object = unwrap(object)
lines, lnum = findsource(object)
- if ismodule(object):
+ if istraceback(object):
+ object = object.tb_frame
+ # for module or frame that corresponds to module, return all source lines
+ if (ismodule(object) or
+ (isframe(object) and object.f_code.co_name == "<module>")):
return lines, 0
return getblock(lines[lnum:]), lnum + 1
def sourcerange(self, top, bottom):
lines = self.source.split("\n")
- return "\n".join(lines[top-1:bottom]) + "\n"
+ return "\n".join(lines[top-1:bottom]) + ("\n" if bottom else "")
def assertSourceEqual(self, obj, top, bottom):
def test_getsource_on_code_object(self):
self.assertSourceEqual(mod.eggs.__code__, 12, 18)
+class TestGettingSourceOfToplevelFrames(GetSourceBase):
+ fodderModule = mod
+ def test_range_toplevel_frame(self):
+ self.maxDiff = None
+ self.assertSourceEqual(mod.currentframe, 1, None)
+ def test_range_traceback_toplevel_frame(self):
+ self.assertSourceEqual(mod.tb, 1, None)
class TestDecorators(GetSourceBase):
fodderModule = mod2
TestBoundArguments, TestSignaturePrivateHelpers,
TestSignatureDefinitions, TestIsDataDescriptor,
TestGetClosureVars, TestUnwrap, TestMain, TestReload,
- TestGetCoroutineState
+ TestGetCoroutineState, TestGettingSourceOfToplevelFrames
if __name__ == "__main__":