#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
+#include <oniguruma.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "builtin.h"
+static int f_match_name_iter(const UChar* name, const UChar *name_end, int ngroups,
+ int *groups, regex_t *reg, void *arg) {
+ jv captures = *(jv*)arg;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ngroups; ++i) {
+ jv cap = jv_array_get(jv_copy(captures),groups[i]-1);
+ if (jv_get_kind(cap) == JV_KIND_OBJECT) {
+ cap = jv_object_set(cap, jv_string("name"), jv_string_sized((const char*)name, name_end-name));
+ captures = jv_array_set(captures,groups[i]-1,cap);
+ } else {
+ jv_free(cap);
+ }
+ }
+ *(jv *)arg = captures;
+ return 0;
+static jv f_match(jv input, jv regex, jv modifiers, jv testmode) {
+ int test = jv_equal(testmode, jv_true());
+ jv result;
+ int onigret;
+ int global = 0;
+ regex_t *reg;
+ OnigErrorInfo einfo;
+ OnigRegion* region;
+ jv_free(testmode);
+ if (jv_get_kind(input) != JV_KIND_STRING) {
+ jv_free(regex);
+ jv_free(modifiers);
+ return type_error(input, "cannot be matched, as it is not a string");
+ }
+ if (jv_get_kind(regex) != JV_KIND_STRING) {
+ jv_free(input);
+ jv_free(modifiers);
+ return type_error(regex, "is not a string");
+ }
+ OnigOptionType options = ONIG_OPTION_CAPTURE_GROUP;
+ if (jv_get_kind(modifiers) == JV_KIND_STRING) {
+ jv modarray = jv_string_explode(jv_copy(modifiers));
+ jv_array_foreach(modarray, i, mod) {
+ switch ((int)jv_number_value(mod)) {
+ case 'g':
+ global = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ options |= ONIG_OPTION_EXTEND;
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ break;
+ default:
+ jv_free(input);
+ jv_free(regex);
+ jv_free(modarray);
+ return jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_concat(modifiers,
+ jv_string(" is not a valid modifier string")));
+ }
+ }
+ jv_free(modarray);
+ } else if (jv_get_kind(modifiers) != JV_KIND_NULL) {
+ // If it isn't a string or null, then it is the wrong type...
+ jv_free(input);
+ jv_free(regex);
+ return type_error(modifiers, "is not a string");
+ }
+ jv_free(modifiers);
+ onigret = onig_new(®, (const UChar*)jv_string_value(regex),
+ (const UChar*)(jv_string_value(regex) + jv_string_length_bytes(jv_copy(regex))),
+ if (onigret != ONIG_NORMAL) {
+ onig_error_code_to_str(ebuf, onigret, einfo);
+ jv_free(input);
+ jv_free(regex);
+ return jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_concat(jv_string("Regex failure: "),
+ jv_string((char*)ebuf)));
+ }
+ if (!test)
+ result = jv_array();
+ const char *input_string = jv_string_value(input);
+ const UChar* start = (const UChar*)jv_string_value(input);
+ const unsigned long length = jv_string_length_bytes(jv_copy(input));
+ const UChar* end = start + length;
+ region = onig_region_new();
+ do {
+ onigret = onig_search(reg,
+ (const UChar*)jv_string_value(input), end, /* string boundaries */
+ start, end, /* search boundaries */
+ region, ONIG_OPTION_NONE);
+ if (onigret >= 0) {
+ if (test) {
+ result = jv_true();
+ break;
+ }
+ // Zero-width match
+ if (region->end[0] == region->beg[0]) {
+ unsigned long idx;
+ const char *fr = (const char*)input_string;
+ for (idx = 0; fr != input_string+region->beg[0]; idx++) {
+ fr += jvp_utf8_decode_length(*fr);
+ }
+ jv match = jv_object_set(jv_object(), jv_string("offset"), jv_number(idx));
+ match = jv_object_set(match, jv_string("length"), jv_number(0));
+ match = jv_object_set(match, jv_string("string"), jv_string(""));
+ match = jv_object_set(match, jv_string("captures"), jv_array());
+ result = jv_array_append(result, match);
+ start += 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ unsigned long idx;
+ unsigned long len;
+ const char *fr = (const char*)input_string;
+ for (idx = len = 0; fr != input_string+region->end[0]; len++) {
+ if (fr == input_string+region->beg[0]) idx = len, len=0;
+ fr += jvp_utf8_decode_length(*fr);
+ }
+ jv match = jv_object_set(jv_object(), jv_string("offset"), jv_number(idx));
+ unsigned long blen = region->end[0]-region->beg[0];
+ match = jv_object_set(match, jv_string("length"), jv_number(len));
+ match = jv_object_set(match, jv_string("string"), jv_string_sized(input_string+region->beg[0],blen));
+ jv captures = jv_array();
+ for (int i = 1; i < region->num_regs; ++i) {
+ // Empty capture.
