* Convert the specified byte index of line 'lnum' in buffer 'buf' to a
* character index. Works only for loaded buffers. Returns -1 on failure.
- * The index of the first character is one.
+ * The index of the first byte and the first character is zero.
buf_byteidx_to_charidx(buf_T *buf, int lnum, int byteidx)
char_u *str;
+ char_u *t;
+ int count;
if (buf == NULL || buf->b_ml.ml_mfp == NULL)
return -1;
return -1;
if (*str == NUL)
- return 1;
+ return 0;
+ // count the number of characters
+ t = str;
+ for (count = 0; *t != NUL && t <= str + byteidx; count++)
+ t += mb_ptr2len(t);
+ // In insert mode, when the cursor is at the end of a non-empty line,
+ // byteidx points to the NUL character immediately past the end of the
+ // string. In this case, add one to the character count.
+ if (*t == NUL && byteidx != 0 && t == str + byteidx)
+ count++;
- return mb_charlen_len(str, byteidx + 1);
+ return count - 1;
* Convert the specified character index of line 'lnum' in buffer 'buf' to a
- * byte index. Works only for loaded buffers. Returns -1 on failure. The index
- * of the first byte and the first character is one.
+ * byte index. Works only for loaded buffers. Returns -1 on failure.
+ * The index of the first byte and the first character is zero.
buf_charidx_to_byteidx(buf_T *buf, int lnum, int charidx)
while (*t != NUL && --charidx > 0)
t += mb_ptr2len(t);
- return t - str + 1;
+ return t - str;
pos = curwin->w_cursor;
if (charcol)
- pos.col = buf_byteidx_to_charidx(curbuf, pos.lnum, pos.col) - 1;
+ pos.col = buf_byteidx_to_charidx(curbuf, pos.lnum, pos.col);
return &pos;
if (name[0] == 'v' && name[1] == NUL) // Visual start
pos = curwin->w_cursor;
if (charcol)
- pos.col = buf_byteidx_to_charidx(curbuf, pos.lnum, pos.col) - 1;
+ pos.col = buf_byteidx_to_charidx(curbuf, pos.lnum, pos.col);
return &pos;
if (name[0] == '\'') // mark
if (pp == NULL || pp == (pos_T *)-1 || pp->lnum <= 0)
return NULL;
if (charcol)
- pp->col = buf_byteidx_to_charidx(curbuf, pp->lnum, pp->col) - 1;
+ pp->col = buf_byteidx_to_charidx(curbuf, pp->lnum, pp->col);
return pp;
if (buf == NULL || buf->b_ml.ml_mfp == NULL)
return FAIL;
- n = buf_charidx_to_byteidx(buf, posp->lnum, n);
+ n = buf_charidx_to_byteidx(buf, posp->lnum, n) + 1;
posp->col = n;
+" Save the visual start character position
func SaveVisualStartCharPos()
call add(g:VisualStartPos, getcharpos('v'))
return ''
+" Save the current cursor character position in insert mode
+func SaveInsertCurrentCharPos()
+ call add(g:InsertCurrentPos, getcharpos('.'))
