Forward declarations.
static MagickBooleanType
- InitializeCoderList(ExceptionInfo *),
+ IsCoderTreeInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *),
LoadCoderLists(const char *,ExceptionInfo *);
ExceptionInfo *exception)
assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL);
- if (coder_list == (SplayTreeInfo *) NULL)
- if (InitializeCoderList(exception) == MagickFalse)
- return((const CoderInfo *) NULL);
+ if (IsCoderTreeInstantiated(exception) == MagickFalse)
+ return((const CoderInfo *) NULL);
if ((name == (const char *) NULL) || (LocaleCompare(name,"*") == 0))
% %
% %
% %
-+ I n i t i a l i z e C o d e r L i s t %
++ I s C o d e r T r e e I n s t a n t i a t e d %
% %
% %
% %
-% InitializeCoderList() initializes the coder list.
+% IsCoderTreeInstantiated() determines if the coder tree is instantiated.
+% If not, it instantiates the tree and returns it.
-% The format of the InitializeCoderList method is:
+% The format of the IsCoderInstantiated method is:
-% MagickBooleanType InitializeCoderList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+% MagickBooleanType IsCoderTreeInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-static MagickBooleanType InitializeCoderList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+static MagickBooleanType IsCoderTreeInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
if (coder_semaphore == (SemaphoreInfo *) NULL)
Forward declarations.
static MagickBooleanType
- InitializeColorList(ExceptionInfo *),
+ IsColorListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *),
LoadColorLists(const char *,ExceptionInfo *);
assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL);
if (color_list == (LinkedListInfo *) NULL)
- if (IfMagickFalse(InitializeColorList(exception)))
+ if (IfMagickFalse(IsColorListInstantiated(exception)))
return((const ColorInfo *) NULL);
if ((name == (const char *) NULL) || (LocaleCompare(name,"*") == 0))
return((const ColorInfo *) GetValueFromLinkedList(color_list,0));
% %
% %
% %
-+ I n i t i a l i z e C o l o r L i s t %
++ I s C o l o r L i s t I n s t a n t i a t e d %
% %
% %
% %
-% InitializeColorList() initializes the color list.
+% IsColorListInstantiated() determines if the color list is instantiated. If
+% not, it instantiates the list and returns it.
-% The format of the InitializeColorList method is:
+% The format of the IsColorInstantiated method is:
-% MagickBooleanType InitializeColorList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+% MagickBooleanType IsColorListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-static MagickBooleanType InitializeColorList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+static MagickBooleanType IsColorListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
if (color_semaphore == (SemaphoreInfo *) NULL)
Forward declarations.
static MagickBooleanType
- InitializeConfigureList(ExceptionInfo *),
+ IsConfigureListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *),
LoadConfigureLists(const char *,ExceptionInfo *);
MagickExport LinkedListInfo *DestroyConfigureOptions(LinkedListInfo *options)
assert(options != (LinkedListInfo *) NULL);
- (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"...");
assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL);
- if (configure_list == (LinkedListInfo *) NULL)
- if (InitializeConfigureList(exception) == MagickFalse)
- return((const ConfigureInfo *) NULL);
+ if (IsConfigureListInstantiated(exception) == MagickFalse)
+ return((const ConfigureInfo *) NULL);
if ((name == (const char *) NULL) || (LocaleCompare(name,"*") == 0))
return((const ConfigureInfo *) GetValueFromLinkedList(configure_list,0));
% %
% %
% %
-+ I n i t i a l i z e C o n f i g u r e L i s t %
++ I s C o n f i g u r e L i s t I n s t a n t i a t e d %
% %
% %
% %
-% InitializeConfigureList() initializes the configure list.
+% IsConfigureListInstantiated() determines if the configure list is
+% instantiated. If not, it instantiates the list and returns it.
