Parameter | Description
+ Common name (CN) | **Optional.** Specified with the `--cn` parameter. By convention this should be the host's FQDN.
Request ticket | **Required.** Add the previously generated [ticket number](
Trusted master certicate | **Required.** Add the previously fetched trusted master certificate (this step means that you've verified its origin).
Master endpoint | **Required.** Specify the master's endpoint name.
[root@icinga2-client1.localdomain /]# icinga2 node setup --ticket ead2d570e18c78abf285d6b85524970a0f69c22d \
+ --cn icinga2-client1.localdomain \
--endpoint icinga2-master1.localdomain \
--zone icinga2-client1.localdomain \
--master_host icinga2-master1.localdomain \