function run_tests()
- STATUS="Starting"
- print_status "Checking prerequisites"
- [ -z ${IDF_PATH} ] && echo "IDF_PATH is not set. Need path to esp-idf installation." && exit 2
- print_status "Cloning template from ${ESP_IDF_TEMPLATE_GIT}..."
- git clone ${ESP_IDF_TEMPLATE_GIT} template
- cd template
- git checkout ${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME} || echo "Using esp-idf-template default branch..."
- print_status "Updating template config..."
- make defconfig || exit $?
- BOOTLOADER_BINS="bootloader/bootloader.elf bootloader/bootloader.bin"
- APP_BINS="app-template.elf app-template.bin"
- print_status "Initial clean build"
- # if make fails here, everything fails
- make || exit $?
- # check all the expected build artifacts from the clean build
- assert_built ${APP_BINS} ${BOOTLOADER_BINS} partitions_singleapp.bin
- [ -f ${BUILD}/partition*.bin ] || failure "A partition table should have been built"
- print_status "Updating component source file rebuilds component"
- # touch a file & do a build
- take_build_snapshot
- touch ${IDF_PATH}/components/esp32/syscalls.c
- make || failure "Failed to partial build"
- assert_rebuilt ${APP_BINS} esp32/libesp32.a esp32/syscalls.o
- assert_not_rebuilt lwip/liblwip.a freertos/libfreertos.a ${BOOTLOADER_BINS} partitions_singleapp.bin
- print_status "Bootloader source file rebuilds bootloader"
- take_build_snapshot
- touch ${IDF_PATH}/components/bootloader/src/main/bootloader_start.c
- make bootloader || failure "Failed to partial build bootloader"
- assert_rebuilt ${BOOTLOADER_BINS} bootloader/main/bootloader_start.o
- assert_not_rebuilt ${APP_BINS} partitions_singleapp.bin
- print_status "Partition CSV file rebuilds partitions"
- take_build_snapshot
- touch ${IDF_PATH}/components/partition_table/partitions_singleapp.csv
- make partition_table
- assert_rebuilt partitions_singleapp.bin
- assert_not_rebuilt app-template.bin app-template.elf ${BOOTLOADER_BINS}
- print_status "Partial build doesn't compile anything by default"
- take_build_snapshot
- # verify no build files are refreshed by a partial make
- ALL_BUILD_FILES=$(find ${BUILD} -type f | sed "s@${BUILD}/@@")
- make
- assert_not_rebuilt ${ALL_BUILD_FILES}
- print_status "Cleaning should remove all files from build"
- make clean
- ALL_BUILD_FILES=$(find ${BUILD} -type f)
- if [ -n "${ALL_BUILD_FILES}" ]; then
- failure "Files weren't cleaned: ${ALL_BUILD_FILES}"
- fi
+ STATUS="Starting"
+ print_status "Checking prerequisites"
+ [ -z ${IDF_PATH} ] && echo "IDF_PATH is not set. Need path to esp-idf installation." && exit 2
+ print_status "Cloning template from ${ESP_IDF_TEMPLATE_GIT}..."
+ git clone ${ESP_IDF_TEMPLATE_GIT} template
+ cd template
+ git checkout ${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME} || echo "Using esp-idf-template default branch..."
+ print_status "Updating template config..."
+ make defconfig || exit $?
+ BOOTLOADER_BINS="bootloader/bootloader.elf bootloader/bootloader.bin"
+ APP_BINS="app-template.elf app-template.bin"
+ print_status "Initial clean build"
+ # if make fails here, everything fails
+ make || exit $?
