Problem: Typos in test files.
Solution: Correct the typos. (Dominique Pellé, closes #9175)
if has('mac')
- " In MacOS, when starting a shell in a terminal, a bash deprecation warning
+ " In macOS, when starting a shell in a terminal, a bash deprecation warning
" message is displayed. This breaks the terminal test. Disable the warning
" message.
call RunDbgCmd( buf, 'down', [ 'frame is zero' ] )
- " step until we have another meaninfgul trace
+ " step until we have another meaningful trace
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step', ['line 5: func File2Function()'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step', ['line 9: call File2Function()'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'backtrace', [
\ ['cmd: doautocmd User TestGlobalFunction'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step', ['cmd: call GlobalFunction() | echo "Done"'])
- " At this point the ontly thing in the stack is the autocommand
+ " At this point the only thing in the stack is the autocommand
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'backtrace', [
\ '>backtrace',
\ '->0 User Autocommands for "TestGlobalFunction"',
call RunDbgCmd( buf, 'down', [ 'frame is zero' ] )
- " step until we have another meaninfgul trace
+ " step until we have another meaningful trace
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step', ['line 5: func File2Function()'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'step', ['line 9: call File2Function()'])
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'backtrace', [
call CheckDbgOutput(buf, ['command line',
\ 'cmd: call GlobalFunction()'], #{msec: 5000})
- " At this point the ontly thing in the stack is the cmdline
+ " At this point the only thing in the stack is the cmdline
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'backtrace', [
\ '>backtrace',
\ '->0 command line',
\ #{ match: 'pattern' } )
" Expression evaluation in the script frame (not the function frame)
- " FIXME: Unexpected in this scope (a: should not be visibnle)
+ " FIXME: Unexpected in this scope (a: should not be visible)
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'echo a:arg', [ 'arg1' ] )
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'echo s:file1_var', [ 'file1' ] )
call RunDbgCmd(buf, 'echo g:global_var', [ 'global' ] )
" :diffput and :diffget completes names of buffers which
-" are in diff mode and which are different then current buffer.
+" are in diff mode and which are different than current buffer.
" No completion when the current window is not in diff mode.
func Test_diffget_diffput_completion()
e Xdiff1 | diffthis
call assert_notequal(normattr, screenattr(3, 1))
- " Try using an non-existing function for 'diffexpr'.
+ " Try using a non-existing function for 'diffexpr'.
set diffexpr=NewDiffFunc()
call assert_fails('windo diffthis', ['E117:', 'E97:'])
" leaving insert mode in a new line with indent added by autoindent, should
" remove the indent.
call term_sendkeys(buf, "i\<Tab>foo\<CR>\<Esc>")
- " Need to delay for sometime, otherwise the code in getchar.c will not be
+ " Need to delay for some time, otherwise the code in getchar.c will not be
" exercised.
call TermWait(buf, 50)
" when a line is wrapped and the cursor is at the start of the second line,
" leaving insert mode, should move the cursor back to the first line.
call term_sendkeys(buf, "o" .. repeat('x', 20) .. "\<Esc>")
- " Need to delay for sometime, otherwise the code in getchar.c will not be
+ " Need to delay for some time, otherwise the code in getchar.c will not be
" exercised.
call TermWait(buf, 50)
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":w\n")
func Test_edit_CR()
" Test for <CR> in insert mode
- " basically only in quickfix mode ist tested, the rest
+ " basically only in quickfix mode it's tested, the rest
" has been taken care of by other tests
CheckFeature quickfix
botright new
if has('clientserver')
call assert_fails('let s=remote_expr("gvim", "2+2")', 'E48:')
if !has('win32')
- " remote_foreground() doesn't thrown an error message on MS-Windows
+ " remote_foreground() doesn't throw an error message on MS-Windows
call assert_fails('call remote_foreground("gvim")', 'E48:')
call assert_fails('let s=remote_peek("gvim")', 'E48:')
call test_garbagecollect_now()
call assert_equal([1, 2, 3], l:list)
- " Tests for checking circular reference list can be flatten.
+ " Tests for checking circular reference list can be flattened.
let l:x = [1]
let l:y = [x]
let l:z = flatten(l:y)
" i-add-expands and switches to local
exe "normal OM\<C-N>\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-X>\<C-N>\<C-X>\<C-X>\<C-X>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal("Makefile\tto\trun3", getline('.'))
- " add-expands lines (it would end in an empty line if it didn't ignored
+ " add-expands lines (it would end in an empty line if it didn't ignore
" itself)
exe "normal o\<C-X>\<C-L>\<C-X>\<C-L>\<C-P>\<C-P>"
call assert_equal("Makefile\tto\trun3", getline('.'))
norm! j
call assert_equal('52', getline('.'))
