int i=UCharacter.getIntPropertyValue(ch, UProperty.DECOMPOSITION_TYPE);
- String.format("error: u_getIntPropertyValue(U+%04lx, UCHAR_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE) is wrong", ch),
+ String.format("error: u_getIntPropertyValue(U+%04x, UCHAR_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE) is wrong", ch),
dt, i);
/* Expect Decomposition_Mapping=nfkc.getRawDecomposition(c). */
String mapping=nfkc.getRawDecomposition(ch);
- String.format("error: nfkc.getRawDecomposition(U+%04lx) is wrong", ch),
+ String.format("error: nfkc.getRawDecomposition(U+%04x) is wrong", ch),
dm, mapping);
/* For canonical decompositions only, expect Decomposition_Mapping=nfc.getRawDecomposition(c). */
if(dt!=UCharacter.DecompositionType.CANONICAL) {
- String.format("error: nfc.getRawDecomposition(U+%04lx) is wrong", ch),
+ String.format("error: nfc.getRawDecomposition(U+%04x) is wrong", ch),
dm, mapping);
/* recompose */
int composite=nfc.composePair(a, b);
- "error: nfc U+%04lX decomposes to U+%04lX+U+%04lX "+
- "but does not compose back (instead U+%04lX)",
+ "error: nfc U+%04X decomposes to U+%04X+U+%04X "+
+ "but does not compose back (instead U+%04X)",
ch, a, b, composite),
ch, composite);
// testing iso comment
- try{
- String isocomment = fields[11];
- String comment = UCharacter.getISOComment(ch);
- if (comment == null) {
- comment = "";
- }
- if (!comment.equals(isocomment)) {
- errln("FAIL \\u" + hex(ch) +
- " expected iso comment " + isocomment);
- break;
- }
- }catch(Exception e){
- if(e.getMessage().indexOf("unames.icu") >= 0){
- numErrors++;
- }else{
- throw e;
+ if (fields.length >= 12) {
+ try{
+ String isocomment = fields[11];
+ String comment = UCharacter.getISOComment(ch);
+ if (comment == null) {
+ comment = "";
+ }
+ if (!comment.equals(isocomment)) {
+ errln("FAIL \\u" + hex(ch) +
+ " expected iso comment " + isocomment);
+ break;
+ }
+ }catch(Exception e){
+ if(e.getMessage().indexOf("unames.icu") >= 0){
+ numErrors++;
+ }else{
+ throw e;
+ }
- String upper = fields[12];
- int tempchar = ch;
- if (upper.length() > 0) {
- tempchar = Integer.parseInt(upper, 16);
- }
- if (UCharacter.toUpperCase(ch) != tempchar) {
- errln("FAIL \\u" + Utility.hex(ch, 4)
- + " expected uppercase \\u"
- + Utility.hex(tempchar, 4));
- break;
- }
- String lower = fields[13];
- tempchar = ch;
- if (lower.length() > 0) {
- tempchar = Integer.parseInt(lower, 16);
- }
- if (UCharacter.toLowerCase(ch) != tempchar) {
- errln("FAIL \\u" + Utility.hex(ch, 4)
- + " expected lowercase \\u"
- + Utility.hex(tempchar, 4));
- break;
+ int tempchar;
+ if (fields.length >= 13) {
+ String upper = fields[12];
+ tempchar = ch;
+ if (upper.length() > 0) {
+ tempchar = Integer.parseInt(upper, 16);
+ }
+ if (UCharacter.toUpperCase(ch) != tempchar) {
+ errln("FAIL \\u" + Utility.hex(ch, 4)
+ + " expected uppercase \\u"
+ + Utility.hex(tempchar, 4));
+ break;
+ }
- String title = fields[14];
- tempchar = ch;
- if (title.length() > 0) {
- tempchar = Integer.parseInt(title, 16);
+ if (fields.length >= 14) {
+ String lower = fields[13];
+ tempchar = ch;
+ if (lower.length() > 0) {
+ tempchar = Integer.parseInt(lower, 16);
+ }
+ if (UCharacter.toLowerCase(ch) != tempchar) {
+ errln("FAIL \\u" + Utility.hex(ch, 4)
+ + " expected lowercase \\u"
+ + Utility.hex(tempchar, 4));
+ break;
+ }
- if (UCharacter.toTitleCase(ch) != tempchar) {
- errln("FAIL \\u" + Utility.hex(ch, 4)
- + " expected titlecase \\u"
- + Utility.hex(tempchar, 4));
- break;
+ if (fields.length >= 15) {
+ String title = fields[14];
+ tempchar = ch;
+ if (title.length() > 0) {
+ tempchar = Integer.parseInt(title, 16);
+ }
+ if (UCharacter.toTitleCase(ch) != tempchar) {
+ errln("FAIL \\u" + Utility.hex(ch, 4)
+ + " expected titlecase \\u"
+ + Utility.hex(tempchar, 4));
+ break;
+ }