-% The format of the InitializeConfigureList method is:
+% The format of the IsConfigureInstantiated method is:
-% MagickBooleanType InitializeConfigureList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+% MagickBooleanType IsConfigureListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-static MagickBooleanType InitializeConfigureList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+static MagickBooleanType IsConfigureListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
if (configure_semaphore == (SemaphoreInfo *) NULL)
Forward declaractions.
static MagickBooleanType
- InitializeDelegateList(ExceptionInfo *),
+ IsDelegateListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *),
LoadDelegateLists(const char *,ExceptionInfo *);
assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL);
if (delegate_list == (LinkedListInfo *) NULL)
- if( IfMagickFalse(InitializeDelegateList(exception)) )
+ if( IfMagickFalse(IsDelegateListInstantiated(exception)) )
return((const DelegateInfo *) NULL);
if ((LocaleCompare(decode,"*") == 0) && (LocaleCompare(encode,"*") == 0))
return((const DelegateInfo *) GetValueFromLinkedList(delegate_list,0));
% %
% %
% %
-+ I n i t i a l i z e D e l e g a t e L i s t %
++ I s D e l e g a t e L i s t I n s t a n t i a t e d %
% %
% %
% %
-% InitializeDelegateList() initializes the delegate list.
+% IsDelegateListInstantiated() determines if the delegate list is instantiated.
+% If not, it instantiates the list and returns it.
-% The format of the InitializeDelegateList method is:
+% The format of the IsDelegateInstantiated method is:
-% MagickBooleanType InitializeDelegateList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+% MagickBooleanType IsDelegateListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-static MagickBooleanType InitializeDelegateList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+static MagickBooleanType IsDelegateListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
if (delegate_semaphore == (SemaphoreInfo *) NULL)
Forward declarations.
static MagickBooleanType
- InitializeLocaleList(ExceptionInfo *),
+ IsLocaleTreeInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *),
LoadLocaleLists(const char *,const char *,ExceptionInfo *);
ExceptionInfo *exception)
assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL);
- if (locale_list == (SplayTreeInfo *) NULL)
- if (InitializeLocaleList(exception) == MagickFalse)
- return((const LocaleInfo *) NULL);
+ if (IsLocaleTreeInstantiated(exception) == MagickFalse)
+ return((const LocaleInfo *) NULL);
if ((tag == (const char *) NULL) || (LocaleCompare(tag,"*") == 0))
% %
% %
% %
-+ I n i t i a l i z e L o c a l e L i s t %
++ I s L o c a l e T r e e I n s t a n t i a t e d %
% %
% %
% %
-% InitializeLocaleList() initializes the locale list.
+% IsLocaleTreeInstantiated() determines if the locale tree is instantiated.
+% If not, it instantiates the tree and returns it.
-% The format of the InitializeLocaleList method is:
+% The format of the IsLocaleInstantiated method is:
-% MagickBooleanType InitializeLocaleList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+% MagickBooleanType IsLocaleTreeInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-static MagickBooleanType InitializeLocaleList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+static MagickBooleanType IsLocaleTreeInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
if (locale_semaphore == (SemaphoreInfo *) NULL)
*GetLogInfo(const char *,ExceptionInfo *);
static MagickBooleanType
- InitializeLogList(ExceptionInfo *),
+ IsLogListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *),
LoadLogLists(const char *,ExceptionInfo *);
assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL);
- if (log_list == (LinkedListInfo *) NULL)
- if (InitializeLogList(exception) == MagickFalse)
- return((LogInfo *) NULL);
+ if (IsLogListInstantiated(exception) == MagickFalse)
+ return((LogInfo *) NULL);
if ((name == (const char *) NULL) || (LocaleCompare(name,"*") == 0))
return((LogInfo *) GetValueFromLinkedList(log_list,0));
% %
% %
% %
-+ I n i t i a l i z e L o g L i s t %
++ I s L o g L i s t I n s t a n t i a t e d %
% %
% %
% %
-% InitializeLogList() initialize the log list.
+% IsLogListInstantiated() determines if the log list is instantiated. If not,
+% it instantiates the list and returns it.