+ # check all the expected build artifacts from the clean build
+ assert_built ${APP_BINS} ${BOOTLOADER_BINS} partitions_singleapp.bin
+ [ -f ${BUILD}/partition*.bin ] || failure "A partition table should have been built"
+ print_status "Updating component source file rebuilds component"
+ # touch a file & do a build
+ take_build_snapshot
+ touch ${IDF_PATH}/components/esp32/syscalls.c
+ make || failure "Failed to partial build"
+ assert_rebuilt ${APP_BINS} esp32/libesp32.a esp32/syscalls.o
+ assert_not_rebuilt lwip/liblwip.a freertos/libfreertos.a ${BOOTLOADER_BINS} partitions_singleapp.bin
+ print_status "Bootloader source file rebuilds bootloader"
+ take_build_snapshot
+ touch ${IDF_PATH}/components/bootloader/src/main/bootloader_start.c
+ make bootloader || failure "Failed to partial build bootloader"
+ assert_rebuilt ${BOOTLOADER_BINS} bootloader/main/bootloader_start.o
+ assert_not_rebuilt ${APP_BINS} partitions_singleapp.bin
+ print_status "Partition CSV file rebuilds partitions"
+ take_build_snapshot
+ touch ${IDF_PATH}/components/partition_table/partitions_singleapp.csv
+ make partition_table || failure "Failed to build partition table"
+ assert_rebuilt partitions_singleapp.bin
+ assert_not_rebuilt app-template.bin app-template.elf ${BOOTLOADER_BINS}
+ print_status "Partial build doesn't compile anything by default"
+ take_build_snapshot
+ # verify no build files are refreshed by a partial make
+ ALL_BUILD_FILES=$(find ${BUILD} -type f | sed "s@${BUILD}/@@")
+ make || failure "Partial build failed"
+ assert_not_rebuilt ${ALL_BUILD_FILES}
+ print_status "Cleaning should remove all files from build"
+ make clean || failure "Failed to make clean"
+ ALL_BUILD_FILES=$(find ${BUILD} -type f)
+ if [ -n "${ALL_BUILD_FILES}" ]; then
+ failure "Files weren't cleaned: ${ALL_BUILD_FILES}"
+ fi
- print_status "Can still clean build if all text files are CRLFs"
- make clean
- find . -exec unix2dos {} \; # CRLFify template dir
- # make a copy of esp-idf and CRLFify it
- CRLF_ESPIDF=${TESTDIR}/esp-idf-crlf
- mkdir -p ${CRLF_ESPIDF}
- cp -rv ${IDF_PATH}/* ${CRLF_ESPIDF}
- # don't CRLFify executable files, as Linux will fail to execute them
- find ${CRLF_ESPIDF} -type f ! -perm 755 -exec unix2dos {} \;
- # do the same checks we do for the clean build
- assert_built ${APP_BINS} ${BOOTLOADER_BINS} partitions_singleapp.bin
- [ -f ${BUILD}/partition*.bin ] || failure "A partition table should have been built in CRLF mode"
- # NOTE: If adding new tests, add them above this CRLF test...
- print_status "All tests completed"
- if [ -n "${FAILURES}" ]; then
- echo "Some failures were detected:"
- echo -e "${FAILURES}"
- exit 1
- else
- echo "Build tests passed."
- fi
+ print_status "Bootloader build shouldn't leave build output anywhere else"
+ rm -rf --preserve-root ${BUILD}
+ make bootloader
+ # find wizardry: find any file not named sdkconfig.h that
+ # isn't in the "bootloader" or "config" directories
+ find ${BUILD} -type d \( -name bootloader -o -name config \) -prune , -type f ! -name sdkconfig.h || failure "Bootloader built files outside the bootloader or config directories"
+ print_status "Moving BUILD_DIR_BASE out of tree"
+ clean_build_dir
+ make BUILD_DIR_BASE=${OUTOFTREE_BUILD} || failure "Failed to build with BUILD_DIR_BASE overriden"
+ if [ -z "${NEW_BUILD_FILES}" ]; then
+ failure "No files found in new build directory!"
+ fi
+ DEFAULT_BUILD_FILES=$(find ${BUILD} -mindepth 1)
+ if [ -n "${DEFAULT_BUILD_FILES}" ]; then
+ failure "Some files were incorrectly put into the default build directory: ${DEFAULT_BUILD_FILES}"
+ fi
+ print_status "BUILD_DIR_BASE inside default build directory"
+ clean_build_dir
+ make BUILD_DIR_BASE=build/subdirectory || failure "Failed to build with BUILD_DIR_BASE as subdir"
+ NEW_BUILD_FILES=$(find ${BUILD}/subdirectory -type f)
+ if [ -z "${NEW_BUILD_FILES}" ]; then
+ failure "No files found in new build directory!"
+ fi
+ print_status "Parallel builds should work OK"
+ clean_build_dir
+ (make -j5 2>&1 | tee ${TESTDIR}/parallel_build.log) || failure "Failed to build in parallel"
+ if grep -q "warning: jobserver unavailable" ${TESTDIR}/parallel_build.log; then
+ failure "Parallel build prints 'warning: jobserver unavailable' errors"
+ fi
+ print_status "Can still clean build if all text files are CRLFs"
+ make clean || failure "Unexpected failure to make clean"
+ find . -exec unix2dos {} \; # CRLFify template dir
+ # make a copy of esp-idf and CRLFify it
+ CRLF_ESPIDF=${TESTDIR}/esp-idf-crlf
+ mkdir -p ${CRLF_ESPIDF}
+ cp -rv ${IDF_PATH}/* ${CRLF_ESPIDF}
+ # don't CRLFify executable files, as Linux will fail to execute them
+ find ${CRLF_ESPIDF} -type f ! -perm 755 -exec unix2dos {} \;
+ make IDF_PATH=${CRLF_ESPIDF} || failure "Failed to build with CRLFs in source"
+ # do the same checks we do for the clean build
+ assert_built ${APP_BINS} ${BOOTLOADER_BINS} partitions_singleapp.bin
+ [ -f ${BUILD}/partition*.bin ] || failure "A partition table should have been built in CRLF mode"
+ print_status "All tests completed"
+ if [ -n "${FAILURES}" ]; then
+ echo "Some failures were detected:"
+ echo -e "${FAILURES}"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ echo "Build tests passed."
+ fi
function print_status()