROVIDE ( _fstat_r = 0x4000bccc );
PROVIDE ( __gcc_bcmp = 0x40064a70 );
-PROVIDE ( _getpid_r = 0x4000bcfc );
-PROVIDE ( __getreent = 0x4000be8c );
-PROVIDE ( _gettimeofday_r = 0x4000bc58 );
PROVIDE ( GF_Jacobian_Point_Addition256 = 0x400163a4 );
PROVIDE ( GF_Jacobian_Point_Double256 = 0x40016260 );
PROVIDE ( GF_Point_Jacobian_To_Affine256 = 0x40016b0c );
PROVIDE ( hci_evt_desc_tab = 0x3ff9751c );
PROVIDE ( hci_evt_le_desc_tab = 0x3ff974b4 );
PROVIDE ( hci_fc_env = 0x3ffb9340 );
-PROVIDE ( hmac_md5 = 0x4005d264 );
-PROVIDE ( hmac_md5_vector = 0x4005d17c );
-PROVIDE ( hmac_sha1 = 0x40060acc );
-PROVIDE ( hmac_sha1_vector = 0x400609e4 );
-PROVIDE ( hmac_sha256 = 0x40060d58 );
-PROVIDE ( hmac_sha256_vector = 0x40060c84 );
PROVIDE ( jd_decomp = 0x400613e8 );
PROVIDE ( jd_prepare = 0x40060fa8 );
PROVIDE ( ke_env = 0x3ffb93cc );
-PROVIDE ( _kill_r = 0x4000bd10 );
PROVIDE ( lb_default_handler = 0x3ff982b8 );
PROVIDE ( lb_default_state_tab_p_get = 0x4001c198 );
PROVIDE ( lb_env = 0x3ffb9424 );
PROVIDE ( lmp_desc_tab = 0x3ff96e6c );
PROVIDE ( lmp_ext_desc_tab = 0x3ff96d9c );
PROVIDE ( lm_state = 0x3ffb9a1c );
-PROVIDE ( _lock_acquire_recursive = 0x4000be28 );
-PROVIDE ( _lock_close = 0x4000bdec );
-PROVIDE ( _lock_close_recursive = 0x4000be00 );
-PROVIDE ( _lock_init = 0x4000bdc4 );
-PROVIDE ( _lock_init_recursive = 0x4000bdd8 );
-PROVIDE ( _lock_release_recursive = 0x4000be78 );
-PROVIDE ( _lock_try_acquire = 0x4000be3c );
-PROVIDE ( _lock_try_acquire_recursive = 0x4000be50 );
PROVIDE ( _lseek_r = 0x4000bd8c );
PROVIDE ( malloc = 0x4000bea0 );
-PROVIDE ( _malloc_r = 0x4000bbb4 );
PROVIDE ( maxSecretKey_256 = 0x3ff97448 );
PROVIDE ( __mb_cur_max = 0x3ff96530 );
-PROVIDE ( MD5Final = 0x4005db1c );
-PROVIDE ( MD5Init = 0x4005da7c );
-PROVIDE ( MD5Update = 0x4005da9c );
-PROVIDE ( md5_vector = 0x4005db80 );
PROVIDE ( mmu_init = 0x400095a4 );
PROVIDE ( __month_lengths = 0x3ff9609c );
PROVIDE ( MultiplyBigHexByUint32_256 = 0x40016214 );
PROVIDE ( notEqual256 = 0x40015b04 );
PROVIDE ( one_bits = 0x3ff971f8 );
PROVIDE ( _open_r = 0x4000bd54 );
-PROVIDE ( pbkdf2_sha1 = 0x40060ba4 );
PROVIDE ( phy_get_romfuncs = 0x40004100 );
PROVIDE ( _Pri_4_HandlerAddress = 0x3ffe0648 );
PROVIDE ( _Pri_5_HandlerAddress = 0x3ffe064c );
PROVIDE ( r_bt_util_buf_sync_rx_free = 0x4001049c );
PROVIDE ( r_bt_util_buf_sync_tx_alloc = 0x400103ec );
PROVIDE ( r_bt_util_buf_sync_tx_free = 0x40010428 );
-PROVIDE ( rc4_skip = 0x40060928 );
PROVIDE ( r_co_bdaddr_compare = 0x40014324 );
PROVIDE ( r_co_bytes_to_string = 0x400142e4 );