-% The format of the InitializeLogList method is:
+% The format of the IsLogInstantiated method is:
-% MagickBooleanType InitializeLogList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+% MagickBooleanType IsLogListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-static MagickBooleanType InitializeLogList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+static MagickBooleanType IsLogListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
if (log_semaphore == (SemaphoreInfo *) NULL)
Forward declarations.
static MagickBooleanType
- InitializeMagicList(ExceptionInfo *),
+ IsMagicListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *),
LoadMagicLists(const char *,ExceptionInfo *);
assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL);
- if (magic_list == (LinkedListInfo *) NULL)
- if (InitializeMagicList(exception) == MagickFalse)
- return((const MagicInfo *) NULL);
+ if (IsMagicListInstantiated(exception) == MagickFalse)
+ return((const MagicInfo *) NULL);
if (magic == (const unsigned char *) NULL)
return((const MagicInfo *) GetValueFromLinkedList(magic_list,0));
if (length == 0)
% %
% %
% %
-+ I n i t i a l i z e M a g i c L i s t %
++ I s M a g i c L i s t I n s t a n t i a t e d %
% %
% %
% %
-% InitializeMagicList() initializes the magic list.
+% IsMagicListInstantiated() determines if the magic list is instantiated.
+% If not, it instantiates the list and returns it.
-% The format of the InitializeMagicList method is:
+% The format of the IsMagicInstantiated method is:
-% MagickBooleanType InitializeMagicList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+% MagickBooleanType IsMagicListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-static MagickBooleanType InitializeMagicList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+static MagickBooleanType IsMagicListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
if (magic_semaphore == (SemaphoreInfo *) NULL)
Forward declarations.
static MagickBooleanType
- InitializeMagickList(ExceptionInfo *);
+ IsMagickTreeInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *);
assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL);
- if (magick_list == (SplayTreeInfo *) NULL)
- if (InitializeMagickList(exception) == MagickFalse)
- return((const MagickInfo *) NULL);
+ if (IsMagickTreeInstantiated(exception) == MagickFalse)
+ return((const MagickInfo *) NULL);
if ((name == (const char *) NULL) || (LocaleCompare(name,"*") == 0))
% %
% %
% %
-+ I n i t i a l i z e M a g i c k L i s t %
++ I s M a g i c k T r e e I n s t a n t i a t e d %
% %
% %
% %
-% InitializeMagickList() initializes the magick list.
+% IsMagickTreeInstantiated() determines if the magick tree is instantiated.
+% If not, it instantiates the tree and returns it.
-% The format of the InitializeMagickList() method is:
+% The format of the IsMagickTreeInstantiated() method is:
-% InitializeMagickList(Exceptioninfo *exception)
+% IsMagickTreeInstantiated(Exceptioninfo *exception)
% A description of each parameter follows.
-static MagickBooleanType InitializeMagickList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+static MagickBooleanType IsMagickTreeInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
(void) exception;
if (magick_semaphore == (SemaphoreInfo *) NULL)
Forward declarations.
static MagickBooleanType
- InitializeMimeList(ExceptionInfo *);
+ IsMimeListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *);
assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL);
- if (mime_list == (LinkedListInfo *) NULL)
- if (InitializeMimeList(exception) == MagickFalse)
- return((const MimeInfo *) NULL);
+ if (IsMimeListInstantiated(exception) == MagickFalse)
+ return((const MimeInfo *) NULL);
if ((magic == (const unsigned char *) NULL) || (length == 0))
return((const MimeInfo *) GetValueFromLinkedList(mime_list,0));
if (length == 0)
% %
% %
% %
-+ I n i t i a l i z e M i m e L i s t %
++ I s M i m e L i s t I n s t a n t i a t e d %
% %
% %
% %
-% InitializeMimeList() initializes the mime list.
+% IsMimeListInstantiated() determines if the mime list is instantiated. If
+% not, it instantiates the list and returns it.
-% The format of the InitializeMimeList method is:
+% The format of the IsMimeInstantiated method is:
-% MagickBooleanType InitializeMimeList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+% MagickBooleanType IsMimeListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-static MagickBooleanType InitializeMimeList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+static MagickBooleanType IsMimeListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
if (mime_semaphore == (SemaphoreInfo *) NULL)
static MagickBooleanType
GetMagickModulePath(const char *,MagickModuleType,char *,ExceptionInfo *),
- InitializeModuleList(ExceptionInfo *),
+ IsModuleTreeInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *),
UnregisterModule(const ModuleInfo *,ExceptionInfo *);
static void
MagickExport ModuleInfo *GetModuleInfo(const char *tag,ExceptionInfo *exception)
- if (module_list == (SplayTreeInfo *) NULL)
- if (InitializeModuleList(exception) == MagickFalse)
- return((ModuleInfo *) NULL);
+ if (IsModuleTreeInstantiated(exception) == MagickFalse)
+ return((ModuleInfo *) NULL);
if ((tag == (const char *) NULL) || (LocaleCompare(tag,"*") == 0))
% %
% %
% %
-% I n i t i a l i z e M o d u l e L i s t %
+% I s M o d u l e T r e e I n s t a n t i a t e d %
% %
% %
% %
-% InitializeModuleList() initializes the module loader.
