# switches to be used when it calls our recipes.
$switches = "-w \"-I$testlib\" \"-I$utillib\"";
-my @tests = ( "alltests" );
-if (@ARGV) {
- @tests = @ARGV;
-my $list_mode = scalar(grep /^list$/, @tests) != 0;
-if (grep /^(alltests|list)$/, @tests) {
- @tests = grep {
- basename($_) =~ /^[0-9][0-9]-[^\.]*\.t$/
- } glob(catfile($recipesdir,"*.t"));
-} else {
- my @t = ();
- foreach (@tests) {
- push @t, grep {
- basename($_) =~ /^[0-9][0-9]-[^\.]*\.t$/
- } glob(catfile($recipesdir,"*-$_.t"));
+my @alltests = find_matching_tests("*");
+my %tests = ();
+my $initial_arg = 1;
+foreach my $arg (@ARGV ? @ARGV : ('alltests')) {
+ if ($arg eq 'list') {
+ foreach (@alltests) {
+ (my $x = basename($_)) =~ s|^[0-9][0-9]-(.*)\.t$|$1|;
+ print $x,"\n";
+ }
+ exit 0;
- @tests = @t;
+ if ($arg eq 'alltests') {
+ warn "'alltests' encountered, ignoring everything before that...\n"
+ unless $initial_arg;
+ %tests = map { $_ => 1 } @alltests;
+ } elsif ($arg =~ m/^(-?)(.*)/) {
+ my $sign = $1;
+ my $test = $2;
+ my @matches = find_matching_tests($test);
+ # If '-foo' is the first arg, it's short for 'alltests -foo'
+ if ($sign eq '-' && $initial_arg) {
+ %tests = map { $_ => 1 } @alltests;
+ }
+ if (scalar @matches == 0) {
+ warn "Test $test found no match, skipping ",
+ ($sign eq '-' ? "removal" : "addition"),
+ "...\n";
+ } else {
+ foreach $test (@matches) {
+ if ($sign eq '-') {
+ delete $tests{$test};
+ } else {
+ $tests{$test} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ warn "I don't know what '$arg' is about, ignoring...\n";
+ }
+ $initial_arg = 0;
-if ($list_mode) {
- @tests = map { $_ = basename($_); $_ =~ s/^[0-9][0-9]-//; $_ =~ s/\.t$//;
- $_ } @tests;
- print join("\n", @tests), "\n";
-} else {
- @tests = map { abs2rel($_, rel2abs(curdir())); } @tests;
+runtests(map { abs2rel($_, rel2abs(curdir())); } sort keys %tests);
+sub find_matching_tests {
+ my ($glob) = @_;
- runtests(sort @tests);
+ return glob(catfile($recipesdir,"*-$glob.t"));