move the fixes entry for this from 35.0 to 34.2 since the fix got
inserted into the 3.4.2 source and is not detrimental to the branch.
several sit-in-trap cases were unreachable
curse candelabrum in bones, like other similar artifacts
detecting a trap in a chest while confused should not exercise wisdom
+any golem statue hit with stone-to-flesh spell animates as flesh golem
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
expert fireball/cone of cold could not target a monster seen only with
infravision or ESP
display "lotus juice", not "lotu juice" for the fruit juice name
-any golem statue hit with stone-to-flesh spell animates as flesh golem
only humanoid angelic minions should get/use sword and armor
paper, straw and wood golems resist cold
the options lootabc, showrace, travelcmd, and runmode are now saved