+ if (region->beg[i] == region->end[i]) {
+ // Didn't match.
+ jv cap;
+ if (region->beg[i] == -1) {
+ cap = jv_object_set(jv_object(), jv_string("offset"), jv_number(-1));
+ cap = jv_object_set(cap, jv_string("string"), jv_null());
+ } else {
+ fr = input_string;
+ for (idx = 0; fr != input_string+region->beg[i]; idx++) {
+ fr += jvp_utf8_decode_length(*fr);
+ }
+ cap = jv_object_set(jv_object(), jv_string("offset"), jv_number(idx));
+ cap = jv_object_set(cap, jv_string("string"), jv_string(""));
+ }
+ cap = jv_object_set(cap, jv_string("length"), jv_number(0));
+ cap = jv_object_set(cap, jv_string("name"), jv_null());
+ captures = jv_array_append(captures, cap);
+ continue;
+ }
+ fr = input_string;
+ for (idx = len = 0; fr != input_string+region->end[i]; len++) {
+ if (fr == input_string+region->beg[i]) idx = len, len=0;
+ fr += jvp_utf8_decode_length(*fr);
+ }
+ blen = region->end[i]-region->beg[i];
+ jv cap = jv_object_set(jv_object(), jv_string("offset"), jv_number(idx));
+ cap = jv_object_set(cap, jv_string("length"), jv_number(len));
+ cap = jv_object_set(cap, jv_string("string"), jv_string_sized(input_string+region->beg[i],blen));
+ cap = jv_object_set(cap, jv_string("name"), jv_null());
+ captures = jv_array_append(captures,cap);
+ }
+ onig_foreach_name(reg,f_match_name_iter,&captures);
+ match = jv_object_set(match, jv_string("captures"), captures);
+ result = jv_array_append(result, match);
+ start = (const UChar*)(input_string+region->end[0]);
+ onig_region_free(region,0);
+ } else if (onigret == ONIG_MISMATCH) {
+ if (test)
+ result = jv_false();
+ break;
+ } else { /* Error */
+ onig_error_code_to_str(ebuf, onigret, einfo);
+ jv_free(result);
+ result = jv_invalid_with_msg(jv_string_concat(jv_string("Regex failure: "),
+ jv_string((char*)ebuf)));
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (global && start != end);
+ onig_region_free(region,1);
+ region = NULL;
+ if (region)
+ onig_region_free(region,1);
+ onig_free(reg);
+ jv_free(input);
+ jv_free(regex);
+ return result;
static jv minmax_by(jv values, jv keys, int is_min) {
if (jv_get_kind(values) != JV_KIND_ARRAY)
return type_error2(values, keys, "cannot be iterated over");
{(cfunction_ptr)f_error, "error", 2},
{(cfunction_ptr)f_format, "format", 2},
{(cfunction_ptr)f_env, "env", 1},
+ {(cfunction_ptr)f_match, "_match_impl", 4},
#undef LIBM_DD
"def flatten: reduce .[] as $i ([]; if $i | type == \"array\" then . + ($i | flatten) else . + [$i] end);",
"def flatten(x): reduce .[] as $i ([]; if $i | type == \"array\" and x > 0 then . + ($i | flatten(x-1)) else . + [$i] end);",
"def range(x): range(0;x);",
+ "def match(re; mode): _match_impl(re; mode; false)|.[];",
+ "def match(val): if val | type == \"string\" then match(val; null) elif val | type == \"array\" and (val | length) > 1 then match(val[0]; val[1]) elif val | type == \"array\" and (val | length > 0) then match(val[0]; null) else error((val | type) + \" not a string or array\") end;",
+ "def test(re; mode): _match_impl(re; mode; true);",
+ "def test(val): if val |type == \"string\" then test(val; null) elif val | type == \"array\" and (val | length) > 1 then test(val[0]; val[1]) elif val | type == \"array\" and (val | length > 0) then test(val[0]; null) else error((val | type) + \" not a string or array\") end;",
+// "def test(re): _match(re; null; 1);",
#undef LIBM_DD
input: '["foobar", "barfoo"]'
output: ['[false, true, true, false, false]']
+ - title: "`match(val)`, `match(regex; modifiers)`"
+ body: |
+ The filter `match(val)` performs PCRE regex matching on its input.
+ `val` can be either a string or an array. If it is an array,
+ the first element is the regex specifier and the optional
+ second element is the modifier flags.