- " zA on a opened fold when foldenable is not set
+ " zA on an opened fold when foldenable is not set
set nofoldenable
norm! zA
let not_gnu_man = has('mac') || has('bsd')
if not_gnu_man
- " In MacOS and BSD, the option for specifying a pager is different
+ " In macOS and BSD, the option for specifying a pager is different
set keywordprg=man\ -P\ cat
set keywordprg=man\ --pager=cat
call assert_equal('foo first line', getline(1))
set virtualedit&
- " Test for aboring a g command using CTRL-\ CTRL-G
+ " Test for aborting a g command using CTRL-\ CTRL-G
exe "normal! g\<C-\>\<C-G>"
call assert_equal('foo first line', getline('.'))
set cmdheight&
-" To specify a control character as a option value, '^' can be used
+" To specify a control character as an option value, '^' can be used
func Test_opt_control_char()
set wildchar=^v
call assert_equal("\<C-V>", nr2char(&wildchar))
py d = vim.bindeval('d')
call assert_equal(2, pyeval('len(d)'))
- " Deleting an non-existing key
+ " Deleting a non-existing key
call AssertException(["py del d['c']"], "Vim(python):KeyError: 'c'")
py3 d = vim.bindeval('d')
call assert_equal(2, py3eval('len(d)'))
- " Deleting an non-existing key
+ " Deleting a non-existing key
call AssertException(["py3 del d['c']"], "Vim(py3):KeyError: 'c'")
call writefile(['Editor:VIM vim',
\ 'Editor:Emacs EmAcS',
\ 'Editor:Notepad NOTEPAD'], 'Xtestfile1')
- call writefile(['Linux', 'MacOS', 'MS-Windows'], 'Xtestfile2')
+ call writefile(['Linux', 'macOS', 'MS-Windows'], 'Xtestfile2')
" Error cases
call assert_fails('Xvimgrep /abc *', 'E682:')
Xexpr ""
Xvimgrepadd Notepad Xtestfile1
- Xvimgrepadd MacOS Xtestfile2
+ Xvimgrepadd macOS Xtestfile2
let l = g:Xgetlist()
call assert_equal(2, len(l))
call assert_equal('Editor:Notepad NOTEPAD', l[0].text)
func Test_shorten_fname()
- " Create a quickfix list with a absolute path filename
+ " Create a quickfix list with an absolute path filename
let fname = getcwd() . '/test_quickfix.vim'
call setqflist([], ' ', {'lines':[fname . ":20:Line20"], 'efm':'%f:%l:%m'})
call assert_equal(fname, bufname('test_quickfix.vim'))
call assert_equal('test_quickfix.vim', bufname('test_quickfix.vim'))
- " Create a quickfix list with a absolute path filename
+ " Create a quickfix list with an absolute path filename
call setqflist([], ' ', {'lines':[fname . ":20:Line20"], 'efm':'%f:%l:%m'})
call assert_equal(fname, bufname('test_quickfix.vim'))
" Displaying the quickfix list should simplify the file path
" Test for :recover using a unreadable swap file
-func Test_recover_unreadble_swap_file()
+func Test_recover_unreadable_swap_file()
new Xfile1
let output = execute('mkspell! Xtest.spl Xtest')
call assert_match('Different combining flag in continued affix block in Xtest.aff line 3', output)
- " Try to reuse a affix used for BAD flag
+ " Try to reuse an affix used for BAD flag
call writefile(['BAD x', 'PFX x Y 1', 'PFX x 0 re x'], 'Xtest.aff')
let output = execute('mkspell! Xtest.spl Xtest')
call assert_match('Affix also used for BAD/RARE/KEEPCASE/NEEDAFFIX/NEEDCOMPOUND/NOSUGGEST in Xtest.aff line 2: x', output)
func Test_bg_detection()
- " auto-detection of &bg, make sure sure it isn't set anywhere before
- " this test
+ " auto-detection of &bg, make sure it isn't set anywhere before this test
hi Normal ctermbg=0
call assert_equal('dark', &bg)
hi Normal ctermbg=4
call setline(1, ['123456789', '123456789'])
let @* = 'abc'
- " Middle-click in inesrt mode doesn't move the cursor but inserts the
- " contents of aregister
+ " Middle-click in insert mode doesn't move the cursor but inserts the
+ " contents of a register
call cursor(1, 4)
call feedkeys('i' ..
\ MouseMiddleClickCode(2, 7) .. MouseMiddleReleaseCode(2, 7) ..
-" Test for using the mouse to increaes the height of the cmdline window
+" Test for using the mouse to increase the height of the cmdline window
func Test_mouse_cmdwin_resize()
CheckFeature cmdwin
normal 0f<vitsaaa
call assert_equal('aaa', getline(1))
- " selecting a tag block in an non-empty blank line should fail
+ " selecting a tag block in a non-empty blank line should fail
call setline(1, ' ')
call assert_beeps('normal $vaty')
Xpath 'i'
-" Also try using "fina" and "final" and "finall" as abbraviations.
+" Also try using "fina" and "final" and "finall" as abbreviations.
func T25_G()
if 1
source Ximport.vim
catch /E1001/
- # Error should be fore the Xexported.vim file.
+ # Error should be before the Xexported.vim file.
assert_match('E1001: Variable not found: notDefined', v:exception)
assert_match('function <SNR>\d\+_ImpFunc\[1\]..<SNR>\d\+_ExpFunc, line 1', v:throwpoint)
-" Execute this near the end, profiling doesn't stop until Vim exists.
+" Execute this near the end, profiling doesn't stop until Vim exits.
" This only tests that it works, not the profiling output.
def Test_xx_profile_with_lambda()
CheckFeature profile
call test_settime(35)
edit again
call test_settime(40)
- edit fourty
+ edit forty
wviminfo Xviminfo
sp Xviminfo
- for name in ['fourty', 'again', 'thirty', 'twenty', 'ten']
+ for name in ['forty', 'again', 'thirty', 'twenty', 'ten']
call assert_equal(name, substitute(getline('.'), '.*/', '', ''))
let &viminfofile = save_vif
-" Test for an unwritable and unreadble 'viminfo' file
+" Test for an unwritable and unreadable 'viminfo' file
func Test_viminfo_perm()
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 3637,