- doctest now finds and runs docstrings attached to new-style classes,
class methods, static methods, and properties.
+Core and builtins
- A very subtle syntactical pitfall in list comprehensions was fixed.
For example: [a+b for a in 'abc', for b in 'def']. The comma in
Note that [a for a in <singleton>] is a convoluted way to say
[<singleton>] anyway, so it's not like any expressiveness is lost.
+- getattr(obj, name, default) now only catches AttributeError, as
+ documented, rather than returning the default value for all
+ exceptions (which could mask bugs in a __getattr__ hook, for
+ example).
+Extension modules
+- thread.start_new_thread() now returns the thread ID (previously None).
- binascii has now two quopri support functions, a2b_qp and b2a_qp.
- readline now supports setting the startup_hook and the pre_event_hook.
- posix supports chroot where available.
+- Decompression objects in the zlib module now accept an optional
+ second parameter to decompress() that specifies the maximum amount
+ of memory to use for the uncompressed data.
-- thread.start_new_thread() now returns the thread ID (previously None).
- doctest now excludes functions and classes not defined by the module
being tested, thanks to Tim Hochberg.
which indicates whether output is intended for the header 'Q'
-- Decompression objects in the zlib module now accept an optional
- second parameter to decompress() that specifies the maximum amount
- of memory to use for the uncompressed data.
- Demo/dns was removed. It no longer serves any purpose; a package