+ The accepted modifier flags are:
+ * `g` - Global search (find all matches, not just the first)
+ * `i` - Case insensitive search
+ * `x` - Extended regex format (ignore whitespaces)
+ * `m` - Multi line mode ('.' will match newlines)
+ * `s` - Single line mode ('^' -> '\A', '$' -> '\Z')
+ * `p` - Both s and m modes are enabled
+ * `l` - Find longest possible matches
+ * `n` - Ignore empty matches
+ The filter outputs an object for each match it finds. Matches have
+ the following fields:
+ * `offset` - offset in UTF-8 codepoints from the beginning of the input
+ * `length` - length in UTF-8 codepoints of the match
+ * `string` - the string that it matched
+ * `captures` - an array of objects representing capturing groups.
+ Capturing group objects have the following fields:
+ * `offset` - offset in UTF-8 codepoints from the beginning of the input
+ * `length` - length in UTF-8 codepoints of this capturing group
+ * `string` - the string that was captured
+ * `name` - the name of the capturing group (or `null` if it was unnamed)
+ Capturing groups that did not match anything return an offset of -1
+ examples:
+ - program: 'match("(abc)+"; "g")'
+ input: '"abc abc"'
+ output:
+ - '{"offset": 0, "length": 3, "string": "abc", "captures": [{"offset": 0, "length": 3, "string": "abc", "name": null}]}'
+ - '{"offset": 4, "length": 3, "string": "abc", "captures": [{"offset": 4, "length": 3, "string": "abc", "name": null}]}'
+ - program: 'match("foo")'
+ input: '"foo bar foo"'
+ output: ['{"offset": 0, "length": 3, "string": "foo", "captures": []}']
+ - program: 'match(["foo", "ig"])'
+ input: '"foo bar FOO"'
+ output:
+ - '{"offset": 0, "length": 3, "string": "foo", "captures": []}'
+ - '{"offset": 8, "length": 3, "string": "FOO", "captures": []}'
+ - program: 'match("foo (?<bar123>bar)? foo"; "ig")'
+ input: '"foo bar foo foo foo"'
+ output:
+ - '{"offset": 0, "length": 11, "string": "foo bar foo", "captures": [{"offset": 4, "length": 3, "string": "bar", "name": "bar123"}]}'
+ - '{"offset": 12, "length": 8, "string": "foo foo", "captures": [{"offset": -1, "length": 0, "string": null, "name": "bar123"}]}'
+ - title: "`test(val)`, `test(regex)`, `test(regex; modifiers)`"
+ body: |
+ Like `match`, but does not return match objects, only `true` or `false`
+ for whether or not the regex matches the input.
+ examples:
+ - program: 'test("foo")'
+ input: '"foo"'
+ output: ['true']
+ - program: 'test("foo"; "i")'
+ input: '"Foo"'
+ output: ['true']
+ - program: 'test("foo")'
+ input: '"bar"'
+ output: ['false']
- title: "`ltrimstr(str)`"
body: |
["fo", "foo", "barfoo", "foobar", "barfoob"]
[false, true, true, false, false]
+# match builtin
+[match("( )*"; "g")]
+[{"offset":0, "length":0, "string":"", "captures":[]},{"offset":1, "length":0, "string":"", "captures":[]},{"offset":2, "length":0, "string":"", "captures":[]}]
+[match("( )*"; "gn")]
+[match("a"; "gi")]
+"foo bar"
+[{"offset": 4, "length": 3, "string": "bar", "captures":[{"offset": 4, "length": 3, "string": "bar", "name": null}]}]
+# offsets account for combining codepoints and multi-byte UTF-8
+"ā bar with a combining codepoint U+0304"
+[{"offset": 3, "length": 3, "string": "bar", "captures":[]}]
+# matches with combining codepoints still count them in their length
+"a bār"
+[{"offset": 2, "length": 4, "string": "bār", "captures":[]}]
+"ā two-codepoint grapheme"
+[{"offset": 0, "length": 2, "string": "ā", "captures":[]}]
+[match(["foo (?<bar123>bar)? foo", "ig"])]
+"foo bar foo foo foo"
+[{"offset": 0, "length": 11, "string": "foo bar foo", "captures":[{"offset": 4, "length": 3, "string": "bar", "name": "bar123"}]},{"offset":12, "length": 8, "string": "foo foo", "captures":[{"offset": -1, "length": 0, "string": null, "name": "bar123"}]}]
+#test builtin
+[test("( )*"; "gn")]
["fo", "foo", "barfoo", "foobar", "afoo"]
[0, [1, [2]], [1, [[3], 2]]]
-[0, 1, 2, 1, [3], 2]
\ No newline at end of file
+[0, 1, 2, 1, [3], 2]