-" Auto-generated Vim syntax file for Python
+" Auto-generated Vim syntax file for Python (trunk: r60376M).
" To use: copy or symlink to ~/.vim/syntax/python.vim
if exists("python_highlight_builtins")
syn keyword pythonBuiltin Ellipsis False None NotImplemented True __debug__
syn keyword pythonBuiltin __import__ abs all any apply basestring bool
- syn keyword pythonBuiltin buffer callable chr classmethod cmp coerce
+ syn keyword pythonBuiltin buffer bytes callable chr classmethod cmp coerce
syn keyword pythonBuiltin compile complex copyright credits delattr dict
syn keyword pythonBuiltin dir divmod enumerate eval execfile exit file
syn keyword pythonBuiltin filter float frozenset getattr globals hasattr
syn keyword pythonBuiltin max min object oct open ord pow property quit
syn keyword pythonBuiltin range raw_input reduce reload repr reversed round
syn keyword pythonBuiltin set setattr slice sorted staticmethod str sum
- syn keyword pythonBuiltin super tuple type unichr unicode vars xrange zip
+ syn keyword pythonBuiltin super trunc tuple type unichr unicode vars xrange
+ syn keyword pythonBuiltin zip
Not necessarily sensical or comprehensive (assume that if one exception is
highlighted that all are, for instance).
-Highlighting extraneous whitespace at the end of the line is not represented
-here as all trailing whitespace is automatically removed from .py files in the
+Extraneous trailing whitespace can't be tested because of svn pre-commit hook
+checks for such things.
# Comment
import exceptions
import __builtin__
from string import Template
+from sys import subversion
-comment_header = '''" Auto-generated Vim syntax file for Python.
+comment_header = '''" Auto-generated Vim syntax file for Python (%s: r%s).
" To use: copy or symlink to ~/.vim/syntax/python.vim'''
def main(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'w') as FILE:
# Comment for file
- print>>FILE, comment_header
+ print>>FILE, comment_header % subversion[1:]
print>>FILE, ''
# Statements at start of file
print>>FILE, statement_header