The code only handled the case where the boulder symbol was non-unique.
Add code to handle the case where the boulder sym is the first match.
chance to aim grappling hook when skilled or better
level limit of monsters like naga hatchlings should be high enough to grow up
scroll of enchant weapon will become discovered when read in some cases
+don't crash when using lookat on a boulder an BOULDER sym is unique
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
/* handle optional boulder symbol as a special case */
- if (iflags.bouldersym && sym == iflags.bouldersym)
+ if (iflags.bouldersym && sym == iflags.bouldersym) {
+ if (!found) {
+ firstmatch = "boulder";
+ Sprintf(out_str, "%c %s", sym, an(firstmatch));
+ found++;
+ } else {
found += append_str(out_str, "boulder");
+ }
+ }
* If we are looking at the screen, follow multiple possibilities or