+% IsModuleTreeInstantiated() determines if the module tree is instantiated.
+% If not, it instantiates the tree and returns it.
-% The format of the InitializeModuleList() method is:
+% The format of the IsModuleTreeInstantiated() method is:
-% InitializeModuleList(Exceptioninfo *exception)
+% IsModuleTreeInstantiated(Exceptioninfo *exception)
% A description of each parameter follows.
-static MagickBooleanType InitializeModuleList(
+static MagickBooleanType IsModuleTreeInstantiated(
ExceptionInfo *magick_unused(exception))
if (module_semaphore == (SemaphoreInfo *) NULL)
- status=InitializeModuleList(exception);
+ status=IsModuleTreeInstantiated(exception);
Forward declarations.
static MagickBooleanType
- InitializePolicyList(ExceptionInfo *),
+ IsPolicyListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *),
LoadPolicyLists(const char *,ExceptionInfo *);
assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL);
- if (policy_list == (LinkedListInfo *) NULL)
- if (InitializePolicyList(exception) == MagickFalse)
- return((PolicyInfo *) NULL);
+ if (IsPolicyListInstantiated(exception) == MagickFalse)
+ return((PolicyInfo *) NULL);
if ((name == (const char *) NULL) || (LocaleCompare(name,"*") == 0))
return((PolicyInfo *) GetValueFromLinkedList(policy_list,0));
% %
% %
% %
-+ I n i t i a l i z e P o l i c y L i s t %
++ I s P o l i c y L i s t I n s t a n t i a t e d %
% %
% %
% %
-% InitializePolicyList() initializes the policy list.
+% IsPolicyListInstantiated() determines if the policy list is instantiated.
+% If not, it instantiates the list and returns it.
-% The format of the InitializePolicyList method is:
+% The format of the IsPolicyInstantiated method is:
-% MagickBooleanType InitializePolicyList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+% MagickBooleanType IsPolicyListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
% A description of each parameter follows.
% o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
-static MagickBooleanType InitializePolicyList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+static MagickBooleanType IsPolicyListInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
if (policy_semaphore == (SemaphoreInfo *) NULL)
Forward declarations.
static MagickBooleanType
- InitializeTypeList(ExceptionInfo *),
+ IsTypeTreeInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *),
LoadTypeLists(const char *,ExceptionInfo *);
ExceptionInfo *exception)
assert(exception != (ExceptionInfo *) NULL);
- if (type_list == (SplayTreeInfo *) NULL)
- if (InitializeTypeList(exception) == MagickFalse)
- return((const TypeInfo *) NULL);
+ if (IsTypeTreeInstantiated(exception) == MagickFalse)
+ return((const TypeInfo *) NULL);
if ((name == (const char *) NULL) || (LocaleCompare(name,"*") == 0))
% %
% %
% %
-+ I n i t i a l i z e T y p e L i s t %
++ I s T y p e T r e e I n s t a n t i a t e d %
% %
% %
% %
-% InitializeTypeList() initializes the type list.
+% IsTypeTreeInstantiated() etermines if the type tree is instantiated. If
+% not, it instantiates the tree and returns it.
-% The format of the InitializeTypeList method is:
+% The format of the IsTypeInstantiated method is:
-% MagickBooleanType InitializeTypeList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+% MagickBooleanType IsTypeTreeInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
% A description of each parameter follows.
-static MagickBooleanType InitializeTypeList(ExceptionInfo *exception)
+static MagickBooleanType IsTypeTreeInstantiated(ExceptionInfo *exception)
if (type_semaphore == (SemaphoreInfo *) NULL)