PROVIDE ( r_co_list_check_size_available = 0x400142c4 );
PROVIDE ( ea_conflict_check = 0x40014e9c );
PROVIDE ( ea_prog_timer = 0x40014f88 );
PROVIDE ( realloc = 0x4000becc );
-PROVIDE ( _realloc_r = 0x4000bbe0 );
PROVIDE ( r_ea_offset_req = 0x40015748 );
PROVIDE ( r_ea_sleep_check = 0x40015928 );
PROVIDE ( r_ea_sw_isr = 0x40015724 );
PROVIDE ( rwip_rf = 0x3ffbdb28 );
PROVIDE ( rwip_rf_p_get = 0x400558f4 );
PROVIDE ( r_XorKey = 0x400112c0 );
-PROVIDE ( _sbrk_r = 0x4000bce4 );
PROVIDE ( __sf_fake_stderr = 0x3ff96458 );
PROVIDE ( __sf_fake_stdin = 0x3ff96498 );
PROVIDE ( __sf_fake_stdout = 0x3ff96478 );
-PROVIDE ( sha1_prf = 0x40060ae8 );
-PROVIDE ( sha1_vector = 0x40060b64 );
-PROVIDE ( sha256_prf = 0x40060d70 );
-PROVIDE ( sha256_vector = 0x40060e08 );
PROVIDE ( sha_blk_bits = 0x3ff99290 );
PROVIDE ( sha_blk_bits_bytes = 0x3ff99288 );
PROVIDE ( sha_blk_hash_bytes = 0x3ff9928c );
PROVIDE ( tdefl_init = 0x40060810 );
PROVIDE ( tdefl_write_image_to_png_file_in_memory = 0x4006091c );
PROVIDE ( tdefl_write_image_to_png_file_in_memory_ex = 0x40060910 );
-PROVIDE ( _times_r = 0x4000bc40 );
PROVIDE ( _timezone = 0x3ffae0a0 );
PROVIDE ( tinfl_decompress = 0x4005ef30 );
PROVIDE ( tinfl_decompress_mem_to_callback = 0x40060090 );
PROVIDE ( uart_tx_one_char = 0x40009200 );
PROVIDE ( uart_tx_one_char2 = 0x4000922c );
PROVIDE ( uart_tx_switch = 0x40009028 );
-PROVIDE ( uart_tx_wait_idle = 0x40009278 );
PROVIDE ( ets_intr_lock = 0x400067b0 );
PROVIDE ( ets_intr_unlock = 0x400067c4 );
PROVIDE ( ets_isr_attach = 0x400067ec );
-PROVIDE ( ets_isr_mask = 0x400067fc );
-PROVIDE ( ets_isr_unmask = 0x40006808 );
PROVIDE ( ets_waiti0 = 0x400067d8 );
PROVIDE ( intr_matrix_set = 0x4000681c );
PROVIDE ( check_pos = 0x400068b8 );
PROVIDE ( ets_get_cpu_frequency = 0x4000855c );
PROVIDE ( ets_get_detected_xtal_freq = 0x40008588 );
PROVIDE ( ets_get_xtal_scale = 0x4000856c );
-PROVIDE ( ets_timer_arm = 0x40008368 );
-PROVIDE ( ets_timer_arm_us = 0x400083ac );
-PROVIDE ( ets_timer_disarm = 0x400083ec );
-PROVIDE ( ets_timer_done = 0x40008428 );
-PROVIDE ( ets_timer_handler_isr = 0x40008454 );
-PROVIDE ( ets_timer_init = 0x400084e8 );
-PROVIDE ( ets_timer_setfn = 0x40008350 );
PROVIDE ( ets_update_cpu_frequency_rom = 0x40008550 ); /* Updates g_ticks_per_us on the current CPU only; not on the other core */
/* Following are static data, but can be used, not generated by script <<<<< btdm data */
--- /dev/null
+ ROM Functions defined in this file are not used in ESP-IDF as is,
+ and different definitions for functions with the same names are provided.
