dict_add_number(dict, "winid", wp->w_id);
dict_add_number(dict, "height", wp->w_height);
dict_add_number(dict, "winrow", wp->w_winrow + 1);
+ dict_add_number(dict, "topline", wp->w_topline);
+ dict_add_number(dict, "botline", wp->w_botline - 1);
#ifdef FEAT_MENU
dict_add_number(dict, "winbar", wp->w_winbar_height);
delfunc Fun_RenewFile
+func Test_relative_cursor_position_in_one_line_window()
+ new
+ only
+ call setline(1, range(1, 10000))
+ normal 50%
+ let lnum = getcurpos()[1]
+ split
+ split
+ " make third window take as many lines as possible, other windows will
+ " become one line
+ 3wincmd w
+ for i in range(1, &lines - 6)
+ wincmd +
+ redraw!
+ endfor
+ " first and second window should show cursor line
+ let wininfo = getwininfo()
+ call assert_equal(lnum, wininfo[0].topline)
+ call assert_equal(lnum, wininfo[1].topline)
+ only!
+ bwipe!
+func Test_relative_cursor_position_after_move_and_resize()
+ let so_save = &so
+ set so=0
+ enew
+ call setline(1, range(1, 10000))
+ normal 50%
+ split
+ 1wincmd w
+ " Move cursor to first line in window
+ normal H
+ redraw!
+ " Reduce window height to two lines
+ let height = winheight(0)
+ while winheight(0) > 2
+ wincmd -
+ redraw!
+ endwhile
+ " move cursor to second/last line in window
+ normal j
+ " restore previous height
+ while winheight(0) < height
+ wincmd +
+ redraw!
+ endwhile
+ " make window two lines again
+ while winheight(0) > 2
+ wincmd -
+ redraw!
+ endwhile
+ " cursor should be at bottom line
+ let info = getwininfo(win_getid())[0]
+ call assert_equal(info.topline + 1, getcurpos()[1])
+ only!
+ bwipe!
+ let &so = so_save
+func Test_relative_cursor_position_after_resize()
+ let so_save = &so
+ set so=0
+ enew
+ call setline(1, range(1, 10000))
+ normal 50%
+ split
+ 1wincmd w
+ let winid1 = win_getid()
+ let info = getwininfo(winid1)[0]
+ " Move cursor to second line in window
+ exe "normal " . (info.topline + 1) . "G"
+ redraw!
+ let lnum = getcurpos()[1]
+ " Make the window only two lines high, cursor should end up in top line
+ 2wincmd w
+ exe (info.height - 2) . "wincmd +"
+ redraw!
+ let info = getwininfo(winid1)[0]
+ call assert_equal(lnum, info.topline)
+ only!
+ bwipe!
+ let &so = so_save
+func Test_relative_cursor_second_line_after_resize()
+ let so_save = &so
+ set so=0
+ enew
+ call setline(1, range(1, 10000))
+ normal 50%
+ split
+ 1wincmd w
+ let winid1 = win_getid()
+ let info = getwininfo(winid1)[0]
+ " Make the window only two lines high
+ 2wincmd _
+ " Move cursor to second line in window
+ normal H
+ normal j
+ " Make window size bigger, then back to 2 lines
+ for i in range(1, 10)
+ wincmd +
+ redraw!
+ endfor
+ for i in range(1, 10)
+ wincmd -
+ redraw!
+ endfor
+ " cursor should end up in bottom line
+ let info = getwininfo(winid1)[0]
+ call assert_equal(info.topline + 1, getcurpos()[1])
+ only!
+ bwipe!
+ let &so = so_save
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
set_fraction(win_T *wp)
if (wp->w_height > 1)
+ // When cursor is in the first line the percentage is computed as if
+ // it's halfway that line. Thus with two lines it is 25%, with three
+ // lines 17%, etc. Similarly for the last line: 75%, 83%, etc.
wp->w_fraction = ((long)wp->w_wrow * FRACTION_MULT
- + wp->w_height / 2) / (long)wp->w_height;
+ + FRACTION_MULT / 2) / (long)wp->w_height;
int sline, line_size;
int height = wp->w_height;
- /* Don't change w_topline when height is zero. Don't set w_topline when
- * 'scrollbind' is set and this isn't the current window. */
+ // Don't change w_topline when height is zero. Don't set w_topline when
+ // 'scrollbind' is set and this isn't the current window.
if (height > 0 && (!wp->w_p_scb || wp == curwin))
lnum = wp->w_cursor.lnum;
if (lnum < 1) /* can happen when starting up */
lnum = 1;
- wp->w_wrow = ((long)wp->w_fraction * (long)height - 1L
+ wp->w_wrow = ((long)wp->w_fraction * (long)height - 1L)
line_size = plines_win_col(wp, lnum, (long)(wp->w_cursor.col)) - 1;
sline = wp->w_wrow - line_size;
- set_topline(wp, lnum);
else if (sline > 0)
else if (sline > 0)
- /* First line of file reached, use that as topline. */
+ // First line of file reached, use that as topline.
lnum = 1;
wp->w_wrow -= sline;
- set_topline(wp, lnum);
+ set_topline(wp, lnum);
if (wp == curwin)