+ return ''
" Test for the getcharpos() function
func Test_getcharpos()
call assert_fails('call getcharpos({})', 'E731:')
vnoremap <expr> <F3> SaveVisualStartCharPos()
let g:VisualStartPos = []
exe "normal 2G6lv$\<F3>ohh\<F3>o\<F3>"
- call assert_equal([[0, 2, 7, 0], [0, 2, 9, 0], [0, 2, 5, 0]], g:VisualStartPos)
+ call assert_equal([[0, 2, 7, 0], [0, 2, 10, 0], [0, 2, 5, 0]], g:VisualStartPos)
call assert_equal([0, 2, 9, 0], getcharpos('v'))
let g:VisualStartPos = []
exe "normal 3Gv$\<F3>o\<F3>"
- call assert_equal([[0, 3, 1, 0], [0, 3, 1, 0]], g:VisualStartPos)
+ call assert_equal([[0, 3, 1, 0], [0, 3, 2, 0]], g:VisualStartPos)
let g:VisualStartPos = []
exe "normal 1Gv$\<F3>o\<F3>"
call assert_equal([[0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0]], g:VisualStartPos)
vunmap <F3>
+ " Test for getting the position in insert mode with the cursor after the
+ " last character in a line
+ inoremap <expr> <F3> SaveInsertCurrentCharPos()
+ let g:InsertCurrentPos = []
+ exe "normal 1GA\<F3>"
+ exe "normal 2GA\<F3>"
+ exe "normal 3GA\<F3>"
+ exe "normal 4GA\<F3>"
+ exe "normal 2G6li\<F3>"
+ call assert_equal([[0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 2, 10, 0], [0, 3, 2, 0], [0, 4, 10, 0],
+ \ [0, 2, 7, 0]], g:InsertCurrentPos)
+ iunmap <F3>
call setcharpos("'m", [0, 2, 9, 0])
normal `m
call assert_equal([2, 11], [line('.'), col('.')])
+ " unload the buffer and try to set the mark
+ let bnr = bufnr()
+ enew!
+ call assert_equal(-1, setcharpos("'m", [bnr, 2, 2, 0]))
call assert_equal(-1, setcharpos('.', [10, 3, 1, 0]))
return ''
+func SaveInsertCurrentCharCol()
+ call add(g:InsertCurrentCol, charcol('.'))
+ return ''
" Test for the charcol() function
func Test_charcol()
call assert_fails('call charcol({})', 'E731:')
vnoremap <expr> <F3> SaveVisualStartCharCol()
let g:VisualStartCol = []
exe "normal 2G6lv$\<F3>ohh\<F3>o\<F3>"
- call assert_equal([7, 9, 5], g:VisualStartCol)
+ call assert_equal([7, 10, 5], g:VisualStartCol)
call assert_equal(9, charcol('v'))
let g:VisualStartCol = []
exe "normal 3Gv$\<F3>o\<F3>"
- call assert_equal([1, 1], g:VisualStartCol)
+ call assert_equal([1, 2], g:VisualStartCol)
let g:VisualStartCol = []
exe "normal 1Gv$\<F3>o\<F3>"
call assert_equal([1, 1], g:VisualStartCol)
vunmap <F3>
+ " Test for getting the column number in insert mode with the cursor after
+ " the last character in a line
+ inoremap <expr> <F3> SaveInsertCurrentCharCol()
+ let g:InsertCurrentCol = []
+ exe "normal 1GA\<F3>"
+ exe "normal 2GA\<F3>"
+ exe "normal 3GA\<F3>"
+ exe "normal 4GA\<F3>"
+ exe "normal 2G6li\<F3>"
+ call assert_equal([1, 10, 2, 10, 7], g:InsertCurrentCol)
+ iunmap <F3>
+func SaveInsertCursorCharPos()
+ call add(g:InsertCursorPos, getcursorcharpos('.'))
+ return ''
" Test for getcursorcharpos()
func Test_getcursorcharpos()
call assert_equal(getcursorcharpos(), getcursorcharpos(0))
normal 4G9l
call assert_equal([0, 4, 9, 0, 9], getcursorcharpos())
+ " Test for getting the cursor position in insert mode with the cursor after
+ " the last character in a line
+ inoremap <expr> <F3> SaveInsertCursorCharPos()
+ let g:InsertCursorPos = []
+ exe "normal 1GA\<F3>"
+ exe "normal 2GA\<F3>"
+ exe "normal 3GA\<F3>"
+ exe "normal 4GA\<F3>"
+ exe "normal 2G6li\<F3>"
+ call assert_equal([[0, 1, 1, 0, 1], [0, 2, 10, 0, 15], [0, 3, 2, 0, 2],
+ \ [0, 4, 10, 0, 10], [0, 2, 7, 0, 12]], g:InsertCursorPos)
+ iunmap <F3>
let winid = win_getid()
normal 2G5l
wincmd w