+ This file is not used when linking ESP-IDF and is intended for reference only
+PROVIDE ( abort = 0x4000bba4 );
+PROVIDE ( aes_128_cbc_decrypt = 0x4005cc7c );
+PROVIDE ( aes_128_cbc_encrypt = 0x4005cc18 );
+PROVIDE ( aes_unwrap = 0x4005ccf0 );
+PROVIDE ( base64_decode = 0x4005ced8 );
+PROVIDE ( base64_encode = 0x4005cdbc );
+PROVIDE ( ets_isr_mask = 0x400067fc );
+PROVIDE ( ets_isr_unmask = 0x40006808 );
+PROVIDE ( ets_timer_arm = 0x40008368 );
+PROVIDE ( ets_timer_arm_us = 0x400083ac );
+PROVIDE ( ets_timer_disarm = 0x400083ec );
+PROVIDE ( ets_timer_done = 0x40008428 );
+PROVIDE ( ets_timer_init = 0x400084e8 );
+PROVIDE ( ets_timer_handler_isr = 0x40008454 );
+PROVIDE ( ets_timer_setfn = 0x40008350 );
+PROVIDE ( _free_r = 0x4000bbcc );
+PROVIDE ( _getpid_r = 0x4000bcfc );
+PROVIDE ( __getreent = 0x4000be8c );
+PROVIDE ( _gettimeofday_r = 0x4000bc58 );
+PROVIDE ( hmac_md5 = 0x4005d264 );
+PROVIDE ( hmac_md5_vector = 0x4005d17c );
+PROVIDE ( hmac_sha1 = 0x40060acc );
+PROVIDE ( hmac_sha1_vector = 0x400609e4 );
+PROVIDE ( hmac_sha256 = 0x40060d58 );
+PROVIDE ( hmac_sha256_vector = 0x40060c84 );
+PROVIDE ( _kill_r = 0x4000bd10 );
+PROVIDE ( _lock_acquire = 0x4000be14 );
+PROVIDE ( _lock_acquire_recursive = 0x4000be28 );
+PROVIDE ( _lock_close = 0x4000bdec );
+PROVIDE ( _lock_close_recursive = 0x4000be00 );
+PROVIDE ( _lock_init = 0x4000bdc4 );
+PROVIDE ( _lock_init_recursive = 0x4000bdd8 );
+PROVIDE ( _lock_release = 0x4000be64 );
+PROVIDE ( _lock_release_recursive = 0x4000be78 );
+PROVIDE ( _lock_try_acquire = 0x4000be3c );
+PROVIDE ( _lock_try_acquire_recursive = 0x4000be50 );
+PROVIDE ( _malloc_r = 0x4000bbb4 );
+PROVIDE ( MD5Final = 0x4005db1c );
+PROVIDE ( MD5Init = 0x4005da7c );
+PROVIDE ( MD5Update = 0x4005da9c );
+PROVIDE ( md5_vector = 0x4005db80 );
+PROVIDE ( pbkdf2_sha1 = 0x40060ba4 );
+PROVIDE ( rc4_skip = 0x40060928 );
+PROVIDE ( _raise_r = 0x4000bc70 );
+PROVIDE ( _realloc_r = 0x4000bbe0 );
+PROVIDE ( _sbrk_r = 0x4000bce4 );
+PROVIDE ( sha1_prf = 0x40060ae8 );
+PROVIDE ( sha1_vector = 0x40060b64 );
+PROVIDE ( sha256_prf = 0x40060d70 );
+PROVIDE ( sha256_vector = 0x40060e08 );
+PROVIDE ( _system_r = 0x4000bc10 );
+PROVIDE ( _times_r = 0x4000bc40 );
+PROVIDE ( uart_tx_wait_idle = 0x40009278 );